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The School of Arts and Humanities offers every year a very wide-ranging and diverse number of BA courses. This enables most students to build their own individual paths. Some curricula include a high number of elective courses, both closed-list electives (courses to choose from a set list of courses) and open-electives (courses to choose from all BA courses on offer at the School of Arts and Humanities and, in some cases, even at other Schools of the University of Lisbon). Some BA programs also enable the combination of selected courses into Majors (10 closed-list electives) and Minors (5 closed-list electives).


To design your individual path and prepare for online registration, make sure to consider the following steps:


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If you have doubts about customizing your path, you can ask for the advice or help of Directors of Undergraduate Studies, Faculty Tutors, Faculty in general, Student Mentors and our Staff at the Registrar’s.


Over 1,400 Courses on offer every Academic Year

Students in the School of Arts and Humanities have a very wide range of courses and classes to choose from so they can build their own individual paths. Some BA programs allow students to arrange courses into Majors and Minors (please refer to BA program curricula). Most courses are offered every year, sometimes in both semesters; however, a few courses may be offered only every other year or even at larger intervals. Before enrollment, students should identify the list of courses on offer for that academic year. They should also check course and class descriptions, as well as class schedules.

Course Descriptions and Class Descriptions

To make it easier for students to select their own courses, this page includes a generic course description for each BA course.

Since the same BA course is often offered in several different sections taught by different faculty, the actual class descriptions ("Programa de Turma") may vary for the same course ("Unidade Curricular"). Students are, therefore, advised to check both generic course descriptions and the more specific class descriptions on offer each semester.

Course and class descriptions are published online at the Fenix platform course page. Course and class descriptions are available in open access.

Language of Instruction

The language of instruction at the School of Arts and Humanities is generally Portuguese. Assignments for assessment may be submitted in English (by faculty consent); some classes may be taught in English; and, if the number of international and mobility students enrolled in a class makes it advisable, the language of instruction may be switched from Portuguese to English.

With the exception of foreign language courses, class descriptions are written in the actual language of instruction, i.e., the language that will be used in class (Portuguese or English).


Undergraduate units taught in English

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Code: FIL2.34261


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of philosophical questions about the aesthetic experience, aesthetic judgements and the nature of art.

Aesthetics of the City

Code: LAC2.62236


Objectives: Aquisição de conhecimentos quanto aos modos de entender e representar a grande cidade do século XIX à contemporaneidade.

Africa in the World — International Relations

Code: HIS2.51271


Objectives: Familiarize students with the international relations of  the African continent. Students should be familiar with the major African IR issues, Africa's strategic potential and critically interpret the action of both local and foreign powers.
Enable students to develop research skills to analyze African IR issues and to perform written and oral presentation of their research results.

Africa in the World — International Relations

Code: HIS2.58776


Objectives: Familiarize students with the international relations of  the African continent. Students should be familiar with the major African IR issues, Africa's strategic potential and critically interpret the action of both local and foreign powers.
Enable students to develop research skills to analyze African IR issues and to perform written and oral presentation of their research results.

African Cinema

Code: LAC2.62326


Objectives: Emergence of cinema in Africa in different colonial contexts (countries of French, English and Portuguese languages) and respective repercussions, after independence, in the production and distribution of cinema in African countries and in the creation of a national cinema. Study of the simultaneous birth of the Nation, Literature and Cinema in Portuguese-speaking African countries.
Genre ambiguity: narrative pedagogy of documentary and short story. Recreations: from writing to film, from film to writing. Some themes: Colonial Memory, History, Tradition and Modernity, Civil War.

African Island Literatures

Code: LAC2.57323


Objectives: Island literatures from Cape-Verde and São Tome and Principe, not excluding, however, the possibility of contemplating Indian Ocean Island literatures: Malagasy, Comorian and Mauritian literatures in a comparative perspective. Thus, the objectives of this course are: problematizing the binomial Island literature/Continental literature based on Creoleness and Africanness dimensions; analyzing the modalities of Islandness, the construction of Creole ambivalent identities; understanding the steps of emergence of the literary systems of Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe; identifying the dynamics of these literary systems in the colonial period and the subsequent internalization of the look in the post-colonial period.

African Language I — Changana I

Code: TSO1.920078


Objectives: Changana is a Bantu language widely spoken in southern Africa, namely in Mozambique and in some regions of South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe as well. As a course unit, Changana I provides a broad set of basic skills to understand the functioning of Bantu languages which are of a binding nature, from a comparative approach to Portuguese.

African Language II — Changana II

Code: TSO1.920079


Objectives: Changana II aims to develop basics and intermediate communication and writing skills through the analysis of linguistic topics, centered on the grammar of the language such as syntax, morphology, morphosyntax, semantics and the analysis of oral and written nature texts. The student should, in general, learn vocabulary and construct phrases which allow the production of oral and written texts.

African Language III — Changana III

Code: TSO2.920585


Objectives: Changana III course provides a wide range of knowledge at the advanced intermediate level, giving priority to the previous levels (Changana I and II). It is a phase of development and consolidation of communication and writing in which the student puts his knowledge into practice. At the end of this course, the student should be able to: build discursive structures on a given topic; communicate on various daily subjects and write texts on different topics.

African Language IV — Changana IV

Code: TSO2.920586


Objectives: Changana IV is addressed to the students who intend to deepen and consolidate knowledge acquired at the previous levels (I, II and III). At this level, students will analyze, interpret, and produce oral and written texts of different genres and communicate fluently in simple daily to daily situations.

African Linguistics

Code: LIN2.85552


Objectives: This course deals with (socio)linguistic aspects of the contemporary African linguistic landscape, deepening, on the one hand, topics such as linguistic diversity and vitality and the societal status of African languages ​​and, on the other hand, topics related to their phylogenetic classification and their linguistic and typological features, with a focus on the Bantu languages​.

African Literature in Portuguese

Code: LAC2.97392


Objectives: An introductory course that establishes chronologies for the development of African literature in a colonial and post-colonial context, from the 19th to the 21st century. The conditions for implementing the Press and Teaching as fundamental bases for the publication of the first African works are analyzed. The cultural frameworks of the early 20th century that contributed to the emergence of African literatures are established. The main phases and themes of Portuguese-speaking African literatures are defined, in insular and continental spaces until independence. Themes of denunciation of the colonial situation, of national affirmation and works that are fundamental for the development of new contemporary writings.

African Literatures and Cultures

Code: LAC2.57270


Objectives: This course aims at introducing students into the knowledge of Africa questioning the fact that, even not being studied as the dark continent, Africa remains a field of ideological and epistemological disputes. The intricacies of the transformative impact of colonialism in Africa are analyzed in a cultural context. The subjects cover issues of historical, political, institutional, cultural, aesthetic, religious, and philosophical linguistic nature, considering common aspects of the complex diversity of African cultures, such as the so-called conflict between modernity and tradition, the “Afropolitan” modernity, as well as the insertion of Africa in the contemporary world. Lliterary texts are analyzed from a cultural perspective.

African Migrations

Code: HIS2.24686


Objectives: This course unit aims to introduce Concepts, instruments and framework of African migrations Understanding the fundamentals of the main currents of theoretical approach. Acquire knowledge about the political and cultural movements developed in different diaspora and its subsequent impact on the debate about the cultural transnational movements. 

An Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatic

Code: HIS1.77610


Objectives: This discipline has the aim of introducing students to the learning of research in primary sources, by co-ordinating two programme contents. On one hand, Palaeography at its most basic and practical level, i.e., reading legal documents drafted in Portuguese between the late 13th and the late 15th centuries. On the other hand, Diplomatic as the critical analysis of the formal structure of the said documents. 

Analysis of the DramaticText

Code: LAC2.97623


Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to develop conceptual and methodological skills so to be able to study dramatic texts. Students are expected to acquire and develop knowledge on the theories involved in writing for theatre. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to expand their research and organizational skills, as well as the ability to reflect upon the knowledge acquired. Therefore, they will have the opportunity to develop their speaking and writing skills, as well as their ability to apply the critical and essayistic skills learned throughout the semester to the acquired notions and concepts. 

Ancient Hispania: Epigraphy and Society

Code: HIS2.76287


Objectives: History of Ancient Hispania aims to study the methodology, sources and historiographical problems of the pre-Roman world and the Romanization of the Iberian Peninsula, based on the diversity of the sources: the information provided by the classical literature, the epigraphic documentation, and the archaeological data.

Ancient and Imperial China

Code: HIS2.78655


Objectives: Learning outcomes: this course provides an introduction to recent historiographical trends. Survey of Chinese Cultural History from ancient times to the 14th century with a special emphasis on primary sources (in English translation). By the end of the semester students are expected to have obtained fundamental knowledge about China from ancient times to the 14th century. The critical analysis and discussion of texts in class further aims to foster students’ ability to develop an informed, consistent and independent way of thinking. Syllabus: introduction to recent historiographical trends. Survey of cultural, political and institutional developments of ancient China until the founding of the Empire. Cultural History of Imperial China: the Qin-Han periods, Three Kingdoms and Nan-Bei Chao Periods, Sui and Tang Empires, Alien Regimes in China, The Song Dynasties and their Precursors, the Rise of the Mongolian Empire in China.

Ancient Metaphysics

Code: FIL2.920588


In Ancient Metaphysics, we shall study the origin, in ancient western philosophy, of the question: what is there?
An initial overview from a selection of texts from the Presocratics, will  lead us to focus on Plato and the dialogue that his views about ontology  trigger with Aristotle and the Hellenistic philosophers. 

Ancient Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920221


Objectives: This course aims to provide updated information on the most significant philosophical moments of ancient philosophy, namely the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Hellenistic and Imperial philosophy and Neo-Platonism, and to encourage research on the main philosophical problems emerging in this period, as well as to promote knowledge of its chief philosophical texts.

Angolan Literature

Code: LAC2.99142


Objectives: This course aims at deepening the knowledge of contemporary Angolan literature, without neglecting the most representative writers from the different periods of formation of the system. To this end, it is important to know the process of formation of a native elite, with its intellectual production and the nativist (Angolan) criterion that determined this autonomist cultural effervescence since the mid-19th century, through the study of cultural and aesthetic movements in which successive generations of writers are formed. The 2nd moment of the course is the study of the dynamics of the internalization of the reflective gaze in the post-colonial period, from which arises the multiplicity of views on the country.

Anthropology and Culture

Code: FIL2.56026


Objectives: To know the main conceptions about the human being in Indian, Chinese, Hebrew, African, Greek, Christian, Islamic, modern and contemporary cultures. 

Anthropology and Performing Arts

Code: FIL2.98003


Objectives: The experience of "becoming other" as a work of art. From pretence to collective delirium. The condemnation of Dionysian rituals in the origins of Greek theatre. The phenomenon of the persecution of witches and their delirium in the origins of modern theatre.

Art in Italy

Code: LAC2.920623


Objectives: To provide students with the skill to identify artistic and aesthetic fenomena in association with their specific historical, cultural and social contexts. To stimulate critical thinking in the appreciation of the works, authors and styles of Italian dimension. To provide students with the independent understanding of authors with artistic, aesthetic and ideological relevance. To foster the acquisition and development of knowledge on the evolution of art in Italy in relation to the rest of Europe. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Art from Neoclassicism to Naturalism in Portugal

Code: HIS2.920564


Objectives: Develop the knowledge of different artistic movements expressed between 1850 and 1970’s, through the analysis of the main works and their characteristic features. Exercise the descriptive, analytical and critical skills on the selected works, and confront them with different interpretative models and its international peers.

Art from Neoclassicism to Post-Impressionism

Code: HIS2.920565


Objectives: Develop the knowledge of different artistic movements expressed between 1900 and 1960’s through the analysis of the main art works and their characteristic features. Exercise the descriptive, analytical and critical skills on the selected works, and confront them with different interpretative models.

Art History Methodologies

Code: HIS2.77731


Objectives: The course aims to provide students with theoretical and artistic basis and the character on the evolution of styles in human societies, emphasizing the examples of Portuguese art but also with reference to the History of European Art from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age. It aims to explain the works of art in the light of its historical, techniques, materials, iconographic, iconological and aesthetic components. We shall describe the identification and contextualization of ‘study cases’, so that the student perform analysis of rigorous and original artwork. We define a suitable methodology to measure aesthetic qualities and seek to expand the safeguard awareness of the artistic heritage through analysis attesting the way students communicate well in their own language both orally and in writing.

Artistic Heritage Inventory Techniques

Code: HIS2.78056


Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to provide basic knowledge of principles and theories as well as techniques, methods, tools and information systems used in inventory, documentation and artistic heritage record. To achieve these goals, we study some models of national and international inventory systems, directed to movable and immovable artistic heritage.

Asia: Global Spaces and Times

Code: HIS2.86375


Objectives: Asia in Globalization aims to introduce the main economic, political, social and cultural processes that enable the current development dynamics of the divers Asian geographic realms, to confront different development strategies implemented in Asia by the ‘Asian giants’ (Japan, China and India), and assess the implications of the process that brings East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia back to the centre of the global economic and financial system.

Asia in Globalization

Code: HIS2.78431


Objectives: Asia: Global Spaces and Times aims to introduce the main economic, political, social and cultural processes that enable the current development dynamics of the divers Asian geographic realms, to confront different development strategies implemented in Asia by the ‘Asian giants’ (Japan, China and India), and assess the implications of the process that brings East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia back to the centre of the global economic and financial system. 

Asia in the Contemporary Lusophone Foreign Policies

Code: HIS2.78435


Objectives: The main objectives of this course unit are to provide theoretical-analytical and methodological tools that allow us to study, examine and understand the continuities and ruptures in the relations between the eight Portuguese-speaking countries and Asia in the contemporary world.

Biblical Studies

Code: HIS2.920030


Objectives: Biblical Studies explores the historical and literary dimensions displayed in the  biblical discourse, especially in the Old Testament. The discipline aims to understand the biblical canon, to learn the main stages of Israel’s history and to understand the theological perspective underlined in the Old Testament account.

Brazilian Cinema

Code: LAC2.99820


Objectives: This course unit seeks to familiarize students with the metalanguage and the conceptual, methodological and analytical tools which are most relevant to the study of cinematographic texts from different periods in Brazilian Cinema.
We also intend to develop our students’ production capacity, when applied to cinematographic studies, discourse analysis and / or written and oral criticism.
Finally the aim of this module is to acquire an overview of the Brazilian Cinema of the XX and XXI centuries.

Brazilian Culture: Contemporary Manifestations

Code: LAC2.99063


Objectives: This course unit seeks to familiarize students with the conceptual and methodological tools which are most relevant to the study of culture.
Similarly, it is our intention to provide an overview of the cultural formation of the Brazilian Contemporary Culture. This will take as its starting point a reflection on the debates generated by the crossroads involving different cultural traditions and new art movements which make up the history of Brazil of the XX and XXI centuries. In this way, working from new perspectives for the study of the cultural question, our goal is to critically rethink the understanding of Brazilian culture, namely of musical and visual arts, and at the same time to develop the skills of interpretation and analysis.

Bulgarian Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: BUL1.86441


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Bulgarian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Bulgarian Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: BUL1.86452


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Bulgarian Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: BUL1.86463


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Bulgarian Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: BUL1.86474


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Bulgarian Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: BUL2.86485


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Bulgarian Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: BUL2.86496


Objectives: The Bulgarian Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

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Camilo Castelo Branco Studies

Code: LAC2.99805


Objectives: The Camilian Studies course unit presupposes the condition of Camilo Castelo Branco as a canonical writer and his influence on Portuguese culture. Thus, the main objectives of the unit must be: to provide students with knowledge about the author's work as a whole, showing the diversity of genres, literary and non-literary, the tragic and parodic vocation, specific romantic traits, rhetorical art, evolution and influence of the historical and social context; identify and encourage the analysis of forms of reception in other arts, especially in literature and cinema; train students to choose recommended editions; develop in them the ability to perform specialized critical work.

Camões Studies

Code: LAC2.97443


Objectives: The syllabus approaches the literary life of Luís de Camões (1524?-1579/80) from the perspective of a closely-knit topic well adjusted to the specific nature of Camões’ output. By way of this topic, the purpose is to cover fundamental areas of cultural history (features of the age in which the author lived), literary history (literary forms, genres and modes practised by him) and interpretation (close and accompanied reading of selected texts). At the end of the course, students are expected to have obtained basic training in Camões’s output and be prepared to understand its importance in the context of Portuguese and world literature. 

Canadian Literature and Culture

Code: LAC2.12400


Objectives: Students will gain an understanding of Canadian literature and culture by examining its historical and geopolitical structure, together with critical analysis and discussion of its literature, cinema and visual arts. Thus, Canada’s history and geopolitics will be examined through the lens of its artistic production. There will be a questioning of the role of the arts, as vehicles of reflection and change, in this country that has progressed from being a diverse European colonial project to independent existence, despite the presence of a culturally aggressive neighbor. Particular attention will be paid to the time since the beginning of the multicultural project (1950-60) to the contemporary attempts to correct the mistakes of colonialism.

Catalan A1

Code: CAT1.86913


Objectives: The Catalan A1 course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Catalan. It aims at developing a global competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Catalan A2

Code: CAT1.86935


Objectives: The Catalan A2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Catalan B1.1

Code: CAT2.86914


Objectives: The Catalan B1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Catalan B1.2

Code: CAT2.86936


Objectives: The Catalan B1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Chinese I

Code: CHI1.81904


Objectives: Thise course is aimed at equipping students with the abilities of understanding personal and daily life Chinese language, retelling language materials and writing simple Chinese characters as well as using strategies of learning and communicating in Chinese. The students interests and confidence in Chinese language should also be nurtured when they take the course.

Chinese II

Code: CHI1.81952


Objectives: Chinese II is a comprehensive Chinese course at the initial stage. Students can systematically learn the phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of modern Chinese. The goal of the course is leading students to acquire elementary level communication skills in the four main areas of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course also focuses on developing students' basic communication competence, so they can put what they have learned immediately into practice outside the classroom. And lead students to learn about Chinese society and culture through language learning.

Chinese III

Code: CHI2.86202


Objectives: Chinese III is a course during which students start to understand basic sentences for many different scenarios that are used in everyday life. They become capable of mastering a variety of complex sentences patterns to transmit to others familiar topics, and organize simple phrases on these topics. With the help of stress, pause, intonation, body language, among others, they can improve their basic skills to communicate effectively. They start to understand the cultural background knowledge of the target language and can communicate successfully with the others.

Chinese IV

Code: CHI2.86213


Objectives: Chinese IV is a comprehensive Chinese course at the intermediate level. Teaching Oral and Written Modern Chinese. Introduction to the phonetic alphabet, rules in writing the traces of the characters, the evolution and history of the characters. Deepening of grammatical structures, practice of daily dialogues. Development of the ability to understand and use the Chinese language.

Chinese V

Code: CHI3.86362


Objectives: This program is aimed for students who wish to consolidate the development of communication skills at the level of understanding of written and oral language, students should learn 180 new Chinese characters and complex grammatical structures. It targets the acquisition of skills required at this level. The students can: understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters. 

Chinese VI

Code: CHI3.86373


Objectives: The course of Chinese VI use text book New Practical Chinese Reader. It aims to build up student’s skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing of standard Chinese Language. It also focuses on developing students’ communication competence, they can put what they learned into practice outside the classroom if they are in the target language country or not. Students in this stage would reach to Chinese Language HSK3 level or above. The course is also emphasizing on motivating the students to continue their studies.

Cinema and Literature

Code: LAC2.97342


Objectives: Through an interUCry approach, it is intended that students develop critical skills and reasoning regarding the relationship between cinema and literature via the analysis of a specific group of films. These skills and knowledge to be developed, both orally and in writing, include the various ways in how writing, latu senso, translates and establishes a dialogue with cinema. Therefore, and taking this relationship into consideration, film analysis will be particularly relevant for students to better understand the importance of literature for cinema.

Classical Art

Code: HIS2.77777


Objectives: The aim of this subject is to study greco-roman main artistic expressions: architecture, sculpture, painting and decorative arts.

Classical Culture

Code: COR1.41053


Objectives: The course develops a set of skills and provides extensive knowledge about some of the greatest cultural creations of the classical world. Skills to be acquired include the ability to collect and analyze information on cultural practices in Classical Antiquity and to develop qualitative research in this specific field of studies. To this end, the course discusses a list of problems that help understanding Western culture, either by contrasting perspectives, or by discussing the notions of tradition, heritage and continuity.

