Praxis Seminar: Research Colloquium in Practical Philosophy 2023/2024 -Alexander Neumann, University of Paris 8 "Pegasus at the Beach. The Association of Empirical Research and Critical Concepts"

Praxis Seminar: Research Colloquium in Practical Philosophy 2023/2024 -Alexander Neumann, University of Paris 8 "Pegasus at the Beach. The Association of Empirical Research and Critical Concepts"

21 maio 2024 17:00 - 19:00

Data: 21 de Maio de 2024 | 17h00-19h00

Local: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa | Sala Mattos Romão

Organização: CFUL - PRAXIS

Mais informações: | CFUL - PRAXIS

Inscrição: Até à véspera de cada sessão

research colloquiumThe Praxis Seminar — Research Colloquium in Practical Philosophy is the main research seminar of the Practical Philosophy Research Group. Meetings are held every Tuesday throughout the academic year. The Praxis Seminar hosts lectures and presentations given by local and foreign scholars especially invited to present their most recent work. It is conceived as a forum for philosophical discussion of topics with a cross-cutting perspective, promoting an enriching environment for academic exchange.

Pegasus at the Beach. The Association of Empirical Research and Critical Concepts
21 May 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon


I intend to discuss the situation of the Frankfurt Critical Theory today, one century after the foundation of the famous Institute, in 1923. In particular, I would like to examine the dialectical relationship between experiences and concepts (such as empirical research and conceptual findings) which defines the very meaning of Critical Theory. Various concepts have emerged from this process, such as : unreglemetierte Erfahrung, Kulturindustrie, Gegenöffentlichkeit (unregulated experiences, Culture Industry, the oppositional public sphere). This kind of approach – connecting experiences and concepts under the leitmotiv Arbeit am Begriff – might be resumed througout the title: “Pegasus at the beach. The association of empirical research and critical concepts”.