On this page you will find information about initiatives that the School of Arts and Humanities has been developing to support Ukrainian refugees.
вітаємо! | Vitaemo! Humanitarian Emergency - Ukraine | Support Initiatives by the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon
The School of Arts and Humanities participates in all humanitarian initiatives developed within the framework of the University of Lisbon, with the aim of mitigating the suffering of the displaced Ukrainian population. In addition, it also offers several support initiatives specifically aimed at Ukrainian students, professors and researchers in the Humanities, who are displaced in Lisbon.
The School of Arts and Humanities team is coordinated by the Associate Dean, Dr. Alexandra Assis Rosa; Ms Luísa Simão is in charge of the secretariat. The support offered by the School of Arts and Humanities relies on the cooperation of faculty staff and students, and on initiatives by departments and outreach units, such as the Institute for Portuguese Language and Culture (ICLP) or the Foreign Language Training Centre (CLI); it also relies on the help provided by volunteers. In some cases, this support is only made possible thanks to the financial support provided by the Association for the Development of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (ADFLUL).
The School of Arts and Humanities offers the following support:
- scientific guidance and counseling to students wishing to attend courses at the School of Arts and Humanities. This support is offered by means of an initial interview with the Director of the intended Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree course, the assignment of a Tutor (Professor) and a Mentor (Student);
- special administrative processing of student admission requests for the 2022/2023 academic year, through the creation of a specific channel in the Academic Services Unit,
with the support of the Rectory ULisboa; - training in Portuguese as a foreign language (A1 to C2 of the CEFR), by means of courses offered by the Institute for Portuguese Culture and Language (ICLP), with the support of ADFLUL.
To request support from the School of Arts and Humanities, please send a message to: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ukrainian HEI Students of Arts and Humanities | 5-step process
First step: submission of request for temporary protection to the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (SEF), also requesting the status of student in emergency situations for humanitarian reasons.
Second step: submission of an application to enroll in the Arts and Humanities course bearing the closes resemblance to the one you were attending in Ukraine. The application should be emailed to the Rectory of ULisboa: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Third step: analysis of academic qualifications, certificates, or transcripts, conducted by the School of Arts and Humanities. In undocumented situations, the School either conducts interviews, tests, analysis of transcripts taken from institutional websites, among other procedures deemed appropriate by the institution; or resorts to the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees.
Fourth step: enrollment in the Humanities course which most resembles the one attended in Ukraine (same academic level and equivalent education); or enrollment in isolated course units; recommendation for training in Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Higher Education Students who are in a situation of humanitarian emergency are guaranteed exceptional equivalence to national students for the purposes of payment of tuition fees; at ULisboa, students in a situation of humanitarian emergency do not have to pay administrative fees.
Fifth step: application for a scholarship (if necessary), by filling out the Scholarship Application Form (Candidatura a bolsa de estudos), with the login and password provided by the Higher Education Institution. General deadline: until September 30. Deadline for applications after September 30: 20 days after enrolment; or until May 31 of the academic year itself. Students in emergency situations for humanitarian reasons may also be granted access to university canteen meals, accommodation and health services.
Further information
- Reception and humanitarian and logistic support offered to the academic community organized by the University of Lisbon: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. | Further information here
- Reception, humanitarian, and logistic support organized by the City Council of Lisbon, Task-force SOS Ukraine: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. | Support line: +351 800 910 111 (9h-13h, 14h-19h, Monday to Sunday) | Further information here
- Support to Ukrainian refugee students in Portugal, who wish to pursue studies at Bachelor, Master, PhD level Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies (RRM) - NGO Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies | Application | Expression of Interest form
- Support for refugee faculty staff and researchers in Portugal who wish be integrated in academic activities | Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies (RRM) - NGO Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies: Application | Expression of Interest form
- Information on integration into the Portuguese education system, Portuguese Directorate General for Education, DGES, regarding:
- Temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees - Access to Portuguese Higher Education
- Student status in emergency situations for humanitarian reasons
- Social Support in Higher Education
- Recognition of academic degrees and diplomas
Portuguese legal framework for temporary protection, support, recognition of professional qualifications
- Decreto-Lei n.º 24-B/2022 de 11 de março | Exceptional measures for temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens
- Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 29-A/2022 | Exceptional measures for temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens Exceptional measures for temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens
- Despacho n.º 3597/2022 | Exceptional measures for temporay protection for Ukrainian HEI students
- Decreto-Lei n.º 28-A/2022 | Support for Ukrainian families and companies
- Decreto-Lei n.º 28-B/2022 | Recognition of professional qualifications of Ukrainian citizens granted temporary protection
Free Portuguese course for refugees from Ukraine
21 March 2022
The Centre for Slavic Languages and Cultures of the School of Arts and Humanities of the Universidade de Lisboa, with the support of the Institute for Portuguese Language and Culture of the same Faculty, will offer an introductory course in Portuguese for Refugees from Ukraine, in solidarity with the victims of the war that has also brought many citizens of this country to Portugal.
The course is free of charge and will be given by teachers from the School of Arts and Humanities of the Universidade de Lisboa, on a voluntary basis, at the Faculty's premises.
This short SOS Portuguese Initiation Training aims to provide students, in a short period of time, with linguistic skills that will allow them to feel more integrated in a new country. The thematic and grammatical contents will thus be adapted to this population and the situation in which they live. It is, therefore, a practical course of linguistic support for a first contact with the host language.
The classes will start on 28 March, with a total duration of 24 hours. Each session will last 90 minutes and classes will have between 10 and 25 students. The course schedule will be:
- Tuesdays from 5pm to 6.30pm;
- Wednesdays from 3.30pm to 5pm and from 5pm to 6.30pm;
- Thursdays from 5pm to 6.30pm.
Applications are open now and should be made on the ICLP website.
For more information, please contact the Centre for Slavic Languages and Cultures of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..
Souce: ICLP
Universidade de Lisboa initiatives
Requests for hospitality, humanitarian and logistical support to the academic community should be directed to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
For more information about ULisboa's initiatives, please visit: https://www.ulisboa.pt/noticia/apoio-da-ulisboa-ao-povo-ucraniano
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Lisbon City Hall initiatives
Lisbon City Hall has several initiatives to support Ukrainian refugee families in Lisbon.
Helplibe: +351 800 910 111
Schedule: 9ap-1pm | 2pm to 7pm (Monday to Sunday)
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
More informations: https://www.lisboa.pt/lisboa-com-a-ucrania
Portuguese State initiatives
The Portugal for Ukraine platform includes information on all the initiatives developed by the Portuguese State to provide humanitarian support and contribute to the integration and reception of displaced persons in Portugal.
Those interested in signing up as volunteers to provide support can register by sending an email to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Contacts for those who need help
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Phone: +351218106191 | 808257257
Contact for volunteer registration
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
More information: https://portugalforukraine.gov.pt/
Other initiatives
Academic Opportunities in Portugal for Students, Researchers, Scholars from Ukraine
The Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies (RRM) has been set up to deliver more, better and faster academic opportunities in crisis situations.
Working closely with higher education institutions, networks of laboratories and research centres in Portugal, RRM is now geared to offer academic opportunities to students/researchers and scholars from Ukraine.
If you would like to apply for the upcoming academic year 2022-2023, fill in this Expression of Interest form.
Further information: Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies (RRM)
Org. Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies (NGO based in Portugal)