Classical Mythology

Code: LAC2.45612


Objectives: The aim of this subject is to provide knowledge about the main figures and mythological cycles in the Greco-Roman tradition, along with the legends associated to them and the culture that produced them, as well as paying some attention to the problematic of the interpretation of myths and their lasting role in literature, in the plastic arts and in the cinema.

Classical Tradition and European Culture

Code: LAC2.51201


Objectives: The subject starts from objects, concepts and cultural motifs in today’s Europe that give rise to retrospective journeys back to the Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian foundations. It proposes five itineraries: i) the shift in political and cultural power from East to West; ii) the power of an ancient text in the configuration of a European nationality; iii) the invention of love: the construction of western love as a literary and cultural artefact; iv) ancients and modern: rupture and heritage in the history of Europe; v) barbarians and the civilised: the ‘good savage’.

Classical Tradition and European Identity

Code: LAC2.51131


Objectives: The subject starts from objects, concepts and cultural motifs in today’s Europe that give rise to retrospective journeys back to the Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian foundations. It proposes five itineraries: i) the shift in political and cultural power from East to West; ii) the power of an ancient text in the configuration of a European nationality; iii) the invention of love: the construction of western love as a literary and cultural artefact; iv) ancients and modern: rupture and heritage in the history of Europe; v) barbarians and the civilised: the ‘good savage’.

Colonial Literature

Code: LAC2.57312


Objectives: Study of literature written under the sign of colonial ideology and  the role of the Agência Geral das Colónias/Agência Geral do Ultramar in the institutional legitimation of this literature through the Colonial Literature Contests (1926-1951)/ Literatura do Ultramar (1954-1971); analysis of the works aiming at unveiling the colonial aesthetics based on the political-ideological paradigms and the aesthetic codes (the semantic-pragmatic and technical-compositional) towards the conceptualization of colonial literature; comparative study of colonial literature in French and English is also considered, analysing the modalities of the celebration of colonialism and the civilizing intention.

Communication Theory

Code: LAC2.12062


Objectives: I. Basic concepts in communication studies. The paradigm of communication: theories and models of communication.
II. The semiotic perspective: the sign in the center of the communication, codes and processes of meaning, social semiotics.
III. Media. Mass media: from print to internet. Communication in the digital age, the network theory, and social media. News production, circulation and consumption: structures and dynamics. Media (digital) literacy.
IV. Communication, reputation, and image. Strategic and organizational communication. The process of strategic communication planning.

Comparative Literature

Code: LAC2.97476


Objectives: This course unit seeks to address the key theoretical and methodological questions within the field of Comparative Studies, as well as the main guiding principles underlying the comparative study of literature. The course encompasses a critical approach to specific topics introduced by the comparative study of a significant cluster of aesthetic objects and cultural frameworks. It thus considers the ways in which the study of a distinct set of topics (which appear in artistic objects from different ages and media, and arising from different linguistic and cultural contexts) may critically enlighten the major theoretical challenges presently faced by Comparative Literature.

Comparative Political Systems in Contemporary Asia

Code: HIS2.56482


Objectives: Comparative Political Systems in Contemporary Asia aims to study the different political systems in contemporary Asia, to develop critical approaches to the various political views and constructions adopted in different contexts, and to formulate frameworks for reflection on the relationships between cultural traditions and in particular traditions of power in Asia and the political systems that exist nowadays and in relation to existing trends of evolution in the political domain.

Comparative Post-Colonial Literatures

Code: LAC2.96883


Objectives: Postcolonial theories, their genesis, dissemination and backlash; questioning of the Eurocentric perspectives, in dialogue with perspectives coming from the former empires; discussion of the historical and ideological meanderings of the Postcolonial Studies in the Portuguese-speaking world through a comparative perspective, aiming at deconstructing some myths about Portuguese colonialism. Several perspectives and elements featuring the post-colonial aesthetics are to be identified in contemporary literature by authors from former empires and former metropolises. At the end, a more practical approach will be made by analyzing texts (narrative and poetry) selected according to the thematic lines of the syllabus.

Comparative Slavic Literatures

Code: LAC2.57244


Objectives: This course unit aims to make Slavic literary works known through thematic comparisons and to develop skills of analysis and interpretation of text. With the comparative analysis of literary texts from various themes, it is expected to deepen some knowledge of theories and concepts.

Comprehension and Production of Spoken Portuguese

Code: LIN2.85245


Objectives: This course unit provides students the opportunity to: acquire basic knowledge on European Portuguese structures and processes involved in the production and comprehension of oral utterances; develop competences on spoken Portuguese production and comprehension in formal contexts; and start using empirical data collection and speech analysis methods.

Comprehension of Writen Portuguese

Code: LIN2.85234


Objectives: This course unit aims at the training of fluent readers, and it approaches the following topics: reading as a psycholinguistic process; reader's purposes and types of reading; cognitive and metacognitive strategies to improve reading comprehension; social impact of literacy.

Computational Linguistics

Code: LIN2.83651


Objectives: Computacional Linguistics (CL) studies Human Language Technologies in a linguistic perspective.  The main goals of CL encompass: an introduction to distinct modules (e.g., speech, text, translation, sign language, emotion detection and other paralinguistic events, dialogue systems, virtual assistants), and assessment of the linguistic models applied in artificial intelligent (AI) systems. Ultimately, CL seeks to develop a linguistic critical view on the usage and evaluation of AI technologies.

Computer-Assisted Translation

Code: LIN2.51234


Objectives: The goals of this course unit include acquiring fundamental skills in computer-aided translation in order to reuse previous translations, and manage terminological information. Under the scope of this course unit students are trained to proficiently use computational tools for computer-aided translation.

Contemporary Drama

Code: LAC2.99831


Objectives: This course aims to present some dramaturgical practices that mark their literary evolution throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century in a European and Western context, addressing the issues of their relationship with theatre and performances. Alongside the reading of some plays that reflect different understandings of the possibilities offered by the dramatic genre in this period, theoretical texts will be read to help students relate to the vocabulary that has marked the most recent history of dramatic literature in contemporary theatre. By the end of the semester, students should be acquainted with ideas of drama in contemporary performing arts and with contemporary playwrights.

Contemporary German-Language Literature

Code: LAC2.61505


Objectives: Contemporary German language literature of the late 1980s to the present in its political-historical and literary context and specific topics of recent history as the fall of the Berlin wall and the ongoing process of unification. The literary panorama is represented through the study of selected masterpieces (short prose / novels of Herta Müller, Clemens Meyer, Daniel Kehlmann, among others), e literary tendencies like Pop-Literatur or recent migration literature.

Contemporary History (Economy and Society)

Code: HIS2.78146


Objectives: The course Contemporary History (Economics and Society) intends to characterize the economic and social realities developed during the nineteenth century; to understand the elements of continuity and rupture occurred in the twentieth century; to identify general growth trends in post-World War II; to explain the causes and consequences of the economic turn of the 1970s and their repercussions on the social structure.

Contemporary History (Politics and Culture)

Code: HIS2.78150


Objectives: The aim is to study in an integrated way crucial topics for the understanding of different historical experiences of modernity: outstanding political and cultural trends in a global world and historical interpretations. 1. Periodizations. Modernity and contemporaneity 2. World culture and identities 3. Societies of Ancien Regime and the spirit of the Enlightenment 4. The liberal system in the Age of Revolutions and counter-revolutions 5. Nations and nationalisms. Romanticism. 6. Cultural and scientific trends. 7. Europe and the world in the 20th century: liberalism, fascism and communism.

Contemporary History of Portugal

Code: HIS2.78045


Objectives: The course of Contemporary History of Portugal intends to study the History of Portugal from the end of the 18th century to the 20th century, the transition from the Old Regime to Liberalism, the consolidation of the constitutional monarchy, the emergence of the republican and socialist movements, the proclamation of the Republic and his fall. The establishment of the military dictatorship in 1926 and the Estado Novo. Without forgetting the international context and the projection in the colonial space. Contemporary History of Portugal studies the main moments of state-building and Portuguese society (Liberal Monarchy, First Republic, New State, Democracy) and the Portuguese Constitutions in a comparative perspective (fundamental rights, system of government and political representation). The course unit seeks to develop a historical critical view and to understand political, economic, social and cultural problems of Portugal in the Contemporary world (19th and 20th centuries).

Contemporary Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920222


Objectives: The question of the "will" after Nietzsche. Introduction to the works of Deleuze, Foucault, Agamben and Sloterdijk.

Contemporary Portuguese Literature

Code: LAC2.97873


Objectives: The historical-literary concept of “contemporary Portuguese literature” involves the consideration of a period of time which includes the most significant moments, authors and problems of Portuguese literary production after the two modernist moments, with expansions to the XXIst century. Not intending to offer an exhaustive overview of such a long and inevitably heterogeneous period of Portuguese literature in its various discursive and textual genres, the main aims of the course are: i) to promote in-depth knowledge of a judicious range of writers and their main works, in order to highlight nuclear themes, topics and issues, both at the strictly national level, and in the wider context of the western canon; ii) to encourage students to develop interpretative and critical skills based on the close reading and commentary of specific texts.

Contemporary Spanish Culture

Code: LAC2.98593


Objectives: This course aims to provide critical knowledge of contemporary Spain’s artistic and cultural panorama, considering some recent historical episodes and issues (20th and 21st centuries), and the way they are represented in various artworks. Students are expected to be able to: recognize the plurality of contemporary Spain’s cultural universe, in relation with significant aspects from the linguistic, social and geo-political domains; analyze artworks which may be relevant to the definition of a contemporary Spanish cultural identity, namely taking into account issues of historical memory, fiction and cultural rhetoric.

Contemporary Visual Arts

Code: LAC2.98051


Objectives: With an emphasis on late 20th century to 21st century art, this programme aims to 1) develop students’ critical thinking and analytical skills through an introduction to different interpretive frameworks and theories that will be used to analyse and contextualise a range of media including painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, and installation; 2) examine how artists challenge conventions, categories, power, norms and histories of various artistic movements across a global geography; 3) investigate the ways in which contemporary artistic practices intersect with social and political matters; 4) explore innovations in artistic production, curatorial practices and museum spaces. 

Cooperation and Development in Africa

Code: HIS2.78236


Objectives: This course aims to integrate students into the debates about the world of
International Development Cooperation (ICD). Although the area of the course is
interUCry, a focus is given to the anthropological approach. Students are expected to:
1 - Know the main concepts related to the world of IC
2 - Describe the evolution and current challenges of the ICD
3 - Analyze the performance of IOs from an anthropological perspective
4 - Assess NGO action through ethnographies
5 - Recognize the weaknesses and benefits of human rights and relativism, in particular as regards aid
to indigenous populations and gender inequalities in African societies, among others.
6 - Apply the learned contents in a development aid project

Creative Writing

Code: LAC2.98084


Objectives: The main purpose of this course unit is to develop and improve the ability of writing different kinds of texts, through the frequent practice of writing. We will insist on the elaboration of texts, which will be read and commented by the teacher and the whole class, in an interaction that will allow detecting problems and improving skills in the field of creative writing. The emphasis of the course is highly practical, taking a student-centred approach and exploiting student skills in different writing activities – fiction, poetry, drama or essay. Writers of different generations could be invited to share their writing experiences with the students.

Critical Exercises on Contemporary Culture

Code: LAC2.99886


Objectives: This CU has as a goal to help the student to participate in the artistic and cultural contemporary landscape, debating and questioning directly with theatre directors, actors, performers, curators, and artists in general. It also aims to develop the ability to evaluate and to respond critically to artistic objects and events and to develop the student’s ability to discuss, both in oral and in written form, properly presenting ideas and opinions. This course unit is divided in modules. This division aims to encompass different domains of performing arts and to promote the discussion and the debate on artistic and cultural contemporary contexts. 

Critical Thinking

Code: FIL2.35309


Objectives: This course unit aims to promote, among students, the acquisition of fundamental concepts related to critical thinking (truth, validity, knowledge, reason, argument), and the ability to analyse, evaluate and reconstruct arguments, recognising the underlying thought structures and identifying possible fallacies.

Croatian Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: HRV1.87210


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Croatian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Croatian Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: HRV1.87220


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Croatian Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: HRV1.87221


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Croatian Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: HRV1.87222


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Croatian Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: HRV2.87223


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Croatian Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: HRV2.87224


Objectives: The Croatian Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Cultural Geography of the USA

Code: LAC2.12593


Objectives: The main purpose of this course unit is to master and develop critical concepts of US cultural, human and culturally construed natural geography. Combining these concepts with practical examples will contribute to a better understanding of the positions of “America” as nation and imagination:  its human and cultural diversity, its interdependence with bio-regional non-human species, its geopolitical ambitions, its negotiations with the border/lands, and its responsibilities in the Anthropocene.  Students will study the semiotic construal of endemic and transitory identities,  and asked to rethink and produce formulations reflecting a will to preserve and to change.

Cultural Industries in the USA

Code: LAC2.12830


Objectives: This course aims at presenting the development of cultural industries in the USA – scenic and visual arts, museology, conservation and theme parks, Humanities and music, advertisement, social and digital media – mostly from 1945 till nowadays. Students will acquire theoretical competences and means of intersemiotic analysis applied to a plurality of texts circulating in several media, developing a critical stance concerning hegemonic models of identity. With such tools, they will be asked engage in oral debates and produce essays on chosen topics of cultural management.

Cultural Management

Code: LAC2.51080


Objectives: This unit enables knowledge and methodological instruments in the context of Cultural Studies to analyze relevant socio-cultural forces, at a national and international level, necessary for cultural management practices. Here, each student is introduced to project design skills in the development of applied assignments towards the cultural sector and the creative industries. In this sense, it is important to pay attention to good practices of contextual analysis; the development of concepts and solutions; the identification of audiences; the definition of strategies and the activation of marketing and relevant strategic communication actions

Cultural Studies

Code: LAC2.11566


Objectives: This unit promotes an in-depth debate on the concept of culture and its evolution. We explore the different traditions and evolutions of the study of culture, from the Frankfurt school to Birmingham and other more recent trends. Special attention is also given to the question of method. Here, we approach different scientific practices and methods in the context of cultural analysis, in combinations that include content analysis, the ethnographic method, semiotics, critical theory, among others. The theoretical-conceptual and methodological review is guided by the discussion of the various themes and objects associated with Cultural Studies.

Culture and Globalization

Code: LAC2.54061


Objectives: This course unit focuses on the concept of globalization and its different approaches, from economics to sociology and the study of cultures. It is intended to understand the scope and reach of globalization processes and their application in the field of the study of culture. By reading different authors and studies, it is intended to provide students with reflective and analytical skills that allow the decoding of cultural hegemony relations prevailing in the world.

Culture and Society

Code: LAC2.920184


Objectives: To use different theoretical approaches to study both culture, as a dynamic and complex concept, and its relationship with other cultures and societies in specific historical contexts. To draw on theoretical essays to develop cultural analysis skills. To define and question the notion of culture. High Culture, popular culture, and mass culture. Culture and communication in local and global contexts. Cultural representations. Multiculturalism, cosmopolitianism and cultural relativism.  Culture and society in the digital age.

Cultures of China

Code: HIS2.78464


Objectives: Cultures of China aims to study the cultures of China in their diversity and historical development. Its main objective is to create tools for the development of critical capacity in the analysis of historical sources and in the discussion of historiographical interpretations related to the topics covered, an integrated examination of various cultural aspects, and a reflection on certain current notions based on historical constructions of the cultures of China.

Cultures of India

Code: HIS2.78681


Objectives: This course aims to provide an overview on Indian cultures for which the chronology starts from the Indus Valley Civilization and ends at the modern-day India. The course pretends to elaborate the topics related to sociocultural and sociopolitical system of India through films, documentaries, short stories, novels etc. The principal focus is on the study of major cultural developments and social debates that have taken place in the last sixty-five years of contemporary history of India. During the course, the representation of the Idea of India and its famous lemma "Unity and Diversity", as well as nationhood, the idea of regional identities etc. will be discussed.

Cultures of Southeast Asia

Code: HIS2.78436


Objectives: It seeks to provide a particular focus to the connection between ethnolinguistic diversity, nationalism and the formation of national identities in each of the countries of the region, emphasizing the role of language, education and culture policies in the definition of citizenship and in the construction of identity.

Curricular Internship

Code: HIS3.920573

ECTS: 12

Objectives: This course unit aims to prepare the African Studies BA students for working life, ensuring them an internship to learn working practices and to contact the reality of the world of work, both in the public and the private sectors. In so doing, students will, in turn, transmit all that the University has to offer in terms of academic and updated knowledge.

Czech Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: CZE1.85515


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Czech. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Czech Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: CZE1.85526


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Czech Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: CZE1.85881


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Czech Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: CZE1.85892


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Czech Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: CZE2.86505


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Czech Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: CZE2.86516


Objectives: The Czech Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Daily Life in Greece and Rome

Code: LAC2.45623


Objectives: In a journey into the past in order to encounter our classical roots, this subject will deal with issues such as: main stages of human life (birth, upbringing, marriage, death); the daily life of women, of soldiers, of slaves and of certain professions (doctors, gladiators, lawyers); dietary habits, housing and clothing; travel, shows and other leisure activities; religion and daily beliefs.


Code: LAC2.98975


Objectives: To stimulate students’ interest in the knowledge of 13th- and 14th-century Italian literary production so as to pave the way for the reading and study of Dante’s work. To provide students with a contextualized knowledge of Dante’s work, its diachronic characterization and analytical study of topics of poetic reference based on his works of greater relevance and influence in the poetics of later authors. To provide students with the ability to read a text of literary nature based on the critical use of tools, operative categories and appropriate methodologies of textual analysis. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge.

Development Economy and Policies

Code: XXX2.57281


Objectives: Knowledge and understanding of: the concept of development in its different meanings;
the historical concept of development and its array of reference; the evolution of the concept of development after World War 2, up to the 70’s; recent developments of the concepts, theories and practices of Development; the alternative concepts to Development; some concrete projects of Development; Ability to relate the concepts and practices of Development.


Code: LIN2.85675


Objectives: All languages vary across time and geographic space, in connection with social and situational factors. This course offers an introduction to different approaches to the study of the heterogeneity of linguistic variation and a specialization in the study of regional variation, with a particular focus on the space of European Portuguese. The syllabus encompasses the introduction of geolinguistic concepts, methodologies and resources, and the study of grammatical aspects of Portuguese regional varieties from a perspective that articulates synchronic and diachronic linguistic variation.

Diaspora Literatures in North America

Code: LAC2.12931


Objectives: This course aims to acquaint students with a corpus of North-American literature evidencing transits of mobility and extraction from national and ethnic origins, as well as an intersectionality of ideological constructs of identity. Students will develop skills of literary text analysis mindful of a redefinition of literariness, including linguistic diversity and alternative discourses. Subsequently to close reading, students will produce critical essays and creative responses to the analyzed texts.

Difficulties of the Portuguese Language

Code: LIN2.84371


Objectives: This course discusses issues of linguistic standardization with particular relevance to language translation. Some of the central topics of the course syllabus are: basic notions about variation and standard and non-standard uses in grammatical systems; the main difficulties (in standard European Portuguese) concerning orthographic conventions, nominal and verbal morphology, the proper use of lexicon, lexico‑syntactic issues, the construction of the sentence and of the text (agreement, passive constructions, raising constructions, relative clauses, coordination, complex anaphoric chains, use of sentential connectives). Students are expected to identify and solve anomalies at the various levels of linguistic analysis that are considered.

Discourse Analysis

Code: COR1.12104


Objectives: This course’s main goal is to make students familiar with the main topics of Discourse Analysis, by presenting an historical perspective and by identifying text markers that are relevant for analysis. The students will learn how to link up linguistic observations with text genres, persuasive strategies, social, institutional and ideological issues. 

Discourse Analysis

Code: COR1.12104


Objectives: Being the study of practices, processes and discursive formations, and the way these are socially constitutive, the unit aims at surveying different types of descriptions of discourse, providing students with an opportunity to analyse written and spoken texts and investigate their features as functional variations of different contexts of use and different socio-cultural purposes. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge related to the basics of what is Discourse Analysis, the unit gives students the opportunity to acquire particular techniques for a linguistic-discursive analysis that is adapted to the description of the social phenomena, processes and events constituting the subject of study in the course.

Discourse Analysis and the Performing Arts

Code: LAC2.97625


Objectives: This course unit aims at surveying different types of descriptions of discourse, mainly referred to the performing arts, providing students with an opportunity to analyse written and spoken texts and investigate their features as functional variations of different contexts of use and different socio-cultural purposes. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge related to the basics of what is Discourse Analysis, the unit gives students the opportunity to acquire particular techniques for a linguistic-discursive analysis that is adapted to the description of theatrical and performative speech situations.

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Early Modern History (Economy and Society)

Code: HIS2.78093


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow to know and know how to use research methods and techniques in Economic and Social History. It is also important not only to identify European social and economic structures as well as their evolution between the 15th and 18th centuries, but also the main economic theories of this period. From the methodological point of view, the idea of developing critical knowledge underlies the different interpretative perspectives on these program matters is underlying

Early Modern History (Politics and Culture)

Code: HIS2.78102


Objectives: In the course unit Modern History, Politics and Culture, students are expected to: Identify the main political and cultural processes that developed in Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries; Know the main historiographical interpretations of the studied themes; Investigate the fundamental bibliography of the themes for application in historical documents concerning them; Develop oral and written communication skills, integrating vocabulary as well as specific categories of the Modern Period; Acquire knowledge that will enable you to pursue in-depth studies of the modern age. As thematic areas, fundamental themes were selected within the framework of Modern History (16th to 18th centuries), such as Renaissance and Humanism; Political and cultural consequences of the European expansion; the Reformation and the new religious geography of Europe; the Thirty Years' War; Louis XIV's France; English evolution to Political Liberalism. the French influence: the Philosophers; the 18th century Society and the Enlightenment; the Enlightenment and its agents

Early Modern History and History of the portuguese overseas Expansion

Code: HIS2.77950


Objectives: Knowledge of main trends and the debates on Early Modern History and portuguese overseas Expansion in order to make a historical and comparative analysis of economic powers and communities of the world, connections and inter-influences (15th-18th c.); Population and migrations; Powers, ideological mechanisms and goods management; Social hierarchies and mobility; International routes and networks; Traffics and productions; Public and private investors and agents; Identities and cultural metamorphosis

Early Modern History of Portugal

Code: HIS2.78113


Objectives: The aim is to provide a global and coherent view of early modern Portugal between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 19th century, pointing out the lines of strength of political and institutional, economic and social dynamics, and underlining the close articulation between internal, quadropeninsular politics and overseas expansion.

Eça de Queirós Studies

Code: LAC2.99816


Objectives: Eça de Queirós Studies course unit presupposes the condition of Eça de Queirós as a canonical writer and his influence on Portuguese culture. Thus, the main objectives of the unit must be: to provide students with knowledge about the author's work as a whole, showing the diversity of genres, literary and non-literary, the integration and overcoming of the codes of Realism, the importance of irony, influence of the historical and social context and evolution; identify and encourage the analysis of forms of reception in other arts, especially in literature and cinema; train students to choose recommended editions; develop in them the ability to perform specialized critical work.

Economic and Monetary Union

Code: XFD2.51129


Objectives: The main objective is to provide students with essential knowledge on the subject matters of the discipline, with an emphasis on currency, the phenomena of cooperation and monetary integration at both international and European level, the process of the establishing of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), monetary policy, the dimension of the economic integration, institutions, crises and reforms. In addition to the theoretical references, students are challenged to analyze and criticize the measures adopted at the European level for the creation of the EMU as well as for dealing with the various crises.

Economies and Societies in Contemporary Asia

Code: HIS2.78668


Objectives: Asia must dominate the global economy and societies in the 21st century. This course unit addresses the economic and societal interactions between Asia and the world capitalist system over the past two centuries and assesses future tendencies.

Economy and Power in Africa

Code: XXX2.78225


Objectives: The course's overall objective is to analyse relevant issues of the economic and political dynamics in Africa, considering a historical perspective. Students will be expected to correctly fundamental concepts for the analysis of the economic and political fields, interpret different narratives about the African continent, understand the construction of the colonial and post-colonial economy, characterise the state in Africa, identify different types of political regimes and explain the importance of institutions in economic and political processes.

Edition of Texts

Code: LAC1.78337


Objectives: This course seeks to enable students to obtain reading, interpreting and description skills applied to the main types of textual editing (on the one hand, scholarly formats, such as semi diplomatic, genetic  and critical editions; on the other, formats addressing general readership); to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge that underlie the establishment of criteria to analyse and assess the main types of textual editing; to develop competences in the assessment of the editorial work.   

Elements for the History of Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries

Code: LAC2.99889


Objectives: The course unit Elements for the History of Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries aims at familiarizing students with the great moments and movements of the History of Music during the 20th and 21st century, beginning with classical composers, going through the great moments of rupture, while also exploring the most popular musical genres which were prominent in the global musical culture. As such, students will be introduced to different musical genres, their historical and cultural contexts so that they can then develop a brief study on a topic of their choice.

Elements of Philosophical Semantics

Code: FIL2.34962


Objectives: This course is dedicated to the study of some of the fundamental elements of Frege’s logico-philosophical thought. These are the following: the function/concept relation, the concept/object distinction, the sense/denotation distinction and the semantic dualism ensuing from it and Frege’s conceptual notation. 

English (C2): Academic Writing

Code: ENG3.12216


Objectives: This CU is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the foundations of Academic English and is divided into three segments: Academic Writing; Academic Language Focus; Academic Presentation Skills. In addition to revising the features of academic writing in general, particular emphasis is placed on the language and organisation of an academic paper. Students are guided through the stages of an academic paper and are encouraged to carry out their own research, to identify reliable sources, to adopt a critical stance and ultimately to submit their own academic paper in the form of a critical analysis.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English (C2): Business and Professional

Code: ENG3.12290


Objectives: Students will acquire knowledge of specific lexis and register patterns related to appropriate professional communication and gain familiarity with how people interact in an English-speaking business environment. Among the several contexts in which competence will be developed we might stress the following:
· Job applications.
· Developing a good relationship at work..
· Making presentations.
· Participating in meetings.
· Making phone calls.
· Writing professional letters and emails.
· Ethical principles at work.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English (C2): Creative Writing

Code: ENG3.12275


Objectives: Students will learn to analyze flash fiction and to creatively appropriate varying sets of narrative elements. At this level of Mastery, the focus will be putting the English language to use within narrative writing techniques: articulating ideas, plot, images and metaphor – more than grammar, which will be discussed whenever common problems arise in class assignments. Group work is intended to promote interactive communication between peers and to foster participative orality and a more dynamic exploration of source materials.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Cinema

Code: LAC2.12534


Objectives: This course unit aims at familiarizing students with the specificities of English Cinema through its history over time, and in relation to its position as opposed to other cinemas and within a global context. Thus, this course will begin by looking at what defines and characterizes English cinema, in order to later analyze practical cases and key-directors. For that purpose students will be exposed to film text and cinematographic language through the analysis of films and reflection on relevant theoretical texts that allow them to obtain a singular vision of what is English Cinema.

English Culture, 16th-18th Century

Code: LAC2.12310


Objectives: This course unit aims to study the changes which were underway in the 16th to 18th-century English culture. Concepts such as Renaissance and Enlightenment will be explored. Key factors will be approached, namely: the religious schism; the empire genesis; the ideologies and political practices then-prevailing in Europe. The supremacy of reason in individuals’ and communities’ actions / decisions will reflect on the study of political uprising – French Rev., and the nationalist assertion versus the empire – the American Rev. Due to their impact on modern society, the scientific and technological advances, the consolidation of capitalism and urban exodus will be object of study.

English (C2): English and the Arts

Code: ENG3.12286


Objectives: At the end of this CU students should know how to develop a reflective and analytical encounter with the arts (literature, cinema, TV and graphic novel) in English. They will learn to use a series of analytical techniques from literary close reading to visual literacy, adaptation studies and other academic film and literary analysis as they consider how the arts reflect society and propel social change.
Students will be expected to express themselves spontaneously in both spoken and written forms of the language, with a high level of fluency and accuracy in keeping with CEFR standards for C2 level.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or been placed in C2 by a FLUL Placement Test.

English (C2): English in the Media

Code: ENG3.12220


Objectives: By CU completion, the student will have learned some aspects of a style of writing and of a specific language used in the written press. Classes involve the reading and analysis of newspapers, comparison and contrast of the stylistic features typical of popular and quality British newspapers, and the studying of examples of English language change and development in newspaper texts. Additionally, students will be encouraged to produce different types of newspaper texts (e.g. editorials, features, opinion columns, and letters to the editor).

Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English History and Culture (19th-20th Century)

Code: LAC2.12391


Objectives: To become familiar with the main political, socio-economic, and cultural changes that occurred in Great Britain between the end of the Napoleonic wars and the present, in a perspective of global interdependence.
To critically relate cultural representations with the political and socio-economic transformations registered in that spatio-temporal context and simultaneously frame them in a global perspective.
To mobilize conceptual and methodological knowledge in cultural studies that frames cultural representations within the historical and geopolitical contexts that create and, at the same time, question them.
To train critical and methodological practices (specifically, cultural analysis skills).

English in America

Code: LAC2.12512


Objectives: The purpose of this course unit is to provide students with a (socio)linguistically informed description of the use of English in America. More specifically, at the end of the course students should be familiar with: (i) the spread of English in America - as a native, second and foreign language - and its historic and cultural motivations; (ii) the main distinguishing features of American Standard English; (iii) the main regional and ethnic varieties of English in the USA, including their sociolinguistic profile; (iv) the role and characteristics of English in Canada.This course also intends to develop students' ability to describe and analyse language and to encourage autonomous research.

English in the World

Code: LAC2.13004


Objectives: The purpose of this course unit is to provide students with a (socio)linguistically informed presentation of the spread of English across the globe. At the end of the course students should know: (i) the spread of English in the world, as a native or additional language, its historic and cultural motivations and sociolinguistic consequences. (ii) the concept and main models of World Englishes; (iii) (socio)linguistic characteristics of some examples; (iv) reasons for and consequences of the transformation of English into the international lingua franca. This course will also develop students' ability to describe and analyze language and encourage autonomous research.

English Language: Description of the System

Code: LAC2.12784


Objectives: The course unit aims at surveying different types of descriptions of discourse, providing students with the acquisition of skills for the analysis of written, spoken and multimodal texts in English and of the specific knowledge of their features as functional variations of different contexts of use and different sociocultural purposes. It is intended to provide students with the necessary skills to develop objective analysis of the texts they are asked to analyse, according to the analytical purposes guiding them, be they linguistic or extralinguistic.

English Language: System and use

Code: LAC2.12916


Objectives: The course unit aims at surveying different types of descriptions of discourse, providing students with the acquisition of skills for the analysis of written, spoken and multimodal texts in English and of the specific knowledge of their features as functional variations of different contexts of use and different sociocultural purposes. It is intended to provide students with the necessary skills to develop objective analysis of the texts they are asked to analyse, according to the analytical purposes guiding them, be they linguistic or extralinguistic.

English Language: Text Analysis and Production

Code: LAC2.12841


Objectives: This course unit aims at the study of text as a semantic unit which depends on a particular context, focusing on the linguistic processes behind its structure and organization. Students are invited to analyse different text types and genres and their intimate relation with the discourse semantics and lexicogrammatical processes for the organization of information and knowledge. Based on these, students are also led to produce their own texts.

English Literature (16th-17th centuries)

Code: LAC2.12380


Objectives: The course unit brings together readings of poets and dramatists, which allow a historical and cultural framework of Renaissance literature. In a first moment, poems by authors such as Margaret Cavendish, Shakespeare, Sidney or Donne, as well as those by George Turberville, Thomas Lord Vaux or Thomas Wyatt, will be studied in an attempt to rethink the Renaissance poetic canon and rescue good poems from oblivion. In a second moment, dramatic texts are discussed, such as Measure for Measure, by Shakespeare, The Duchess of Malfi and The Beaux Stratagem, in which the law interferes with what could be considered private matters that, before this moment, had not been legislated. The diversity of works chosen is intended to broaden students' literary culture, encourage critical thinking and analytical skills.

English Literature (18th-19th centuries)

Code: LAC2.12804


Objectives: To obtain a historical-literary knowledge of English literature from the 18th to the 19th centuries, becoming aware of continuities, breaks, and differences, in its relationship with contemporary cultural and social movements; To become familiar with the genre of the English novel through two canonical examples (Tristram Shandy and Jane Eyre) and to develop the ability to alternate between forms of close textual analysis and transversal approaches relating the novels in question to critical and cultural developments of their time, as well as to their subsequent reception; To understand the form of the fictional autobiography and the way Laurence Sterne and Charlotte Brontë explore its potential and test its limits.

English Literature. The 20th Century and Beyond.

Code: LAC2.12815


Objectives: To reflect upon the remarkable creativity of literature written in England throughout this last century and to revisit, through poetry, essays and short fiction, some decisive moments in contemporary literary and cultural history. The syllabus will proceed through close attentive reading of several influential authors of the period focusing on the study of modernist experiments, on the persistent return to realist and/or postmodernist practices, and on their contribution to the ongoing rewriting of the canon. 

English Mastery (C2)

Code: ENG3.12152


Objectives: At the end of this CU, students will be able to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read, demonstrating the ability to express themselves spontaneously in both spoken and written forms of the language, with a high level of fluency and accuracy. They will be able to produce clear, coherent and cohesive written texts in a style appropriate to the genre adopted, demonstrating a good command of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms with awareness of connotative levels of meaning.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Medieval Literature and Culture

Code: LAC2.12646


Objectives: By reading and reflecting about several medieval texts and their specific contexts, students are invited to understand some of the most important aspects of medieval culture, such as the art of the manuscript, the art of illumination and the art of memory. They are also expected to learn about the origins of English culture, born with the Anglo-Saxon occupation of the territory, as well as about the period beginning with Norman invasion after the Battle of Hastings. These two periods of the English Middle Ages will be studied in historical, social, political, religious and literary terms.

English Near Mastery (C1.2)

Code: ENG3.12141


Objectives: To achieve the requisite level of fluency and accuracy for all four language skills at this level; to read, appraise and criticize texts of different kinds – literary, journalistic, philosophical, etc.; to have an understanding of appropriate register; to recognize and use a variety of idiomatic expressions as well as more complex syntactic constructions; to produce clear, coherent and cohesive written texts; to be able to discuss abstract/philosophical ideas.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English C1.1 at FLUL or have been placed in C1.2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Proficiency (C1.1)

Code: ENG3.11985


Objectives: To further develop the student's abilities to interact with longer texts and to fluently respond both orally and in writing within well-structured and organized formats in various contexts whether academic, social and/or professional. Particular emphasis is given to developing analytical reading and writing skills, including the academic research essay. Listening, speaking and academic skills will also be integrated in order for students to develop fluency, efficiency and effectiveness in communication at near mastery level.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English B2.2 at FLUL or have been placed in C1.1 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Strong Threshold (B1.2)

Code: ENG2.11904


Objectives: At the end of this CU, students will be able to maintain interaction and communicate effectively in a range of contexts and cope flexibly with problems in everyday life and use an enhanced exchange of information on topics of a more abstract nature, such as summarising and giving his or her opinion about a short story, article, talk, discussion, interview, or documentary and answering further questions of detail.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English B1.1 at FLUL or have been placed in B1.2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Strong Vantage (B2.2)

Code: ENG2.11926


Objectives: By CU completion students will be able to use argument and social discourse effectively. They will develop an awareness of discourse skills such as conversation management and the competent use of coherence/cohesion devices to establish a clear relationship between ideas in both their written and oral work. In addition, students will learn  to use persuasive language and simple arguments to defend points of view.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English B2.1 at FLUL or have been placed in B2.2 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Threshold (B1.1)

Code: ENG2.11895


Objectives: At the end of this UC, students will be able to understand the main points of clear, standard input on familiar matters. They will be to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the English language is spoken in simple but appropriately  connected speech on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
They will also be able to produce simple written texts in English that demonstrate their knowledge of English sentence structures, correct subject-verb agreement, as well as punctuation and capitalization rules.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have been placed in the B1.1 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

English Vantage (B2.1)

Code: ENG2.11915


Objectives: At the end of this CU students will be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics; interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with fluent / proficient speakers quite possible without strain for either party; produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Pre-requirement for enrollment: have successfully concluded English B1.2 at FLUL or have been placed in B2.1 level by a FLUL Placement Test.


Code: FIL2.920479


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of philosophical questions about the nature of value, the foundation of moral obligations and the objectivity of ethics.

Ethics and Theories of Justice

Code: FIL2.34460


Objectives: Contemporary debates on justice as a juridical.political principle, mainly based on the works of Rawls, Nozick and Walzer, are studied. Further,  the classic tradition of contractualism, with Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Kant, is also examined as a basis for the study of contemporary authors.

Europe - Wars and reconstruction in the 20th Century

Code: HIS2.51205


Objectives: The course Europe – Wars and Reconstruction during the twentieth century aims to identify the main political trends occurred in Europe namely, the political and institutional causes, characteristics and consequences of the Great War; to assess the determining factors of Bolshevik Revolution and its repercussion in the aftermath of the Great War; to analyse the relation between the European reconstruction and the political solutions emerged during the period of 1919 and 1933 in the European context; to understand the advent of the Second World War , its motivations and its specificities; to perceive Europe in the context of Cold War (1947-1993( and to explain the political reconfiguration of Europe during the 1990s.

Europe: Nations and Empires

Code: HIS2.51210


Objectives: The course Europe: Nations and Empires aims to identify and to characterize the advent of contemporaneity in the political and institutional domain; to evaluate the political trends present in Europe between the end of the eighteenth century and the advent of the Great War; to explain the concepts of nation arose in the nineteenth century and its scope; to analyse the conceptions of empire emerged in Europe during the nineteenth century and to understand the constitution of European empires.

European Cultural Roots

Code: LAC2.51192


Objectives: The aim of the subject is to reflect on the main driving lines that are present at the origin and birth of European culture and that have over time drawn out traits that have constituted its identity.

European Cultural Roots

Code: LAC2.51200


Objectives: The aim of the subject is to reflect on the main driving lines that are present at the origin and birth of European culture and that have over time drawn out traits that have constituted its identity.

European Early Modern History (Politics and Culture)

Code: HIS2.78075


Objectives: In the course unit Modern History, Politics and Culture, students are expected to: Identify the main political and cultural processes that developed in Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries; Know the main historiographical interpretations of the studied themes; Investigate the fundamental bibliography of the themes for application in historical documents concerning them; Develop oral and written communication skills, integrating vocabulary as well as specific categories of the Modern Period; Acquire knowledge that will enable you to pursue in-depth studies of the modern age. As thematic areas, fundamental themes were selected within the framework of Modern History (16th to 18th centuries), such as Renaissance and Humanism; Political and cultural consequences of the European expansion; the Reformation and the new religious geography of Europe; the Thirty Years' War; Louis XIV's France; English evolution to Political Liberalism. the French influence: the Philosophers; the 18th century Society and the Enlightenment; the Enlightenment and its agents.

European Integration: Theories and Institutions

Code: HIS2.51123


Objectives: The course he European Integration: Theories and Institutions aims to identify the historical origins of the European project; to characterize the process of forming European institutions in the post-World War II period; to analyse the evolution of European institutions from the 1950s; to meet the European institutions and to assess the reflections and theories about the European integration process.

European Medieval History (Economy and Society)

Code: HIS2.78070


Objectives: After an introductory module in which the concept of Middle Ages is contextualized and problematized, this course unit studies the economical and social evolution of what is conventionally known as the Western Latin Christendom, between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the European maritime expansion.

European Medieval History (Politics and Culture)

Code: HIS2.78065


Objectives: From a historiographic perspective, the course of Medieval History (Politics and Culture) focuses on European medieval society, putting in the centre of its attention the political institutions and the symbolic and mental representations, but always keeping in mind the social transformations, that organized and shaped the period. The pedagogical proposal is to cover this long timeline by convention called Middle Ages (framed by two porous limits: backward, the Late Antiquity; and forward, the Humanism and its twin brother, the Renaissance), with the goals being to capture and illuminate the most significant events of the time, the more relevant dates, the main protagonists, and the greatest achievements in art and literature - doors opening to a brave old world.

European Union Law

Code: XFD2.51121


Objectives: The study of European Union law aims to provide students with knowledge of this international organization, in particular with regard to institutions, treaties, fundamental principles, the method of passing European legislation, the freedoms of movement and certain European policies, competition policy, economic and monetary union and banking union.

European Early Modern History (Economy and Society)

Code: HIS2.78102


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow to know and know how to use research methods and techniques in Economic and Social History. It is also important not only to identify European social and economic structures as well as their evolution between the 15th and 18th centuries, but also the main economic theories of this period. From the methodological point of view, the idea of developing critical knowledge underlies the different interpretative perspectives on these program matters is underlying.

Experimental Approaches to Child Language

Code: LIN2.86303


Objectives: Experimental paradigms in research on early language development, including behavioral and non-behavioral methods in language perception and comprehension. How experimental research has shaped current knowledge on early language acquisition and development.

Fernando Pessoa Studies

Code: LAC2.97454


Objectives: Students will read and comment upon Fernando Pessoa’s work as a landmark of Western literature according to different standpoints. These may include: the reception of Western literary traditions; the revision of Portuguese literary history; archive studies; the shaping of Portuguese literary tradition after 1935; plurilingualism and literary creation; Pessoa as critical essayist; Pessoa as translator. The main goal is to make students acquainted with a remarkable work in the links it establishes with different facets of Western culture.

Film Analysis

Code: LAC2.11750


Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be expected to demonstrate competence in the terminology and concepts used within the academic discipline. They will also be expected to identify the stylistic resources of the films analysed in class; to interpret the narrative effects of the directors’ stylistic options; to recognise the links between different filmic representations of the same scenic and diegetic element, as well as to conceptualise differentiated fulfilments of that same element. The course also aims to improve the students’ capacity of observation, analysis, reading and questioning, and to promote their critical thinking, communication and reasoning. 

Film History

Code: LAC2.97410


Objectives: Following a chronological and thematic methodology, the objective of this course is to familiarize students with the key moments in the history of cinema through the analysis of seminal cinematographic works that contribute to the understanding of what cinema is today. As such, at the end of the semester, it is expected that students will have had contact with the major cinematographic movements in the history of cinema, as well as with their films and directors, in addition to developing the capacity for cinematographic analysis, which will allow them to enhance their critical spirit regarding the importance of the moving image.

Forensic Linguistics

Code: LIN2.87150


Objectives: This course has three main goals: introduce students in the forensic theme, making a connection between language studies and legal issues; demonstrate the importance of linguistic data for forensic characterization of authorship; define global aspects of language and the individual aspects in language production.

Formation of Brazilian Literature: 16th- 18th centuries

Code: LAC2.99482


Objectives: Problematization of the concepts of “Brazilian Literature” and “Brazilian Literature of the Colonial Period”. Colonization, political emancipation and canon formation. Cultural training of the Portuguese colonial elites in the Early Modern Period (16th-18th centuries). Censorship and book circulation. Functions and modes of production, circulation and usages of Literary texts. Portuguese-Brazilian trajectories.

French A1

Code: FRE1.86755


Objectives: The French A1 course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of French. It aims at developing a global competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

French A1.2

Code: FRE1.86101


Objectives: The French A1.2 course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

French A2.1

Code: FRE1.85982


Objectives: The French A2.1 course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

French A2.2

Code: FRE1.85993


Objectives: The French A2.2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

French B1.1

Code: FRE2.85743


Objectives: The French B1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

French B1.2

Code: FRE2.85754


Objectives: The French B1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

French B2.1

Code: FRE2.85765


Objectives: The French B2.1 course unit aims at developing the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts illustrating complex sociocultural themes.  

French B2.2

Code: FRE2.85776


Objectives: The French B2.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes.

French C1.1

Code: FRE3.85780


Objectives: The French C1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

French C1.2

Code: FRE3.85791


Objectives: The French C1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in the expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

French C2

Code: FRE3.85792


Objectives: The French  C2 course unit aims at consolidating the communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring fluency, clarity and precision in the expression as well as a wide range of knowledge, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the language and its cultures.

French Linguistics I

Code: LIN2.83063


Objectives: This course offers an introduction to the phonetics, phonology and morphology of French. It provides students the opportunity to: acquire knowledge about the processes of oral French; learn about the regional diversity of French in these three linguistic domains; compare the properties of French and Portuguese phonetics, phonology and morphology.

French Linguistics II

Code: LIN2.83074


Objectives: This course offers an introduction to the syntax, semantics and historical linguistics of French. It provides students the opportunity to: learn the metalanguage needed to describe syntax and semantics properties; acquire knowledge about the social diversity of French; compare the properties of French and Portuguese phonetics, phonology and morphology.

French-Portuguese Technical Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.87023


Objectives: This course has as its main objective the development of a working method in technical translation /translation of non-literary documents. It aims to familiarize and make known the importance of knowledge acquired by the three necessary stages of technical translation: reading and analysis of technical documents in French; reading/analysis and familiarization of technical documents existing in Portuguese; and translation and revision of French-Portuguese.

French-Portuguese Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.86654


Objectives: The French-Portuguese Translation Practice course unit aims to develop the ability to read, interpret and analyse that precedes the translation experience and to reflect on interlinguistic mediation from a plurality of textual genres and typologies in the French-Portuguese translation process, highlighting various aspects linked to equivalences, interferences and cultural implicatures.

From Kant to Nietzsche: Topics in German Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920568


Objectives: The goal of this CU will be to provide the basic categories and thinking tools that may allow students to enter in the rich intellectual heritage of the German Idealism and its cultural aftermath, from Kant to Nietzsche.

From Kant to Nietzsche: Topics in German Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920583


Objectives: This course unit will analyze the important contributions of Kant to the philosophy of history, to political philosophy and to the philosophy of Law, topics that will be considered in connection with each other and in the context of Kant’s critical theory.

From Latin to Romance Languages

Code: LAC2.45693


Objectives: This course unit aims to provide students with skills and knowledge related to the development of the Latin language into the Romance languages history. It is intended to understand the process of diversification of Latin and the subsequent emergence of Romance languages, among them Portuguese, and to know the factors involved in the process of linguistic change, in socio-political and cultural contexts. This course unit allows to know relevant bibliographic instruments for research work in the scope of historical Latin linguistics and historical sociolinguistics.

Fundamental Texts: Antiquity and Middle Ages

Code: COR1.99311


Objectives: The course aims to develop competencies in reading, interpretating and critically discussing fundamental texts of medium to high difficulty of the various literary, philosophical, historical, political and scientific traditions of the period between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The sessions include a series of plenary lectures by experts and a series of practical sessions in smaller groups. Students analyze arguments and theories, and learn to recognize the centrality of the readings that make up the course.

Fundamental Texts: from the Renaissance to the Age of Enlightenment

Code: COR1.99594


Objectives: The course aims to develop competencies in reading, interpretating and critically discussing fundamental texts of medium to high difficulty of the various literary, philosophical, historical, political and scientific traditions of the period between the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. The sessions include a series of plenary lectures by experts and a series of practical sessions in smaller groups. Students analyze arguments and theories, and learn to recognize the centrality of the readings that make up the course.

Fundamental Texts: from the Romantic Era to the present

Code: COR1.99322


Objectives: The course aims to develop competencies in reading, interpretating and critically discussing fundamental texts of medium to high difficulty of the various literary, philosophical, historical, political and scientific traditions of the period between the Romantic Era and the present. The sessions include a series of plenary lectures by experts and a series of practical sessions in smaller groups. Students analyze arguments and theories, and learn to recognize the centrality of the readings that make up the course.

{tab G-H}

Gender Studies

Code: LAC2.98073


Objectives: Students are expected to acquire the pivotal concepts associated with Gender Studies in articulation with other theoretical perspectives on the area of Identity Studies.
Furthermore they should acquire competences or skills that provide a full understanding of gender relations discursification along cultural history, its reproduction and deconstruction through different social and cultural practices.
Students should be able to reflect critically on relevant issues on gender and identity.

Geopolítica e a Geolinguística do Português (Variedades Europeias, Brasileiras e Pós-coloniais do Português

Code: LIN2.87075


Objectives: The course is built around a fundamental objective: to introduce students to the geopolitics and geolinguistics of Portuguese. It thus focuses on three aspects: the worldwide dimension of the Portuguese language and its African, Brazilian and European varieties; the specificity of Portuguese within Iberia; and the contrasting features of European Portuguese dialects. Student assessment includes the option of performing a contrastive study between two or more varieties of Portuguese or between Portuguese and another language. 

German A1.1

Code: GER1.61902


Objectives: Listening skills: to understand words and frequent expressions related to the areas of most immediate relevance, everyday utterances produced slowly, following instructions. Reading skills: to understand overall and in detail texts appropriate to the level (announcements, brief descriptions, as well as literature). Spoken interaction: to communicate in a simple way about familiar topics and in situations of most immediate relevance. Oral production: to describe oneself, personal activities, housing. Written production: to fill out forms with personal data, write texts on day-to-day topics, a postcard.

German A1.2

Code: GER1.61913


Objectives: The students will acquire basic skills  in oral and written communication necessary to a complete A1-Level: understanding words and frequent expressions related to daily life (personal information, social and family contacts, work,  leisure, housing); understanding everyday utterances and instructions; understanding texts appropriate to the level in question;  reading and understanding simple literary texts; communicating in a simple way about familiar issues; describing daily life situations; making appointments; asking for information;  writing small texts related to daily life (messages, letters, e-mails, postcards, description of places and actions). 

German A2.1

Code: GER1.61924


Objectives: The students will acquire basic skills in oral and written communication: understanding utterances and frequent expressions related to the following areas (e.g. traditions and customs, studying abroad, housing, etc.) and to current topics; understanding overall and in detail texts (fictional and non-fictional) appropriate to the level in question; comprehending relevant information in texts of a higher level;
communicating and interacting in situations of daily routine and writing coherent texts about a variety of topics respecting both spelling and punctuation rules.

German A2.2

Code: GER1.61935


Objectives: The students will acquire basic skills in oral and written communication: understanding utterances and frequent expressions related to the following areas (e.g. clothes, traveling, educational system and learning, etc.) and to current topics; understanding texts appropriate to the level in question (fictional and non-fictional); understand relevant information in texts of a higher level; communicating and interacting in situations of daily routine and writing coherent texts about a variety of topics in compliance with both spelling and punctuation rules.

German B1.1

Code: GER2.61961


Objectives: The students will develop their capacity to understand general and specific texts of the manual and also literary texts recognizing implicit meaning. At the end of the semester they will be able to express themselves relatively fluently and spontaneously about the aspects treated in the classes, without much obvious searching for expressions, but with some errors in grammar and vocabulary. At this level, the competence of written and oral argumentation is promoted as well as sociocultural knowledge about the German-speaking-countries and autonomous learning.

German B1.2

Code: GER2.61972


Objectives: The students will develop their capacity to understand general and specific texts of the manual and also literary texts recognizing implicit meaning. At the end of the semester they will be able to express themselves relatively fluently and spontaneously about the aspects treated in the classes, without much obvious searching for expressions, but with some errors in grammar and vocabulary. At this level, the competence of written and oral argumentation is promoted as well as sociocultural knowledge about the German-speaking-countries and autonomous learning. Reading a longer piece of literature (romance, theatre) will promote the students´ capacity of interpretation and strengthen their relationship with the German culture and language.

German B2.1

Code: GER2.62260


Objectives: To develop their capacity to understand general, specific and literary texts. At the end of the semester students will be able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously about specific aspects, using language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes, with little errors in grammar and vocabulary.  Students will be trained to produce clear, well-structured and detailed texts on complex subjects  prepared in classroom, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. At the same time sociocultural knowledge about the German-speaking-countries and autonomous learning will be promoted.

German B2.2

Code: GER2.62273


Objectives: The learners will develop their capacity to understand a wide range of general, specific and literary texts. They will be able to express themselves quite fluently and spontaneously about specific aspects worked upon during the semester, using language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. They will be trained to produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects that prepared in classroom, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. At the same time, the students´ capacity to investigate, analyze and comment materials as well as to elaborate oral or written presentations in an autonomous way will be developed.

German C1.1

Code: GER3.62071


Objectives: This course aims at the development of advanced skills in oral and written communication based on one of the latests textbooks and particular interests to be chosen by the course participants. Apart from that, students will receive a solid foundation in linguistic reasoning (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, history of Germanic languages) and basics of the study of German literature. Another focus lies on academic writing and presentations.

German C1.2

Code: GER3.62082


Objectives: This course is a continuation of German C1.2 using the same text book and deepening and revisiting the skills in oral and written communication. Likewise, course participants will in part determine the precise topics according to their interests. Another novel will be read in order to pursue these goals more efficiently.  Finally, techniques of academic writing and presentations skills will be revisited and deepened..

German C2.1

Code: GER3.920001


Objectives: The aim of this course is to further develop awareness and use of the conventions of academic German. The course focuses on developing students’ academic writing ability, their reading, listening and speaking skills in a variety of academic registers, through access to lectures and presentations within an academic context. Furthermore, the program focuses on the following areas: Integrated academic skills, paraphrasing and mode of expression, vocabulary for academic purposes, critical thinking, presentation and academic speaking skills, listening and note-taking skills, exercises for preparing the exam "Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom" - certificate for language knowledge on the highest level of proficiency - C2.

German -Portuguese Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.86632


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop basic skills for the translation into Portuguese of different documents written in German language. These are:  development of linguistic competence in German (in the reader's perspective) as well as awareness of different aspects in the two languages  and their respective cultures ; development of capacity of distinguishing types of text (literary, essayistic, journalistic, technical, scientific) and corresponding stylistic levels;  aquisition of a metalanguage that allows for a higher awreness in the translation process, including the substantiated  justification of choices made;  acquisition of strategies for the use of translation tools ; further development of writing skills in the target language. 

German Descriptive Linguistics

Code: LAC2.62194


Objectives: This course introduces central concepts of German grammar, including all the relevant areas starting from phonetics and phonology (phonological processes, syllable structure, prosody, intonation), to morphology (inflection, derivation, composition), syntax (argument structure, complementation, adjunction, word order), sentential semantics (principles of compositionality) and graphematics. The course aims at granting the students with the theoretical concepts necessary for future work in linguistics and in other subjects, as well as to develop a greater awareness of the German language, in its relation to other languages in the world with the focus on languages already known to the students.

German Romanticism

Code: LAC2.62214


Objectives: To identify the uniqueness of German romanticism, by understanding the distinctive features of romantic poetics in relation to the 18th century tradition (the critical inventiveness of the Jena circle and the speculative dynamism of German idealism); 2. To explain, in a periodological framework, the core concepts that underline the description of the complex period that marks, in the history of German culture, the transition from the 18th century to the 19th century (Auflärung, Empfindsamkeit, Sturm und Drang, Romantik and Kunstperiode); 3. To recognize the main stylistic resources and literary devices that singularize German romanticism (fragmentary writing, paradox, Witz and irony).

Grammar of Spoken German

Code: LAC2.62315


Objectives: This course introduces central concepts of German grammar, including all the relevant areas starting from phonetics and phonology (phonological processes, syllable structure, prosody, intonation), to morphology (inflection, derivation, composition), syntax (argument structure, complementation, adjunction, word order), sentential semantics (principles of compositionality) and graphematics. The course aims at granting the students with the theoretical concepts necessary for future work in linguistics and in other subjects, as well as to develop a greater awareness of the German language, in its relation to other languages in the world with the focus on languages already known to the students.

Great Works of Literature

Code: COR1.62172


Objectives: The module develops analytical skills in the reading of literary texts across different genres, periods, literary traditions and cultures, which have had a deep impact on Western culture. From the proposed topics, the reading of the selected great world books discusses and debates the complex relationship of the individual to the main questions of his age, thus promoting a deeper understanding of the Western civilization and the main axes of its evolution.

Greek Culture

Code: LAC2.45476


Objectives: This course unit will study the great themes of the Greek worldview from the archaic period to the Alexandrian Period, developing three thematic areas: Man in History and in Society; Man and Gods; Man and the Scientific Thought. It is intended that not only students acquire a complete knowledge of Ancient Greek Culture, but also acquire the basis for understanding Roman Culture and Latin Literature.

Greek Language I

Code: GRC1.41090


Objectives: O objectivo desta UC é levar o aluno a fazer uma aprendizagem progressiva das noções básicas de fonética, morfologia e sintaxe do grego clássico. Far-se-ão diversos exercícios de morfologia e sintaxe e trabalhar-se-ão autores como Esopo, Luciano, Longo, Novo Testamento, entre outros.

Greek Language II

Code: GRC1.41106


Objectives: This course unit comments on the learning of the main structures of the language, which started at the previous level. The acquisition and consolidation of lexicon will be promoted. The same methodology as the previous level (basic morphology and syntax exercises) will be followed, adjusting the complexity of the texts to the progression of the grammar subjects taught. 

Greek Language III

Code: GRC2.41110


Objectives: Esta UC tem como objectivo consolidar e desenvolver os conhecimentos de língua adquiridos nos dois semestres precedentes, alargando o estudo no âmbito da fonética, da morfologia e da sintaxe. Este trabalho é feito essencialmente com textos em prosa, de dificuldade média, de autores como Xenofonte, Longo, Cáriton.

Greek Language IV

Code: GRC2.41121


Objectives: Esta UC tem como objectivo continuar a aprendizagem do grego clássico. Para isso trabalhar-se-á a prosa ática, consolidando os conhecimentos adquiridos e desenvolvendo a sintaxe da frase. Ler-se-á um discurso completo de Lísias e alguns excertos de Platão. No âmbito da sintaxe da frase, aprofundar-se-ão as orações completivas, as orações relativas (atracção do antecedente) e as orações condicionais (sistematização completa). Continuar-se-á a fomentar a aquisição e a consolidação de léxico.

Greek Language V

Code: GRC3.41132


Objectives: Nesta UC pretende-se que os alunos ganhem aptidão linguística para ler em extensão, propondo-se a tradução, em aula, de um canto da Ilíada e outro da Odisseia. Neste nível de língua iniciar-se-ão os alunos no estudo dos dialectos. Continuando o trabalho de aprendizagem da língua grega, sistematizar-se-á a sintaxe dos casos e estudar-se-á o hexâmetro dactílico

Greek Language VI

Code: GRC3.41143


Objectives: Esta UC usará excertos de Heródoto para rever o dialecto jónico e a sintaxe da frase já aprendida noutros níveis. Pretende-se ainda que os alunos completem o estudo dos dialectos gregos. Para isso, estudar-se-ão diversos poetas da lírica grega entre os sécs. VII e V aC, tais como Safo, Alceu, Íbico, Estesícoro, Simónides, Baquílides, entre outros. Os alunos continuarão a estudar métrica (dístico elegíaco e senário jâmbico) e a trabalhar a língua nas suas estruturas mais complexas.

Greek Literature I

Code: LAC2.45480


Objectives: The program of this course aims to offer students basic instruments of literary analysis and textual contextualization. The fundamental texts of the discipline are the Homeric epic, Hesiod and the archaic lyric authors, and it will address questions of oral tradition and the development of the perception of the narrator / poetic subject within this texts. Other topics of a literary nature that allow the integration of texts in their cultural context may be addressed.

Greek Literature II

Code: LAC2.41200


Objectives: The objective of this course is to offer students a consistent perspective on the analysis of Attic drama. Therefore, questions relevant to the two main literary genres in question (tragedy and comedy) will be addressed, as well as to their relationship with the cultural reality of 5th-century BC Athens (e.g. relationship with the ritual and the Dionysian question, relationship with democracy and the Athenian empire).

Greek Literature III

Code: LAC2.41211


Objectives: This course unit aims to analyse the literary production of the Hellenistic Period. The texts of Alexandrian poets who have reached our time (Callimachus, Apollonius of Rhodes, Theocritus) will be studied, establishing a relationship between the literary subjects and the social, political, cultural and religious environment of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC.

Greek Literature IV

Code: LAC2.41222


Objectives: This course is intended to provide students with a survey of the Greek literary production of the second to fifth centuries CE. It will consider the development of narrative fiction during this period; it will attempt to trace the origins of the Greek novel in different genres and its later impact on the more traditional genre of epic; it will examine the texts’ engagement with their specific historical and cultural milieus, including the rise of Christianity. The module will employ the methodologies and theories usually applied on these texts in modern scholarship (narratology; gender studies; post-colonial theory).

Greek Politics and Society

Code: LAC2.45410


Objectives: Este programa pretende apresentar alguns dos traços políticos, sociais e institucionais que enformaram o mundo helenófono, entre o século XV a.C., com a sociedade micénica, e os séculos II-I a.C., com a conquista romana do Mediterrâneo Oriental, e organiza-se em três unidades: i) Génese, expansão e diversificação da polis na época arcaica; ii) A democracia ateniense; iii) o mundo helenístico.

Hellenistic Philosophy

Code: FIL2.35150


Objectives: This course aims to provide updated information on the most significant philosophical moments of Hellenistic and Imperial philosophy, namely the skeptical traditions, Pyrrhonian and Academic, and the Stoic and Epicurean schools, and to encourage research on the main philosophical problems emerging in this period, as well as to promote knowledge of its chief philosophical texts.

Hindi I (A1.1)

Code: HIN1.56493


Objectives: The Hindi I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Hindi. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Hindi II (A1.2)

Code: HIN1.56502


Objectives: The Hindi II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Hindi III (A2)

Code: HIN2.57090


Objectives: The Hindi III (A2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Hindi IV (B1.1)

Code: HIN2.57106


Objectives: The Hindi IV (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Hindi V (B1.2)

Code: HIN3.57176


Objectives: The Hindi V (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Hindi VI (B2.1)

Code: HIN3.57180


Objectives: The Hindi VI (B2.1) course unit aims at developing the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts illustrating complex sociocultural themes. 

Historical Representation in Spanish American Culture

Code: LAC2.99890


Objectives: This UC proposes a critical reflection on the Spanish American cultural diversity, especially considering artistic representations of episodes from the social and political history of the American sub-continents. Students are expected to be able to: globally know the history of Spanish American cultures, identifying their most relevant moments, periods and protagonists; critically analyze and compare several artistic testimonies in which the dialogue with Spanish American historical context is of special importance.

History and Culture of the Achaemenid Persian Empire

Code: HIS2.76504


Objectives: This course aims to study the rise and expansion of the Achaemenid Persian Empire.

History and Culture of the USA (Colonial Period 1900)

Code: LAC2.12661


Objectives: This course unit aims at engaging with diverse cultural texts (literary, historical, visual, multimedial) that underlay the birth and rise of US identity(ies). It means to provide an overview and solicit focused critical responses (depending on students’ interests) to the pre-colonial era, the colonial period and Puritanism; Enlightenment thinking and the independence of the USA; native populations, the frontier and territorial expansion; immigration and slavery; the Civil War; industrialization and the Gilded Age. Students will be motivated to apply a retrospective understanding to their awareness of the present, illuminating possible paths of action. 

History and Theory of Restoration

Code: HIS2.77983


Objectives: In this UC it is intended to confer, in a historical-artistic perspective, the knowledge of the theories and practices of intervention in monuments, particularly after the 18th century, with the autonomy of the figure of the architect-¬restaurant. The importance of the values of monuments in different contexts of European countries in contemporary times is discussed and the respective effects on the intervention criteria practiced. Highlight the usefulness of this discipline in the context of Art History, with regard to the investigation of the different contributions that each monument has made over time. It is intended that the student acquires this awareness, allowing him a critical view of the integrity of the work of art.

History and Theory of Translation

Code: LAC2.62712


Objectives: The main objective of this BA course unit is to familiarise students with the seminal texts of translation theory from Cicero to the twentieth century. It will explore the changing attitudes towards translation and review the different classifications that have been proposed throughout history. While the focus will be on the history of translation theory, certain aspects of the history of translation practice (mainly in the Portuguese context) will also be addressed. Students will be required to read and analyse a selected number of texts on translation theory as well as to participate in group discussions and presentations.

History of Africa — 15th -20th Centuries

Code: HIS2.78240


Objectives: The course aims to address the dynamics of long duration, as well as the contexts of the transformations of Africa from the 15th to the 20th century, relating the historical connections of the Africa with each other and with the Atlantic and Indian contexts since the 15th century. This supposes, on the one hand, to evaluate the different sources for the history of Africa and, on the other, to take into account the problems of the construction of historical knowledge about Africa and the place of this knowledge in the processes of political and social reconstruction in the continent.

History of Africa from the Origins to the 15th Century

Code: HIS2.76462


Objectives: The main learning objectives of this course unit are to Learn and deepen the theoretical knowledge, concepts and operative concepts for the understanding of African History within the chronology corresponding to this course. Making contact with sources in order to analyze main cultural regions of the continent within an extended historical time period.

History of Afro-Portuguese Relations

Code: HIS2.76870


Objectives: The course unit is divided into two diachronic modules with themes studied synchronously and transversal to both, in order to offer students a chronological and thematic perspective of the forms of connections between Africans and Portuguese from the first contacts to the relationships over the centuries in the various African geographic spaces where they related.

History of al-Andaluz

Code: HIS2.77505


Objectives: The history of a regional unit within Classic Islam, the Muslim Iberian Peninsula, between the 8th and 15th centuries is studied. We consider the processes of orientalization that result from the Islamic conquest as well as the ways of survival of the Hispanic-Roman Christian and Latin matrix. The tension between the affirmation of localisms and the construction of a central power is analyzed, as well as the creation of a frontier society on very diverse linguistic and cultural bases. The background is that of Frontier studies, assuming this regional unity as a point of articulation between the western and eastern Mediterranean, the Maghreb and Christian Europe.

History of Ancient Hispania

Code: HIS2.920577


Objectives: History of Ancient Hispania aims to study the methodology, sources and historiographical problems of the pre-Roman world and the Romanization of the Iberian Peninsula, based on the diversity of the sources: the information provided by the classical literature, the epigraphic documentation, and the archaeological data.

History of Angola

Code: HIS2.75850


Objectives: Learning objectives of the Unit:
Integrate the history of Angola in the context of the Central African areas, appreciating the plurality of its internal dynamics.
Introduce the history of Angola as an ongoing process where geographical and chronological areas of dense knowledge and spaces on which knowledge is scarce coexist.
Discuss, in the long term, the modalities of integration of Angolan spaces in world history, particularly in the Atlantic world.
Encourage an interUCry approach that values diversity of past records and the indispensable contribution of different disciplines, between Linguistics, Archaeology and the Literary Studies, the Ethnography and History.

History of Brazil I

Code: HIS2.75266


Objectives: Based on updated bibliographical references, it is intended that students acquire a general, coherent and evolutive perspective of the colonization of Portuguese America between the beginning of the 16th century and the beginning of the 19th century; develop a clear perception of the most remarkable events and the historical processes that were decisive in the formation of the Luzo-Brazilian colony; and reflect on the characteristics and dynamics of a multi-ethnic and sclavagist colonial society, marked by the presence of Europeans, Americans and Africans. This analysis considers a broader context, which presupposes the existence of a trans-Atlantic space in close articulation with the American colony and a transoceanic and multicontinental colonial empire.

History of Cape Verde

Code: HIS2.75844


Objectives: This course unit studies the Cape Verde's history from the discovery of the islands to the present, contextualizing it in terms of global history, Iberian colonial history and Atlantic history. Along with this historical approach, this discipline studies also the Cape Verdean culture, from its roots to its current manifestations.

History of Christianism

Code: HIS2.75282


Objectives: This subject aims to study the rise and evolution of Christianism as a religion, considering not only its theological and philosophical expressions but also its social, political and institutional topics.

History of Classical Antiquity

Code: HIS2.77590


Objectives: The aim of this course is to study ancient Greek and Roman social structures, economic cycles, institutions and political facts, from the minoic-mycenaean periods to the Late Roman Empire.

History of Classical Antiquity Cultures

Code: HIS2.77606


Objectives: The aim of this subject is to discuss with the students the main cultural expressions in Classical Antiquity, as well as the way they are reflected in human History. Religion, myth and ritual, religious organization of classical societies and their literary expressions in epic, tragedy, historiography and philosophy are the main topics of the syllabus.

History of Classical Antiquity Cultures

Code: HIS2.920065


Objectives: The aim of this subject is to discuss with the students the main cultural expressions in Classical Antiquity, as well as the way they are reflected in human History. Religion, myth and ritual, religious organization of classical societies and their literary expressions in epic, tragedy, historiography and philosophy are the main topics of the syllabus.

History of Climate

Code: HIS2.78963


Objectives: This course will give students the opportunity to think and work topics of climate change and its impacts on human societies. Climate constraints to human settlement and the exploitation of the territory, from prehistory to the present time will approached.  This relevant study focuses on the long period from the beginning of the glacial cycle until the postglacial time, as well as the historical periods commonly referred as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. On the contemporary period the focus is put on the perception that different communities have of climate change and how they can (or not) respond to the challenge of adapting their modus vivendi to guarantee the sustainability of natural resources.

History of Freemasonry in Portugal (18th to 20th Centuries)

Code: HIS2.75754


Objectives: The course History of Freemasonry in Portugal (18th to 20th Centuries) aims to study the implantation of Freemasonry in Portugal in Portugal since 1717, its evolution and relationship with Political, Cultural and Social History until 1974. Its studies in particular some myths created around it, such as the relationship with Liberalism and Republicanism, trying to distinguish what tradition enshrined, and what is possible to clarify based on historical sources.

History of Lisbon

Code: HIS2.920066


Objectives: The aim is to provide a global and coherent vision of the history of Lisbon from the pre-Roman times to the present day, highlighting the importance of its location and its connection with the River Tagus, its role as court and core of a realm and an empire and its cosmopolitanism.

History of Maritime and Colonial Empires (17th-20th centuries)

Code: HIS2.78161


Objectives: The aim is to provide a global and coherent vision of the development of European empires since the early modern age, introducing the imperial formations on stage, their spaces and patterns of settlement and domination, both formal and informal, and their interactions and overlapping, between the 17th and the 20th centuries.

History of Medieval Islam

Code: HIS2.78082


Objectives: This is an introduction to the History of Islam and the History of the regions, from the Iberian Peninsula to central Asia, which were exposed to the cultural and civilizational results of the expansion of Islam. We consider Islam as a meeting place for the old civilizations of the Mediterranean and Eurasia (transmission and re-elaboration of historical legacies) and observe Islam in the face of Latin Christianity (contacts and exchanges between two civilizational blocs) as well as a visible "other" (from a threat to the ethnographic view of "Orientalism").

History of Military Technology of Antiquity

Code: HIS2.78416


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop students' skills related to the importance of Technology in the context of the War in the Ancient World, developing themes such as the importance of fortifications and the siege warfare, or the technological mobility of war expressed in the dimension of war chariots or in the Importance of naval technology. Economics, Society and Political Systems are also models and dimensions of work in this discipline, in an interactive perspective.

History of Mozambique

Code: HIS2.75845


Objectives: This course aims at understanding the dynamics of long duration as well as the key conjunctures of the history of Mozambique from the pre-colonial period to the construction of the independent state. It highlights the specific features and diversity of the history of the peoples in Mozambique, also considering their relations with other African societies and the broader world. It provides conceptual and interpretative frameworks for the analysis of the history of Mozambique in the context of the history of Africa and the Indian Ocean World.

History of Political Ideas in Contemporary Europe

Code: FIL2.33625


Objectives: Under analysis will be various currents of contemporary political thought, such as conservatism, liberalism and socialism.

History of Portuguese Culture

Code: LAC2.99116


Objectives: This course unit provides a panoramic survey of the History of Portuguese culture and the perception of the way in which concepts and key events articulate sensible experience with other cultures and civilizations.
The principal topics covered by the course are: the Portuguese voyages of exploration; the Renaissance and the Counter-Reformation; the Baroque Period; the Age of Enlightenment; the Nineteenth century in print, and cultural nationalism; decolonization.
The course analyze, above all, the cultural heritage, commemorations and memories (‘lieux de mémoire’) in thought, literatures, and arts, or the Portuguese discourse as a continuous dialogue with the Other.

History of the Portuguese Discoveries and Oceanic Expansion

Code: HIS2.78543


Objectives: It is intended that students acquire and expand the knowledge that they previously acquired about the Portuguese colonial empire and the Portuguese expansion on a global scale; and dominate the use of concepts and identify the new trends and challenges considered by contemporary historiography as structuring in this domain. Through comparative references with other colonial empires, we will try to understand what characterises and distinguishes the Portuguese colonial empire formed during the Modernity.

History of Pre-Classical Antiquity

Code: HIS2.77575


Objectives: The course addresses the historical phenomena associated with the emergence and flourishing of the Fertile Crescent civilizations, from the Neolithic to the dawn of the Iron Age, focusing especially on the cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Canaan. Strongly based on archaeological, textual, and geographic sources, the discipline seeks to explain, in each of the civilizations addressed, the elements that propelled its development.

History of Pre-Classical Antiquity Cultures

Code: HIS2.77586


Objectives: History of the Cultures of Pre-Classical Antiquity studies the mentality, the religious thought and the political ideology of the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel, through the reading and analysis of historical sources, namely literary. The discipline aims to recognize the syncretic processes that operate within the pre-classical civilizations and the points of contact between the different cultures of Antiquity.

History of Republicanism in Portugal

Code: HIS2.78723


Objectives: The course he History of Republicanism in Portugal aims to contextualize the emergence of the republican movement in Portugal and its evolution in the nineteenth century; to assess the founding of the Portuguese Republican Party and affirmation of republican ideas at the beginning of the century. XX; to analyse the implementation of the First Republic; to characterize the fundamentals of the republican regime instituted in 1911; to understand the political, economic and social evolution of the First Republic.

History of the book and reading

Code: LAC2.97840


Objectives: This course approaches the history of the book ranging from the Middle Ages to present times in order to attain the following goals: 1) obtaining skills to acknowledge and describe what is involved in manuscript and/or printed book production, as well as to interpret the book as a cultural item historically enrooted; 2) understanding the interaction between the material dimension of books and the texts they convey; 3) getting acquainted with different historical ways of reading in accordance with the critical use of different source types (documentary, historiographical, iconographic and bibliographical); 4) understanding the historical relation of the book to other material carriers of written communication.

History of the English Language

Code: LAC2.12470


Objectives: The purpose of this course unit is to provide students with a description of the historical development of English from the Anglo-Saxon to the modern period. At the end of the course, students should: (i) understand the phenomenon of language change, its types and motivations. (ii) place English within the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family; and especially (iii) be able to describe the main changes in the language from the Anglo-Saxon (450-1100) to the modern period (1500-). Additionally, the course will develop students' ability to describe and analyze language and encourage autonomous research.

History of the Navy

Code: HIS2.77404


Objectives: It studies the importance of the Navy in building the global universal process. It develops the following themes: history of the navy and maritime history; architecture and shipbuilding; nautical, pilotage and naval education; Portuguese nautical cartography and cartography; navigation in the age of geographic exploration; the war at sea; the navies of Antiquity, Middle Ages, Expansion and the first battleships; coast defenses and the evolution of tactical and strategic models.

History of the Portuguese Language

Code: LIN2.84075


Objectives: This course offers an overview of the main changes that the Portuguese language underwent since its formation until the present day. It covers different areas of grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon), which are considered both in their diachronic development and their geographical variation. Besides the descriptive path, and interacting with it, the course includes the reading, interpretation and linguistic commentary of Portuguese texts ranging from the earlier medieval texts to the modern period.

History of Theatre and Performance

Code: LAC2.98040


Objectives: This CU has as a goal to define a chronological sequence of the theatrical activity in the western theatre from the 5th cent. B.C. in Greece until the 20th century; to understand and contextualize the determinant events and achievements in the History of Theatre in its historical, social, political and/or artistic context; to understand the evolution of Theatre history considering narrative/writing procedures; theatrical architecture; technology; actors’ training methods; production structures; relationship between stage and text; and critical response.

Hunter-Gatherer Societies in the Iberian Peninsula

Code: HIS2.77680


Objectives: This course unit aims to promote the knowledge of the first societies established in the Iberian Peninsula. For this purpose, the evolution in time and space of the archaeological record connected with them is emphasized, since the earliest colonization of the territory until the arrival, full establishment and local development of the anatomically modern man. Particular attention will be given to different adaptation strategies that have been adopted by Paleolithic man as well as the topics which are still the subject of extensive discussions.

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Iberian Cultures

Code: LAC2.920628


Objectives: This course proposes a critical reflection on Iberian cultural diversity, especially taking into account the specificities of non-Castilian cultural areas. Students are expected to be able to: know the history of the Iberian Peninsula's cultures, their linguistic diversity and geo-political evolution from the Middle Ages to the present; critically analyze relevant testimonies of the relationship between Iberian cultures, namely in the Basque, Catalan, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese artistic domains, considering both the historical trajectory and the contemporary complexity of these relationships.


Code: HIS2.77744


Objectives: To know how to use the main working tools of iconographic studies. Identify and analyze the issues and the most common figures of Christian art produced between Late Antiquity and the Renaissance. Reflect critically on the genesis of phenomena and transformation of Christian iconography.

Iconography and Iconology

Code: HIS2.77732


Objectives: To know how to use the main working tools of iconographic studies. Identify and analyze the issues and the most common figures of Christian art produced between Late Antiquity and the Renaissance. Reflect critically on the genesis of phenomena and transformation of Christian iconography.

Imperial China (Ming and Qing)

Code: HIS2.78666


Objectives: Learning outcomes: this course provides an introduction to recent historiographical trends. Survey of cultural, political and institutional developments from the Ming to the Qing dynasties up to the Opium wars. By the end of the semester students are expected to have obtained fundamental knowledge about China during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The critical analysis and discussion of texts in class further aims to foster students’ ability to develop an informed, consistent and independent way of thinking. Syllabus: survey of key aspects of the of Chinese Cultural History from the Ming to the Qing (1840) with a particular emphasis on primary sources (in English translation).

Indian Ocean and Asia: past and present

Code: HIS2.86376


Objectives: Paths of Connection ; 2. The Portuguese and Asian attraction : connections and ways of protosinology ( 1499- 1555 ) ; 3.  Macau : from the Ming to the Qing / Kangxi ( 1722 ) ; 4. The survival of Macau and the RAEM ( 1999- 2022 ). 

Interarts and Intermedia Studies

Code: LAC2.62240


Objectives: Although it conciliates two relatively recent designations in an academic context, the discipline of Interarts and Intermedia Studies stems from a very old and historical understanding that the various means of expression and different artistic fields exist in dialogue and in correspondence with each other, and it aims at reconstructing the topics which constituted and still sustain the crucial interest of this dialogue. Grounded on a necessarily interUCry assumption, we seek to offer theoretical and critical instruments that enable an understanding of the unique nature of interartistic borders, as well as to observe and comment on objects (literary, plastic, musical, theatrical, architectural, photographic, cinematographic, etc.) produced within different domains, which clearly contaminate each other, and, last but not least, to consider and discuss the historical and aesthetic singularity of the works created by artists of multiple craft.

Intercultural Communication

Code: COR1.11761


Objectives: To promote the learning of key theories and concepts in intercultural communication and to develop analytical and critical discussion skills concerning discourses and practices of interaction and communication between different cultures.
Possible syllabus contents: critical approach to key concepts, such as culture, nation, ethnicity, gender, alterity, interculturality, ethnocentrism, stereotype, tolerance, hospitality; relationship between language and culture; processes of identity construction and affirmation; migration, and cultural estrangement; processes of intercultural mediation; multicultural policy models; globalization and mediatization challenges.

Integrated Management of Artistic Heritage

Code: HIS2.77362


Objectives: It is intended in this UC that the student understands a set of programmed actions with the objective of achieving an optimum conservation of the patrimonial assets and a use of these, adequate to the contemporary social requirements. It is intended to raise awareness of the multiUCry nature of action and the importance of dialogue between tutelary heritage entities and other bodies with competences for selection, study and action. Study of practical examples that can better explain the concept of Integrated Management.

International Public Law

Code: XFD2.51128


Objectives: The course unit aims to provide an introduction to Public International Law, as well as develop interpretive skills to solve practical issues in this area. Its object mainly comprehends questions about Sources, including relations between International Law and municipal Law, Subjects and International Responsibility. The focus is on a concrete analysis of the issues, through the study of jurisprudence and international practice and not merely of normative prescriptions.

International Relations Law

Code: XFD2.51111


Objectives: The course unit aims to provide an introduction to Public International Law, as well as develop interpretive skills to solve practical issues in this area. Its object mainly comprehends questions about Sources, including relations between International Law and municipal Law, Subjects and International Responsibility. The focus is on a concrete analysis of the issues, through the study of jurisprudence and international practice and not merely of normative prescriptions


Code: LIN3.920485

ECTS: 12

Objectives: The Internship course unit of the Degree in Translation corresponds to a curricular internship of 120 hours, carried out in any public or private institution that accepts the trainee and with which FLUL has signed a protocol for this purpose. The internship is followed by a final report.  The Internship aims to complement the student's academic training through the development of work practices in the host institutions and civil society, a first professional experience, the application of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills and a better integration of the student in the labour market.

Introduction to African Arts

Code: HIS1.78576


Objectives: The learning outcomes of the course are the acquisition of knowledge on practices related the visual arts in African contexts, in a broad sense, as well as the development of the capacity to analyse, interpret and critique paradigmatic work in the visual arts in Africa.

Introduction to Asian Studies

Code: HIS1.78745


Objectives: Introduction to Asian Studies has as its main objectives 1. to inform and train about current themes and problems with respect to Asian Studies, and about the logic of constitution of the area, 2. to introduce problematic key issues in the area, and to stimulate reflection on the logic of the Social Sciences and its implications in terms of Asian matters, and 3. to provide students with perspectives of training and information about Asia in its longue durée and space plurality.

Introduction to Cinematography

Code: LAC1.99874


Objectives: Introduction to Cinematography aims at introducing students to the principles and techniques of cinema, familiarizing them with the specificities of cinema and cinematographic creation. Thus, students will have the opportunity to learn about the filmic text and cinematographic language through the analysis and theoretical reflection on films and directors so that they can then produce their own content. As such, this course unit will allow students to produce a critical discourse regarding Cinema, while providing them with the necessary tools to create images and tell a story.

Introduction to Egyptology

Code: HIS2.75483


Objectives: Forgotten in Europe for more than fifteen centuries, the Egypt of the Pharaohs was rediscovered by the military and scientific expedition of Napoleon Bonaparte. Since then, Egypt has become one of the most active territories in terms of archaeological excavations. The aim of the course is to highlight the way in which interaction with the archaeological object has evolved over the past 200 years and thereby stimulate a critical view with regard to the archaeological and museological exploration of antiques.

Introduction to Envrionmental Archaeology

Code: HIS2.76288


Objectives: Introduction to Environmental Archaeology, defining the various auxiliary areas of Archaeology and describing their methodologies. Namely Archaeometrics, Geoarchaeology, Anthropology, Archaeobotany and Zooarchaeology will be focused. To build knowledge bases of the various disciplines of the natural sciences involved in the archaeological analyses. To help the students to recognize which methodologies of analysis are most appropriate to the archaeological questions they wish to solve and to develop their critical capacity to analyse these themes.

Introduction to Experimental Linguistics

Code: LIN1.58764


Objectives: Introduction to experimental research in Linguistics: models, methods and paradigms in various linguistic domains and in multiUCry research. Tools for the study of language performance and language knowledge.

Introduction to Historiography

Code: HIS1.77676


Objectives: Understand the major currents of Western historical thought. To study the foundations of contemporary historiography, the current debates and the new challenges posed to history. Understand the problems of the production of scientific discourse in history and provide tools for a critical evaluation of historiographical works.

Introduction to Laboratory Methods

Code: HIS1.921090


Objectives: Within an interUCry dynamics that increasingly involves the history of art studies, this course unit aims to sensitize students to the material and technical aspects involving works of art, particularly the issues related to their making and conservation. We study the main laboratory examination and analysis methods available, and their significance for the Art History, by presenting several cases of national and international study. Students should be able to identify several laboratory methods as well as the contributions and limitations of each of them to the knowledge of works of art. They should also be able to recognize the importance to the scientific advance of the Art History, the development of interUCry studies involving experts from the humanities, social sciences and exact sciences (chemistry, physics, biology, geology).

Introduction to Law

Code: XFD1.51120


Objectives: The purpose of the discipline of Introduction to Law is to demonstrate some general knowledge on the Law. It also has the intention to determining its position and function in the social system and its connection with the State. Moreover, Introduction to Law aims at studying the bases of Law as well as introducing students to legal reasoning and to the methodology of Science of Law.

Introduction to Museology

Code: HIS1.77250


Objectives: It is intended to contribute to scientific competence in the analysis of the main questions and concepts of  the modern museology. The main purpose is to teach a set of theoretical and practical concepts that allow the student the ability to understand the museums history and to discuss and analyse the contemporary Museum, both in the  international context and in Portugal. The presentation of case studies it is also intended so that the student recognizes the main historical, cultural, and technical evolution lines within the Museum studies.

Introduction to Slavic Linguistics

Code: LIN1.84896


Objectives: This course unit aims to identify central linguistic aspects in the synchrony and diachrony of the Slavic languages and demonstrate how they are described and explained through theoretical models of linguistics. Important issues of genetic affiliation, common phonological and morphological processes, syntaxis, mode and modality, aspect, lexical innovation, linguistic change, and communication in society are selected.

Introduction to Slavic Literatures

Code: LAC2.86066


Objectives: This course unit aims to present a panoramic review of the Slavic literatures from its origins to the present and their integration in the European and world literary heritage. By means of the reading of selected pieces of Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Slovene, Polish and Russian prose, poetry and drama, students acquire knowledge of the history of these literatures, in the context of the landmarks of life of the respective nations. 

Introduction to Terminology

Code: LIN1.85020


Objectives: The Introduction to Terminology course unit focuses on the acquisition of knowledge relevant to a reflective knowledge of language and of specialised texts, through an in-depth analysis of terminology and of specialised lexical units, of the various mechanisms of production and of the relationship with the social reality of language, i.e., discourses. It also aims at fostering the acquisition of knowledge that allows developing the terminological domain, creating habits of consulting terminological tools and producing individualised glossaries, so as to ensure greater success in translation work.

Introduction to the Arts of Asia

Code: HIS1.78756


Objectives: Learning outcomes of the course unit: developing the capacity to critically analyse the Chinese, Japanese and Korean art masterpieces and the contexts in which they were produced with a special focus on the influence that Chinese and Buddhist arts exercised within the wider East Asian region. Syllabus: Survey of key aspects of the art and archaeology of East Asia from prehistoric times to the present day. Study of Buddhist art from a cross-cultural perspective. Brief introduction to the arts of painting, calligraphy, metalwork, ceramics and jade in the East Asian tradition.

Introduction to the Geography of Asia

Code: HIS1.24892


Objectives: Introduction to the Geography of Asia aims to introduce the major aspects of Asian identity throughout an integrated analysis of geographic and sociocultural aspects concerning the Asian countries, and to present the main aspects related to the contemporary economic and political rise of Asia in the context of the emergence of a polycentric international system. The course seeks the familiarization with the methods, theories and key concepts of Geography related to the object of study.     

Introduction to the History of Africa

Code: HIS1.76440


Objectives: The unit curricular have four learning outcomes:
1. Ability to think Africa and its past from the academically based perspective of the continent itself;
2. Acquaintance with the diverse approaches of African History, providing a conceptual transUCry basis for reflection on the historical transformation of African societies;
3. Leading the students to understand the long-term historical dynamics of African societies and spaces and their global connections.
4. Leading the students to identify and understand the different types of sources to the making of African History, as well as the methodological requirements for critical and crossing of these sources.

Introduction to the Issues of the Human Sciences

Code: FIL2.98025


Objectives: The great theoretical traditions in human sciences. Jon Elster and Michel Foucault: the status of the collective in explaining social behaviour. The archaeology of the human sciences from the history of criminal law. The "economic man" and the "digital man".

Introduction to the Literatures of Asia

Code: LAC2.78633


Objectives: Learning outcomes: this course provides an introduction to the East Asian Literatures masterpieces and the cultural context in which they were produced, with special emphasis on primary sources (mainly using English translations). By the end of the semester students are expected to have obtained fundamental knowledge about different topics presented of East Asian Literatures in comparative perspective, ranging from the origins of writings, to the formation of the canon and the contribution of popular literature to the formation of the poetry, the novel and the theatre. The critical analysis and discussion of texts in class further aims to develop each student's ability in the critical reading and recognizing of outstanding authors and their works.

Introduction to the Religions of Asia

Code: HIS1.78883


Objectives: Introduction to the Religions of Asia aims to study the religious phenomenon in South, Southeast and East Asia, focusing especially on Zoroastrianism, the Vedic religion, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shamanism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto and several new religions with an Asian background. It follows analytical and comparative perspectives and aims to develop critical approaches with regard both to existing sources and the various interpretations on religious phenomena in Asia.

Introduction to Theatre Practice

Code: LAC1.98036


Objectives: The aims of the course are essentially to establish a general understanding of production and performance practices, based on a broad based, highly practical view of the various processes involved. Although some theory will be involved, the focus will be on students acquiring practical knowledge of the basic skills required to put on a theatre performance, with the course progressing from preparatory work on the voice and the body in performance to identifying and developing interpretative, expressive, interpersonal and improvisatory skills specific to acting and directing that they may go on to develop in possible future projects.

Irish Literature and Culture

Code: LAC2.12422


Objectives: This course unit aims to: 1) offer an introduction to Irish history, culture, and literature, both in terms of its links with Britain’s history and with the Irish diaspora; 2) introduce the ongoing identity debates within Irish Studies, as they reflect the close interaction between political developments and cultural manifestations in Irish history; and 3) foster students’ informed ability to think critically about literary texts and films within their respective historical framework, while providing an insight into Ireland’s rich cultural and literary heritage, and to the ethical and aesthetic dialogues that shape it.

Italian - Speaking and Culture

Code: ITA.87265


Objectives: This course aims at developing and improving the students’ speaking skills. A communicative approach, through different methods, strategies and activities, will train the students to speak in Italian for real communicative purposes. The syllabus encompasses different themes of Italian culture, such as Italian geography, literature, cinema, the linguistic situation, and also insights on grammatical issues (morphology and syntax) through a contrastive approach between Italian and Portuguese.

Italian A1

Code: ITA1.86000


Objectives: The Italian A1 course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Italian. It aims at developing a global competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Italian A2

Code: ITA1.86011


Objectives: The Italian A2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Italian B1

Code: ITA2.87236


Objectives: The Italian B1 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Italian B2

Code: ITA2.87240


Objectives: The Italian B2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes.  

Italian C1.1

Code: ITA3.87251


Objectives: The Italian C1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge. 

Italian C1.2

Code: ITA3.87262


Objectives: The Italian C1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in the expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.  

Italian C2.1

Code: ITA3.87263


Objectives: The Italian C2.1 course unit aims at consolidating the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring fluency, clarity and precision in the expression as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, demonstrating an advanced level of linguistic awareness.

Italian C2.2

Code: ITA3.87264


Objectives: The Italian  C2.2 course unit aims at consolidating the communicative competence corresponding to the second tier of level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring fluency, clarity and precision in the expression as well as a wide range of knowledge, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the language and its cultures. 

Italian Culture

Code: LAC2.99640


Objectives: To provide students with the skill to identify aesthetic and cultural phenomena in their respective contexts. To stimulate critical thinking in the appreciation of cultural knowledge. To provide students with conceptual frames as far as the history of ideas in Italian culture is concerned. To provide students with conceptual and practical elements that help them describe the specificity of Italian culture phenomena. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Italian Linguistics

Code: LIN2.86590


Objectives: This course aims at enhancing the students’ explicit knowledge of Italian grammar by developing competences and providing the tools to analyse and understand standard Italian and regional Italian varieties, and most common grammatical doubts, with the help of the comparative study of Italian and Portuguese. The syllabus is also focused on the history of the Italian language through the analysis of different types of written documents.

Italian Narrative

Code: LAC2.99254


Objectives: To develop methodological and conceptual skills adjusted to the study of narrative fiction of Italian discursive and thematic dimension. To foster a critical reflection on narrative fiction, as far as categories, forms and themes are concerned, both synchronically and from a historical point of view. To provide students with the skill to read a text of literary nature based on the critical use of tools, operative categories and appropriate methodologies of textual analysis. To foster the independent understanding of authors with aesthetic, poetical, discursive and ideological relevance. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Italian Poetry

Code: LAC2.99550


Objectives: To provide the students with reading skills through the discerning use of hermeneutic tools, conceptual categories and analytical methodologies. To foster a critical reflection on poetry, as far as categories, forms and themes are concerned, both synchronically and from a historical point of view. To stimulate the independent understanding of authors with aesthetic, poetical, discursive and ideological relevance. To allow the students to reconstruct a panorama of Italian poetry. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge.

Italian Renaissance

Code: LAC2.98466


Objectives: To provide students with the ability to identify aesthetic and cultural phenomena in association with their specific historical, cultural and social contexts. To stimulate critical evaluation of knowledge from a scientific and cultural point of view. To provide students with conceptual and practical elements that help them describe the Italian Renaissance. To provide students with conceptual frames as far as the history of ideas in Italian culture is concerned. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge.

Italian C1

Code: ITA3.920074


Objectives: The Italian C1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in the expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

Italian-Portuguese Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.86665


Objectives: Starting from the basic concepts of Translations Studies and the concept that communication between different peoples is a necessary tool to overcome barriers linguistic and cultural characteristics that distinguish them, the course aims to lead the student to learn the basic practices of translating from Italian to Portuguese without forgetting the cultural issue. For this purpose, the texts used will be of various kinds: literary, technical, articles, instructions.

Japan: Past and Present

Code: HIS2.78894


Objectives: ‘Japan: Past and Present’ analyzes the History of Japan in its various periods up to the present, looking at the links between political framework, economy, society and culture in each context, but also perceiving constants in the long duration. Several political and social solutions are analyzed, whether emerging from the Japanese reality itself, or as models imported from abroad, in the interaction with the Asian context and the Western world.

Japanese Culture

Code: HIS2.78861


Objectives: 'Japanese Culture' has the purpose of providing instruments of knowledge of Japanese culture, from the genesis of a recognizable identity pattern, to the present context of globalization. The Japanese culture is approached from two perspectives: taking into account historical dynamics and circumstances, but also analyzing perennial identity traits.

Japanese I

Code: JPN1.98804


Objectives: Objective: Learn 4 capacities at basic level.
Subjects: Reading and Writing: Hiragana, Katakana and 15 Kanji;
Vocabulary: numbers, time, country, major, occupations, food, drink, objects, places, entertainment, adjectives, adverbs;
Expressions: presentations, greetings, expressions in the class, invite, daily routine;
Grammar: particles, affirmative, negative and interrogative phrases, verb conjugation in present form (Infinitive, Long Form);
Conversation: understand simple conversation, basic question and answers;
Japanese Culture.

Japanese II

Code: JPN1.98815


Objectives: Objective: Deepening further knowledge basing of Japanese I.
Subjects: Reading and Writing: 43 Kanji;
Vocabulary: local, date, weekdays, adverbs;
Expressions: describe where they are; like/dislike, request, permission, prohibition, describing two activities, reason;
Grammar: particles, counting, verb and adjective conjugation (present and past tense), verb conjugation (Te-form), phrase conjugation;
Conversation: understand basic conversations, express in a single way;
Japanese Culture (Tea ceremony).

Japanese III

Code: JPN2.99026


Objectives: To learn how to make and understand sentences on daily routines, specifying, for instance, desires, impressions, reasons and purposes. To make and understand several sentences including petitions and skills. Using particles correctly.

Japanese IV

Code: JPN2.99030


Objectives: Learning new verb conjugations in order to be able to build and understand sentences indicating obligation («Must do ....»), asking in negative sense («Don't do ....»), skills («Knowhow ....»). To talk about actions, past and present, following a time order (sequentially), about a few representative actions instead of all. The indirect speech.

Japanese V

Code: JPN3.99120


Objectives: Using a proper verb conjugation, learning to make more complex and more detailed sentences, thus reflecting a mindset, e.g., thanking, feeling curious and feeling sorrow. Using conditionals to describe specific situations.

Japanese VI

Code: JPN3.99131


Objectives: Building more complex sentences, including concepts as having prepared something, having done something, having planned something, among others.  

Korea: Past and Present

Code: HIS2.78835


Objectives: ‘Korea: Past and Present’ allows the study of the geography and History of Korea and how the territory and particular contexts condition the Korean historical evolution. There is an observation of the different political systems and social dynamics up to the present and also an analysis of vectors that are constant in Korean History. Equally, emphasis is placed on types of relations between Korea and China, Japan and western countries.

Korean Culture

Code: HIS2.78936


Objectives: 'Korean Culture' analyzes the formation of Korean cultural patterns that persist to the present. Particular relevance is given to the way in which Korea absorbs external cultural influences, resizes them and projects them abroad in a Korean identity context. Likewise, the emergence of cultural practices in relation to each context is analyzed, with particular importance being given to the configuration of Korean identity in a context of globalization.

Korean I

Code: KOR1.78400


Objectives: This course aims to teach basic expressions of Korean language to foreigners who do not speak Korean as their native language. The learners will develop their abilities to understand and express basic Korean language on the basis of Korean alphabet education, and will learn Korean grammar and idiomatic expressions that should be understood at the beginner level. 

Korean II

Code: KOR1.78401


Objectives: The curriculum of this course is composed of everyday subjects necessary for living in Korea. To be able to connect speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises through various thematic assignments. They are also able to have enough Korean language ability to communicate with Korean people.

Korean III

Code: KOR2.78402


Objectives: The target students are those who have finished a beginner course. In this course they develop their ability to use Korean properly, and learn Korean grammar and idiomatic expressions that must be learned at the intermediate level. Also, they gain the ability to use Korean to communicate daily with Korean people.

Korean IV

Code: KOR2.78403


Objectives: This course is intended for international students who have completed Korean III and aims to improve the balance of four functions: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The main contents of the curriculum are composed of the topics of speaking in daily life such as menu selection, symptom explanation, invitation, description of appearance, story of experience, and expression of change.

Korean V

Code: KOR3.78404


Objectives: This course aims to enable students who have completed intermediate Korean language classes to communicate on various topics. Topics include individual, social, culture and humanities. Students will learn four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing in an advanced level. 

Korean VI

Code: KOR3.78406


Objectives: This course is intended for international students who have completed Korean 5 and aims to improve the balance of four functions: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will be able to explain what they learned by presentation. They also can write about various topics. Students can not only write short essays but also organized writing with introduction, body and conclusions. 

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Language Acquisition

Code: LIN2.86272


Objectives: This course unit aims at discussing the main current hypotheses about language acquisition, considering different acquisition situations (L1 and L2, monolingual and bilingual contexts). Cases of Developmental Language Disorder will also be considered. It also aims at developing, at a descriptive level, knowledge of salient aspects of the acquisition of languages (with special attention to phonology, syntax, and the lexicon). Portuguese is taken as the main case study, but it is compared to other languages, when relevant (both corpus data and the results of experiments will be discussed).

Language and Communication

Code: LIN1.85324


Objectives: This is a course on language use in context, extending students' knowledge and competence on the principles that regulate verbal activity and on the properties of Portuguese in use in different linguistic and situational contexts.

Languages of Europe

Code: LIN2.51127


Objectives: This course analyses the European linguistic panorama from a historic, geographic, (socio)linguistic, economic, and political perspective, enabling an understanding of the linguistic diversity of the continent with relation to the states and institutions of Europe. It also explores the global and pluricentric nature of various European languages, in terms of policies directed towards their dissemination, capitalisation, and supranational management.

Late Antiquity: History and Culture

Code: HIS2.78022


Objectives: This course is designed for undergraduates wishing to know more about the history and culture of the Mediterranean and Near East between Diocletian and the 7th century. This course is organized into two parts: in the first ten lectures, we will focus on acquiring a global overview of the entire period; in the second part, we will discuss four questions: what was new in the political structure of the Late Roman Empire? Did Christians destroy ancient culture? The Frankish and Visigothic kingdoms: Romans or Barbarians? Why was the Byzantine empire beaten by the Muslims?

Late Antique and Islamic Art

Code: HIS2.77733


Objectives: The UC aims to provide students with access to a set of theoretical and historical notions in the field of art history and its methodology, as well as a set of knowledge related to the Art of Late Antiquity and Islam.

Latin I

Code: LAT1.41031


Objectives: This course unit intends to initiate students in the study of the Latin language, transmitting the morpho-syntactic bases (nominal and verbal morphology and syntax principles). It is intended for students without any knowledge of the language. It will be chosen texts by several authors, in gradual progression, from the simplest sententiae or from the most vivid graffiti to excerpts from the Vulgate.

Latin II

Code: LAT1.41042


Objectives: This course unit aims to consolidate the acquired knowledge and complement the fundamental contents of the Latin language. Moderate difficulty texts will be read and analysed gradually, depending on the subjects taught. In addition to the ancient authors, medieval and humanistic authors will also be able to work.

Latin III

Code: LAT2.41154


Objectives: This course unit aims to develop some more complex syntax contents, in order to offer the necessary bases to read to a greater extent poets and prose writers of Latin literature from the classical and imperial periods. A review of the verbal and nominal morphology will be carried out and the syntax of the cases, the subordinate clauses and the peripheral constructions will be developed. 

Latin IV

Code: LAT2.41165


Objectives: This UC aims to consolidate and complement the knowledge acquired at previous levels of the Latin language, focusing particularly on the systematization of the Latin subordinate clauses and  versification. A prose writer and a poet will be read and analysed more fluently.

Latin Literature I

Code: LAC2.45500


Objectives: Latin Literature I envisages guiding the students in their first contact with Latin literature. The students will be introduced to the basic instruments for the study of the subject (histories of literature, companions, commentaries, encyclopedias), as well as to methods of study (how to comment a text with its historical and cultural background; structural and rhetorical motives to be considered; the relationship between the text and the Greek and Latin tradition it interacts with). Latin Literature I focuses in poetry of the period of Augustus. The main authors, works, and genres will be privileged.

Latin Literature II

Code: LAC2.41244


Objectives: The course unit of Latin Literature II focuses on Roman theater. Starting from a synoptic view of the origins, authors, and characteristics of the dramatic genre in Rome, the classes then examine the dramatists considered to be the most emblematic: Plautus and Terentius in comedy, Seneca in tragedy. Despite the use of translations, the course unit aims to promote a closer and direct contact with the Latin texts.

Latin Literature III

Code: LAC2.41255


Objectives: Knowledge of latin epic, from the beginigs to late Antiquity. Caracterization of epic genre both from theoretecal and practical perspective, identification of homeric tradition elements and alexandrine influence, the specificity of the genre in Rome and the study of the texts within their cultural and historical frame.

Latin Literature IV

Code: LAC2.41266


Objectives: This BA course unit corresponds to the most advanced level of Latin Literature and it addresses  two authors: Seneca and Tacitus. Latin Literature IV privileges philosophical prose by Seneca (dialogues, moral treaties and Epistulae ad Lucilium) as well as the two main historical works, Historiae and Annales, and the biographical monograph Agricola, by Tacitus. The study of these two authors –  never extensively studied in the students' academic curriculum— will be conducted so as to enable the dialogue with different literary genres and with other authors of classical Latin literature, especially from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD (including, e.g., Valerius Maximus, Martial, Pliny the Younger, Juvenal, and Suetonius).

Latin V

Code: LAT3.41176


Objectives: In this UC the knowledge of the subordinate clauses and the syntax of the cases of the Latin language will be continued. The acquisition of vocabulary will be an essential aim. We will work on texts by classical authors of greater syntactic complexity (e.g., Cicero and Virgil).

Latin VI

Code: LAT3.41180


Objectives: This subject aims at consolidating the level of proficiency of the students in Latin. They are expected to achieve a reasonable capacity for reading and translating texts of a regular degree of difficulty: in prose, authors such as Sallust, Cicero, Livy; in poetry, the sort of texts composed, for instance, by Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Claudian. The use of the dictionary is progressively more limited to increase the knowledge of vocabulary and the autonomy of the student.


Code: LIN2.86246


Objectives: The lexicon is a central unit of language, but the mental lexicon has a very different nature from the lexicon of a language and both differ from the theoretical dimension of the lexicon as a grammar module. In this course, these three dimensions of the lexicon will be discussed, focussing on data from Portuguese.

Literary Avant-Garde

Code: LAC.62251


Objectives: Students are expected: to acquire and develop analytical skills and competences to problematize issues concerning modernist culture and aesthetics as well as the social and political environment; to be able to contextualize and to express ideas in a transUCry  perspective; to develop an autonomous critical discourse.

Literary Studies: Literary Criticism

Code: LAC2.98470


Objectives: Definitions of ‘literary criticism’. The problems literary criticism addresses and tries to solve, for instance: what makes a good literary critic? And what counts as valid criticism? Can literary criticism be either right or wrong? What criteria can be used to assess the relative worth of several interpretations of the same text? Does literary criticism have any consequences? What sort of relation can be found between literary criticism and other forms of criticism?

Literary Studies: Narrative

Code: LAC2.98481


Objectives: Definitions of ‘narrative’. Specific literary problems raised by the study of narrative texts, for instance: what is narrativity? And storytelling? What is fiction? What are the varities of narrative discourse and the several ways in which they can be described? What is narratology and what is its purpose?

Literary Studies: Poetry

Code: LAC2.98492


Objectives: Specific literary problems raised by the study of poetry, for instance: how can we define ‘poetry’? Is there an essential attribute of poetry? Can all kinds of literature be assimilated to poetry? What is the difference between poetry and literature? Are there any specific vocabularies to describe poetry?

Literary Studies: Rhetoric

Code: LAC2.98736


Objectives: Definitions of ‘rhetoric’. Questions raised by the study of rhetoric, for instance: what is rhetoric good for? What sort of relation is there between rhetoric and persuasion? Is literature a matter of rhetoric? What are the most important rhetorical traditions? What do ‘persuasion’, ‘demonstration’ and ‘tropology’ mean?

Literary Theorisation in Antiquity

Code: LAC2.45601


Objectives: This subject will involve the reading of the main texts from antiquity on systematic literary theory as well as an analysis of reflections on literature in non-systematic texts (the Sophists, Aristotle, Dionysus of Halicarnassus, and Cicero; the Rhetorica ad Herennium, Horace, Pseudo-Longinus, Quintilian, Tacitus, Macrobius, Frontus and Aulus Gellius). It is also important to observe the impact of ancient literary theory on the later European culture.

Literary Theory

Code: LAC2.97592


Objectives: Questions raised by the reflection upon literary texts. For instance: how can ‘literature’ be described? What kind of object is a literary text? Is there such thing as a literary fact? And what is the role of the interpreter in establishing such facts? Are there any descriptions prior to interpretation? And is there a literary theory that has consequences for the practice of reading?

Literary Translation French-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.87071


Objectives: The program aims to develop theoretical knowledge and its application in the analysis and translation of literary texts of different genres, developing a critical spirit and deepening the reflection on linguistic and cultural aspects and the translation process.

Literary Translation Practice English-Portuguese

Code: LAC2.86994


Objectives: This BA course unit aims to develop students’ ability to produce reflected and commented translations of literary texts. Drawing on Literary Studies and Translation Studies, it will foster students’ ability to analyse literary texts, identify problems, establish aims, and select strategies to translate literary texts.

Literary Translation Spanish-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.99796


Objectives: This course unit has as main objective to reflect on the specificity of literary translation through the analysis and practice of translating loose contemporary literary texts, such as short stories, chapters or fragments of novels / plays, poems, etc.

Literature and Art

Code: LAC2.99164


Objectives: The relations between literary texts and the visual arts, and the questions they raise, for instance: can a poem have ‘visual’ qualities or properties? What distinguishes the visual sign from the verbal sign? What is iconography and what is its purpose? Can a painting be a vehicle for storytelling? What is the difference between narrative painting and descriptive painting? Could there have been any sort of conflict between literature and the visual arts?

Literature and Cinema in Italy

Code: LAC2.99175


Objectives: To provide students with the ability to reconstruct an overview of the development of Italian cinema in 20th and 21st centuries. To develop methodological and conceptual skills adjusted to the study of the work of main directors, of aesthetic and ideological currents, in relation to literary works. To stimulate critical thinking in the appreciation of films of Italian cultural dimension. To foster the acquisition and development of knowledge on the evolution of cinema in Italy in relation to the rest of Europe. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Literature and Cinema in Spain

Code: LAC2.99704


Objectives: This course aims to study the relationship between literature and cinema in the Spanish cultural context, combining case-studies with a historical and transnational perspective. Students are expected to be able to: identify the main periods in the history of Spanish cinema (films, directors, schools), considering its articulation with the Hispanic literary tradition; critically reflect on the different ways of looking at the relationship between cinema and literature, in the context of interarts studies; analyze different examples of dialogue between literature and cinema in Spain.

Literature and History

Code: LAC2.98512


Objectives: Questions raised by the relation between literature and history, and the several ways in which they can be described. For instance: is history a literary artifact? What do ‘fictionality’ and ‘narrativity’ mean? Is literature a historical artifact? What sorts of associations are there between the description of a historical context and the descritpion of a literary context?

Literature and Religion

Code: LAC2.99876


Objectives: Could literature have replaced organized religion? Is literature capable of expressing religious problems? What are the difficulties resulting from the description of literary works that can also be considered religious texts? Are there any religious traditions that could also be construed as literature?


Code: FIL1.920267


Objectives: Logic is the systematic study of valid inference. In this course unit, an introduction is made to this study, which includes propositional logic and predicate logic.


Code: FIL2.920268


Objectives: Logic is the systematic study of valid inference. In this course unit, an introduction is made to this study, which includes propositional logic and predicate logic.

LSP Translation English-Portuguese

Code: LAC2.87034


Objectives: The main objectives of this BA course unit are to develop:
(1) translation skills related to texts in specialised languages;
(2) strategies for the comparative analysis of technical texts in English and European Portuguese and the discussion of specialised terminology;
(3) research skills in specialised languages; and
(4) analytical reading skills and critical thinking, while working on a selection of recent contributions to Translation Studies, concerning problems and difficulties, strategies, and translation and revision procedures specific to technical translation.

Media Language

Code: LAC2.11612


Objectives: The main learning outcomes: (i) to understand and to recognize the specificity of the media and the diversity of its roles, (ii) to stimulate analytical thought upon media, and media production processes, (iii) to develop production skills, and competences applied to media, and (iv) to encourage the development of critical thinking.

Media Translation: English

Code: LAC2.920548


Objectives: Translation for media such as television, cinema, video, DVD and the press is not only specially important but also poses particular challenges. These lie in the multiplicity of media and means of expression involved in the communicative process. The aim of this BA course unit is to identify the translation problems arising from the polysemiotic nature of multimedia communication, and above all to contribute to their resolution. Therefore, it will focus on the analysis of translation strategies and behaviours as well as the decision-making process based on the negotiation of textual and contextual factors, such as the systems and norms accepted in the sociocultural contexts involved in this specific process of intercultural communication.

Medieval and Classical Italian Literature

Code: LAC2.99206


Objectives: To stimulate students’ interest in the knowledge of Italian literature of 13th-17th centuries. To develop methodological and conceptual skills adjusted to the study of literary text of Italian discursive and thematic dimension. To foster a critical reflection on Italian poetry and prose, as far as categories, forms and themes are concerned, both synchronically and from a historical point of view. To stimulate the independent understanding of authors with aesthetic, poetical, discursive and ideological relevance. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Medieval and Classical Spanish Literature

Code: LAC2.99186


Objectives: In this course, students are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish literature during the Middle Ages and the “Siglos de Oro”, recognizing relevant works, authors and poetics; critically analyze a significant set of lyrical, dramatic and narrative texts from this literary universe, in its formal and thematic diversity; combine the comprehensive knowledge of the history of Medieval and Classical Spanish Literature with the in-depth critical study of representative literary texts from this period.

Medieval and Early Modern Palaeography

Code: HIS2.78273


Objectives: This optional discipline completes the first programme content – i.e., document reading – of the compulsory syllabus of An Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatic. Its learning objective is to develop the students’ research skills, by reading legal documents with a high level of difficulty drafted in Portuguese (mainly by notaries-public, courts, chancelleries, and accounting clerks, as well as public records of marriage, christening and death) in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 

Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature

Code: LAC2.45750


Objectives: The course welcomes Classical Studies students and also students not familiar with the Latin language. It addresses fundamental themes of medieval and Renaissance culture taking as a starting point a selection of significant works and authors (translations are available), such as Christian historiography (Isidore of Seville), the relationship between Latin culture and the emergence of vernacular literatures (Dante Alighieri, De uulgari eloquentia), women's writing (Roswita von Gandersheim and Hildegard von Bingen), and the singularities of Portuguese humanism (Damião de Gois, André de Resende, Fernando Oliveira).

Medieval Culture

Code: LAC2.12174


Objectives: This course is designed for undergraduates wishing to know more about Culture in the Medieval period. The syllabus is organized in two parts: we will focus on acquiring a global overview of the main moments of the Medieval culture from the 4th to the 14th century (e.g. Late Roman Empire; Ostrogothic Italy; Visigothic Iberia; Muslim world; Carolingian renaissance; Gregorian reform; 12th-century renaissance; 14th-century crisis); and on discussing a single problem: did Christianity kill classical culture? We will analyze this problem from three different perspectives: what was read in the Middle Ages? What was imitated in the Middle Ages? What was debated in the Middle Ages?

Medieval History (Economy and Society)

Code: HIS2.77882


Objectives: After an introductory module in which the concept of Middle Ages is contextualized and problematized, this course unit studies the economical and social evolution of what is conventionally known as the Western Latin Christendom, between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the European maritime expansion.

Medieval History (Politics and Culture)

Code: HIS2.78060


Objectives: From a historiographic perspective, the course of Medieval History (Politics and Culture) focuses on European medieval society, putting in the centre of its attention the political institutions and the symbolic and mental representations, but always keeping in mind the social transformations, that organized and shaped the period. The pedagogical proposal is to cover this long timeline by convention called Middle Ages (framed by two porous limits: backward, the Late Antiquity; and forward, the Humanism and its twin brother, the Renaissance), with the goals being to capture and illuminate the most significant events of the time, the more relevant dates, the main protagonists, and the greatest achievements in art and literature - doors opening to a brave old world.

Medieval History of Portugal

Code: HIS2.78071


Objectives: This course unit studies the history of Portugal from the formation of the Portucalense County, circa 1096, to the end of the 15th century, in its multiple aspects: political, cultural, religious, social, economic, and so on. 

Medieval Imaginary

Code: HIS2.77801


Objectives: Flat-earth. Wheel of Fortune. Priests, warriors, and peasants. Proud castles and churches seeking for the sky; stones in perpetual ascent. Wonders, miracles, and damnations. Books of hours and bestiaries. Sacred forests, fantasy islands, and oneiric deserts. The three spaces of the Afterlife: Paradise, Purgatory, and Inferno. Arturius Rex and the Round Table; Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail. Magnificent animals and terrific beasts, or a primordial world, inhabited by dragons, griffins, melusine, mermaids, werewolves, and unicorns. Tristan and Isolde, a case of courtly love. A myriad of saints to guide an humanity of sinners. Death, that great reaper. And, always, the anointed one, Christ himself - everything connecting and everything reconnecting, an eternity of suffering that was never less than an eternal struggle. Or to say, as Le Goff said: «to study the imaginary of a society is to go to the bottom of its consciousness and its historical evolution. It is to go to the origin and the profound nature of man.»

Medieval Metaphysics

Code: FIL2.920589


Objectives: A deepening of the study of medieval philosophy through a central area: metaphysics. Terminological clarifications: metaphysics, ontology and ontoteology.
Ontological issues: the question of truth in S. Augustine, S. Anselm and S. Thomas Aquinas; the analysis of being in essence and existence.
Ontotheological issues: the issue of the Anselmian argument; the question of divine perfection.

Medieval Military History

Code: HIS2.75832


Objectives: It is intended that the student understands and contextualizes the main frameworks for the evolution of European military art, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the end of the 15th century. From the development of a set of topics: recruitment; armament; castles; logistics and financing; military thinking; campaign strategy; tactical models; and social consequences of the war.

Medieval Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920229


Objectives: An introduction to the study of medieval philosophy through the testimony of the texts of medieval thinkers. Framing and internal organization issues. The value of philosophy, among other traditions - liberal arts, religion and theology -, in medieval culture.
Philosophical questions: about knowledge - question of the master, senses and intellect, question of the unity of the intellect, knowledge of the self; on freedom - question of the origin of evil, freedom and neces-sity; on society - pilgrim city and virtuous city; about creation ex nihilo - the question of the eternity of the world.

Medieval Portuguese Literature

Code: LAC2.98152


Objectives: This course seeks to foster the reading and analysis of literary texts written in medieval Portuguese in accordance with the critical use of tools that are available for research in the field of Portuguese medieval literature. To this end students are expected to obtain skills that will allow them to: 1) acknowledge and comment on the elements and the way they work in a given textual corpus, in keeping with the medieval communities that produced, read and interpreted it; 2) understand that there is also a trans-historical dimension to these texts, which is made visible by the acknowledgment in them of timeless literary themes and motives, as well as of long term formal discursive constructs.

Medieval Rural History

Code: HIS2.71756


Objectives: To grant students with an historical insight into the manifold configurations of medieval rural life. Thus, we aim at a thematic furthering, a constant update of the historiographic problematic in the Basic education of students as far as concerns the multiple aspects around rural systems in force within those historical and geographic frames and their influence in the birth and consolidation of kingdoms and the medieval economy and rural history.

Medieval Urban History

Code: HIS2.71802


Objectives: LO1 – To elucidate students interested in the chronological period between the 5th century and the 15th about the role played by towns in the political, cultural, economic and social development impacts of Western civilization in the middle ages, as well as periods of increased prevalence of a more rustic or more urbanized lifestyle.
LO2 – To provide elements of analysis for the recognition of medieval urban structures and the reconstruction of medieval urban spaces.


Code: FIL2.920270


Objectives: Metaphysics is the philosophical investigation of the nature and structure of reality. This course aims to develop an understanding of some central issues in metaphysics.

Methods and Tools for Scientific Work

Code: LAC1.99853


Objectives: This course unit aims at providing students with essential tools and processes for the development of research work in the Performing Arts area. To this end, students will have contact with the analysis of artistic objects from the various domains of the performing arts to then develop a work (project, essay, report) taking into account its various stages: choice of theme, definition of the problem, research and selection of bibliography and bibliographic reference modalities, reading sheets, preparation of an analytical plan, preparation of a powerpoint exhibition, writing, revision.

Methods in Experimental Research

Code: LIN1.86294


Objectives: Experimental designs for the study of auditory and/or visual processing of spoken and written language. The journey from the research question/hypothesis to the experimental design, data analysis and interpretation of research findings.

Methods in History

Code: HIS1.77665


Objectives: Understand the nature of historical knowledge and discursive construction. To situate the most recent trends in History in the context of the Social and Human Sciences. Study the problems, methods and specialities of history. Instill scientific research techniques and the final presentation of results. Exercise basic methods and techniques of work in History.

Milestones of Brazilian Literature

Code: LAC2.98141


Objectives: The aim of this module is to rediscover the History of the Brazilian literature through a reflection on issues, problems and concepts inherent in the writing of certain works and key authors of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Moreover, these issues are also addressed from the perspective of the agreement or disagreement with the artistic and social periods in which they were created. In this sense, it seeks to understand the relations between identity and universality in Brazilian Literature while developing skills for interpretation, analysis and synthesis.

Military History of Antiquity

Code: HIS2.77336


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop students' skills related to the importance of Military History in the context of the construction of societies in the Ancient World. At the heart of these processes will be developed themes such as: the man and war in antiquity; gods, heroes and warriors: the memory of war; Mediterranean: space for confrontation; the biblical texts and the war; Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians. The war in Ancient Greece and the campaigns of Alexander the Great, as well as Rome and the war.

Mimesis and Representation

Code: LAC2.97353


Objectives: The concepts of mimesis and semiosis and their transformation in the western cultural history will be discussed through the analysis of images (paintings, photographs, movies, performances recorded on film), literary fiction and theoretical texts. The main goals of the CU are to get acquainted with the different perspectives on the concepts of mimesis and representation that are present in western culture since Plato and Aristotle; to be able to discuss critically these concepts analyzing texts, images and artistic practices; to develop written skills by producing brief texts relating the two concepts with artistic, literary and philosophic objects.

Modern and Contemporary India

Code: HIS2.57121


Objectives: This course unit aims to show the transformations introduced with the arrival of ‘Modernity’ to India with the establishment of a centralised and composite state with the Mughals, until its economic and political dependence of a foreign power (Britain) with the creation of the Raj, followed by the subsequent birth of a nationalist discourse and the fight for independence, even if its outcome broke the cultural unity of South Asia. 

Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature

Code: LAC2.99715


Objectives: To stimulate students’ interest in the knowledge of in the knowledge of italian literature of 18th-21st centuries. To develop methodological and conceptual skills adjusted to the study of literary text of Italian discursive and thematic dimension. To foster a critical reflection on Italian poetry and prose, as far as categories, forms and themes are concerned, both synchronically and from a historical point of view. To stimulate the independent understanding of authors with aesthetic, poetical, discursive and ideological relevance. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

Code: LAC2.99614


Objectives: Students in this course are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish literature from the 18th century until the present, recognizing relevant works, authors and movements; critically analyze a significant set of lyrical, dramatic and narrative texts from this literary universe, in its formal and thematic diversity; combine the comprehensive knowledge of the history of Medieval and Classical Spanish Literature with the in-depth study of representative literary texts from this period, and with critical reflection on the paths of contemporary literary creation.

Modern Philosophy

Code: FIL2.920230


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of modern philosophical thought, emphasizing metaphysical and epistemological issues. Descartes, Leibniz and Hume are among the philosophers to be studied.


Code: LIN2.83546


Objectives: Morphology studies the structure of words. This course deals with the analysis of word structures and with several morphological processes, namely thematic specification, inflection, and complex word-formation involving either complementation or modification, in derivation and compounding.

Mozambican Literature

Code: LAC2.99726


Objectives: Conditions to the formation of the Mozambican literary system: the first manifestations in the 19th century, the Revista Africana and  Ilha de Moçambique.
The Press in the 20th century: emergence of Rui de Noronha's poetry.
Narratives from colonial times: the work of Luís Bernardo Honwana
The postcolonial generation in the eighties of the 20th century: The magazine Charrua.
A Literature of the Indian Ocean characterization of the themes of the Island and the Indian Ocean in Mozambican literature: The Island of Prospero by Rui Knopfli.
Caliban's rewritings about the island: poetry by Virgílio de Lemos, Luís Carlos Patraquim and Eduardo White.

Multilingualism and Language Policy

Code: LIN2.86224


Objectives: It is the aim of this course to reflect on geographical spaces characterised by the coexistence of multiple languages, analysing the diachronic and synchronic relations between them from a linguistic, political, social, economic and cultural point of view. It focuses, in particular, on issues related with individual and collective multilingualism/bilingualism, the multidimensional relation between dominant languages and minority languages, the effects of language contact, and language planning.

Music and Literature

Code: LAC2.97421


Objectives: This course aims at developing the capability to enjoy and understand the literary/musical work, and to provide an enlightened consideration of the fundamental repertoire of European music, relating, through an eminently practical work, the major musical works to the literary texts set in music, in an attempt to understand how these two languages work together. Furthermore, and taking into account the indispensable theoretical setting, in this course we will study also the relation of music with theatre, painting and cinema.

Myths of Portuguese Culture

Code: LAC2.99535


Objectives: It is intended to discuss the nature, study, functions, cultural impact and types of Portuguese myths and legends, taking into account various approaches that have been made of them in modern branches of knowledge. Students will be able to analyze specific myths and their function, reflect in depth on their own beliefs, recognize mythic allusions in art, literature, theater and cinema and understand the ways in which texts can reflect or shape the representation of historical circumstances and cultural.

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Nineteenth-century Portuguese Literature

Code: LAC2.98174


Objectives: By the end of the course students should be able to: identify and describe the most relevant poetics and literary practices (artistic forms, periodological categories and themes) which characterize the 19th century Portuguese literature, and understand their relationship with literary phenomena from other contexts, namely European; acquire specific knowledge about the evolution of Portuguese literature througout the 19th century and about some key authors of 19th century Portuguese literature; analyse 19th century Portuguese literary texts, using relevant methodology.

North American Philosophy

Code: FIL2.12635


Objectives: The aim of this course unit will be  the study and discussion of main political ideas in the American politcal cultural, having as key departing period the Founding Era. This CU will be taught entirely  in English.

North-American Art

Code: LAC2.12466


Objectives: This course unit develops specific analytical skills of the artistic text in its diversity and historical context. The cu is divided into three moments - colonial times, the 19th century, and from early 20th century to the present day - that allow students to understand how American art began searching for its own aesthetic idiom and how it managed to assimilate innovations from the European avant-garde, while at the same time enshrining forms of artistic expression that contributed to an autonomous identity - architecture and photography.

North-American Cinema

Code: LAC2.12481


Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to provide students with a view of the specificities of North American Cinema through the various cinematographic genres, its themes and history via the analysis of films and key directors in a diachronic perspective. In this way, students will have the opportunity to develop a critical discourse on themes, styles and moments that are part of North American Cinema, its importance over time and in the current context, thus guaranteeing a broad but in-depth view of this cinema.

Origins and Evolution of Humanity

Code: HIS2.77531


Objectives: The aim of this CU is that students seize the highlights of human history beginnings, from the appearance of the first men in East Africa to the global colonization of the planet by anatomically modern men. With this purpose, correlation between their biological development and the main stages of technological development and structuring of their societies will be established. The up-to-date state of knowledge, identifying the major controversies, will be especially emphasized.

Overview of Spanish American Literature

Code: LAC2.99265


Objectives: Students in this course are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish American literature from colonial times until the present, recognizing relevant works, authors and movements; critically analyze a significant set of lyrical, dramatic and narrative texts from this literary context, in its formal and thematic diversity; combine the comprehensive knowledge of the history of Spanish American Literature with the in-depth study of representative literary texts from this varied universe.

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Performance Analysis

Code: LAC2.11746


Objectives: This CU has as a goal to introduce to performance analysis, aiming to help the student to develop the necessary skills required to produce an articulate critical discourse on performing arts, considering its cultural discourse, aesthetics, style and form. Considering the different issues and methodologies applied, this course unit also aims to give the student a sufficiently stable set of tools that will permit him/her to address a permanently changing theatrical landscape. Topics for a discussion on performing arts criticism: the history of criticism in performing arts; criticism and cultural journalism; criticism and the preservation of memory; artistic creation and criticism; the function and mission of theatre criticism.

Performing Arts in Britain

Code: LAC2.12765


Objectives: This course analyzes the work of a number of companies in the English space, such as Forced Entertainment, Action Hero, Brett Bailey, Back to Back Theatre, Blast Theory, Gob Squad, Shunt, amongst others. A show from each company is discussed in class, along with relevant bibliography on performance. The course focuses on what happens off stage in each show, arguing that in contemporary performance what the audience does not see is often more important than what is happening on stage.

Performance Studies

Code: LAC2.920210


Objectives: Departing from a comprehensive notion of performance as an act of artistic, sociocultural, and political questioning, this course unit has the following objectives: recognize the historical context, aesthetic theories, and the fundamental artistic practices that gave rise to the development of Performance Art and its influence among the performing arts; account for the potential of Performance Studies to critically challenge interpersonal relationships, forms of social organization, and of representation of humanity; and explore the operating modes of performance composition, thus relating the know-how of practice with the analysis and production of theoretical knowledge.

Persian I (A1.1)

Code: PER1.86610


Objectives: The Persian I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Persian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Persian II (A1.2)

Code: PER1.86621


Objectives: The Persian II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Persian III (A2.1)

Code: PER1.86781


Objectives: The Persian III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Persian IV (A2.2)

Code: PER2.86792


Objectives: The Persian IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Persian Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: PER1.86044


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Persian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Persian Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: PER1.86055


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Persian Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: PER1.86766


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Persian Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: PER1.86770


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Persian Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: PER2.87093


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

Persian Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: PER2.87102


Objectives: The Persian Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Persian V (B1.1)

Code: PER2.87113


Objectives: The Persian V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

Persian VI (B1.2)

Code: PER2.87124


Objectives: The Persian VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Philosophical Anthropology

Code: FIL2.34961


Objectives: To know the main conceptions about the human being in Indian, Chinese, Hebrew, African, Greek, Christian, Islamic, modern and contemporary cultures. 

Philosophically Relevant Paradoxes

Code: FIL2.920521


Objectives: This course is dedicated to the study of a set of philosophically relevant paradoxes (deductive, inductive and practical). These are the following: Zeno’s Paradoxes, Cantor’s Paradox, Russell’s Paradox, the Liar’s Paradox, Sorites, Moore’s Problem, the New Riddle of Induction, the Paradox of the Ravens, the Prisoner’s Dilemma and Newcomb’s Problem. 

Philosophies in Asia

Code: HIS2.34913


Objectives: To know Eastern philosophy in its Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan aspects, in theoretical and practical terms.

Philosophy and Meditation

Code: FIL2.34470


Objectives: To know the theoretical foundations and the practice of the main meditative traditions, as well as the contemporary phenomenon of the rediscovery of the contemplative life and its interest for philosophy and neurosciences. 

Philosophy in Portugal

Code: FIL2.920228


Objectives: The fundamental topics of Portuguese philosophical thought with emphasis on the relationship between philosophy, poetry and culture, metaphysics and spirituality, philosophy of history, ethics and political philosophy, from the late Middle Ages to the contemporary period.

Philosophy of Art

Code: FIL2.34781


Objectives: This course aims to analyse the nature of art, showing the intertwining points between artistic practices and scientific knowledge. As a practical problem, we will analyse a literary and cinematographic genre: speculative fiction. 

Philosophy of History

Code: FIL2.35214


Objectives: The CU will aim to depict a large critical perspective about the different doctrines and theoretical trends regarding the idea of progress, and the problem of decadence, starting with the 18th century and going to the contemporary debates about the environmental crisis and its overwhelming menacing prospects.

Philosophy of Knowledge

Code: FIL2.920225


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of some of the central philosophical questions about knowledge. The nature of knowledge, the sources of knowledge and the limits of knowledge are some of these questions. 

Philosophy of Language

Code: FIL2.34373


Objectives: It is offered in this course an approach to the Philosophy of Language centered in L. Wittgenstein’s contribution to it. This contribution took place twice and accordingly the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus  (published in his lifetime) and the Philosophical Investigations (published posthumously) will be studied in depth.

Philosophy of Logic

Code: FIL2.34465


Objectives: In this course, we cover basic issues in philosophy of logic, such as the nature of logical truth and consequence, and of logical theory itself. We aim also at developing the students’ logical literacy, by studying at an introductory level modal and tense logic.

Philosophy of Mind

Code: FIL2.34531


Objectives: We begin by examining the historical development of the mind body problem, from Cartesian Dualism, to Behaviourism, the Identity Theory, and Functionalism. We then study the problem of consciousness, focusing on contemporary arguments for property dualism. We study emergentism and panpsychism as two kinds of property dualism, and close with a discussion of the explanatory gap and its significance for artificial intelligence research. In the final part of the course we study cognition, beginning with classical computationalism and the language of thought hypothesis, and finally looking at modern deep learning architectures and their implications for the nature of mind.

Philosophy of Mind

Code: FIL2.920095


Objectives: The aim of this course unit will be  the study and discussion of main political ideas in the American politcal cultural, having as key departing period the Founding Era. This CU will be taught entirely  in English.

Philosophy of Science

Code: FIL2.34733


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of some philosophical issues, both metaphysical and epistemological, about science. The structure of scientific explanations, the nature of causality and the importance of induction in science are some of these issues.


Code: LIN2.84016


Objectives: This course has three main goals: to study speech as a sound dimension of language, including speech production, acoustics and perception; to understand the importance and uniqueness of speech sounds as the means to convey language; to use tools for the analysis of speech.


Code: LIN2.85282


Objectives: This course unit is focused on the description of European Portuguese segmental and prosodic structures (segment, syllable, word stress and prosodic word). The syllabus includes: the relationship between speech sounds and (ortho)graphic representations; the description of phonological constituency and phonological processes based on phonetic and phonological tools.

Phraseologies of European Languages

Code: LIN2.87040


Objectives: The Phraseologies of European Languages course unit aims at the acquisition of in-depth knowledge on some European themes based on the knowledge of the phraseologies of the languages, in a comparative perspective. Students will reflect on the phraseology of general language and on the phraseology of speciality discourses, from a unilingual and multilingual perspective, in order to better understand the linguistic productivity of Europe and the intercultural knowledge.

Poetics of Being

Code: FIL2.921607


Objectives: It is in the double subjective and objective sense of the genitive that the title above should be read as a creation of meaning that takes in the being its starting point, has in man its main interpreter, and in the being again its final destination. It is in this context that language, particularly poetics, acquires a central relevance.

Polish Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: POL1.84865


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Polish. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Polish Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: POL1.84876


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Polish Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: POL1.85495


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Polish Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: POL1.85504


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Polish Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: POL2.86542


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Polish Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: POL2.86553


Objectives: The Polish Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Political Philosophy

Code: FIL2.35314


Objectives: The aim of this course unit will be  the study and discussion of main political ideas in the American politcal cultural, having as key departing period the Founding Era. This CU will be taught entirely  in English.

Political Science

Code: HIS2.77430


Objectives: The aim of this course is to develop theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow identifying political actors, understanding the mechanisms of political analysis, understanding the importance of communication in the transmission of political messages, as well as understanding the models underlying the construction of public policies.

Portugal and the Atlantic, 1415-1882

Code: HIS2.75846


Objectives: This course aims at providing the students with a broad and up-to-date overview of the birth and development of the Portuguese Atlantic in the early-modern period taking into consideration the different geographical spaces and the multidimensional features of that process. The exercise of debate and argumentation in the classroom will help to develop the students’ skills in order to stimulate a better understanding of the subjects and of cross UCry perspectives.

Portuguese Cinema

Code: LAC2.12863


Objectives: Based on a diachronic axis, but also thematic, the main objective of the Portuguese Cinema course is to familiarize students with the histories and contexts of national cinema, allowing them to understand the multiple paths and stories of Portuguese Cinema.  As such, this approach will enable students to understand the different moments in the history of Portuguese Cinema, its themes and spaces, as well as its directors, on a journey that goes from the “first Portuguese films” to contemporary times.

Portuguese Classic Literature

Code: LAC2.98694


Objectives: This course unit, associated with a “megaperiod”, aims to achieve, with the students, a fourfold objective: to offer the encounter with a patrimony, raising the desire for understanding it; to ensure contact with bibliography, methodologies and research instruments, encouraging critical reading; to promote the study of the particular (works, authors, genres…) in conjunction with the search for a general framework (v.g., a poetics, with its own dynamism and its historical metamorphosis); to explore, according to axes of synchrony and diachrony, a cartography of literary relations, within or beyond borders.

Portuguese Classics

Code: LAC2.99445


Objectives: By providing conditions for the development of a monographic work, in addition to that which is already ensured by several course units (e.g., “Studies on Pessoa”…), “Portuguese Classics” aims to foster attention to the (or one) literary canon. This major objective in inseparable from three others: to encourage full knowledge of a chosen corpus; to cultivate (based on the critical reading of this corpus) the problematization of the study focused on categories such as those of author or work; to contribute to the discussion of the concepts of “classical” and “cannonical”. 

Portuguese Colonial Art

Code: HIS2.920621


Objectives: The aim of this module is to acquire an overview of the Portuguese artistic production int the world from the fifteenth century on and, in particular, to consider art in Colonial Brazil (1500-1822), exploring the ways that painters, sculptors and other artists navigated major aesthetic debates and political and social conflicts. In this way, our goals are to critically interrogate the notion of art within colonial context, to reflect on the phenomenon of miscegenation and to rethink the examination and understanding of Portuguese Colonial art in Brazil.

Portuguese language and multiculturalism

Code: LAC2.555431


Objectives: This course unit aims to describe and analyse the different moments in the history of the Portuguese language from the Renaissance to the present. It aims a reflection on the presence of Portuguese language in the world, with special attention to its varieties and its different cultural contexts. Through the reading of grammatical texts and others, it is intended to understand the multicultural heritage and the pluricentric character of the Portuguese language.

Portuguese Literature and Other Literatures

Code: LAC2.99210


Objectives: -acquaintance with concepts that are key to the definition of national literatures (geopolitical units, language, system);
-learning skills that will enable the students to frame Portuguese literature in accordance with an historical understanding of those concepts;
-knowledge of individual and non-individual interaction models between Portuguese literature and other national literatures (tradition, influence, imitation, parody, etc);
-training techniques that contribute to attesting the difference between individual and non-individual cases of interaction;
-awareness of the impossibility to view Portuguese literature as a self-centered system. 

Portuguese Literature: from the Fin-de-siècle to the Second Modernism

Code: LAC2.99221


Objectives: By the end of the course students should be able to: identify and describe the most relevant poetics and literary practices (artistic forms, periodological categories and themes) which characterize the Portuguese literature in this period, understanding its importance for the canon of Portuguese literature; acquire specific knowledge about the evolution of Portuguese literature and about some fundamental authors in the period comprised between the end of the 19th century and the second modernism; analyse Portuguese literary texts from this period, using relevant methodology. 

Portuguese Mythology

Code: HIS2.78262


Objectives: Portuguese Mythology studies some cultural and political Portuguese myths (myth of the crusade, myth of decadence or myth of regeneration) and national symbols (national flag, national anthem, national holidays or cult of unknown soldiers) in a historical perspective. The course unit seeks to develop a historical critical view on the construction and reinvention of the national identity in the Europe-World space.

Portuguese to English Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.87315


Objectives: This BA course unit will focus on the Portuguese to English d translation of a range of genres, including journalistic, academic and economic texts. All the texts are selected to highlight conventions, complex grammatical structures, sentence construction, register, technical terminology and culture-specific concepts. The main aim of each translation exercise is to gear students towards a less literal approach to the text in hand and encourage them to consider the strategies involved in rendering the final version fluent and natural. In the case of more technical texts, students will be expected to learn the terminology and use it appropriately in their translations.

Portuguese-French Retroversion Practice

Code: LAC2.87304


Objectives: The Portuguese-French Retroversion Practice course unit aims to develop the ability to read and analyse translations and to translate texts from European Portuguese into French, using several types and genres of texts, reflecting on linguistic, textual and cultural aspects.

Portuguese-German Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.87284


Objectives: Besides being an introduction into the methodology of translating Portuguese to German, this course mainly functions as a workshop in which students develop their writing skills in German, having as a starting point various Portuguese texts from different areas and topics. We approach the typical problems concerning this pair of languages addressing differences in syntax, morphology - e.g. compound words - and grammatical systems - e.g. case system - in German. Through assigned tasks discussed in class, students also train their skills in the use of dictionaries, glossaries and online material useful for translators.

Portuguese-Italian Retroversion Practice

Code: LIN2.87290


Objectives: This course unit pretends to lead the student to learn the essential practices of retroversion, by reflecting on the similarities and differences between the cultures of the two languages. This objective will be achieved through practical classes with translations from Portuguese to Italian of contemporary technical and practical texts (instructions, information, advertising), topicality, newspaper articles, literary texts and others.

Portuguese-Romanian Retroversion Practice

Code: LIN2.86940


Objectives: The selected syllabus aims at providing knowledge and instruments to help students develop reflective and critical thinking in relation to the two languages in contact, with a special focus on Romanian language structures (lexical, morphological, syntactic and pragmatic aspects, word order etc.). By translating a wide variety of (literary and specialized) texts, it is expected that students acquire enough knowledge so that they are able to make informed and adequate decisions throughout the translation process (from Portuguese into Romanian).

Portuguese-Spanish Retroversion Practice

Code: LAC2.87295


Objectives: This course focuses on the development of basic skills for the translation of different documents written in Portuguese, as well as on the development of linguistic competence in Spanish and awareness of different aspects in the two languages (rules of syntax and morphology, word formation processes) and their cultures. Another focus is on raising awareness of the distinction between types of text (literary, essayistic, journalistic, technical, scientific) and stylistic levels and also on the acquisition of strategies for the use of tools  to support translation (traditional and online dictionaries, databases, etc.).

Portuguese Society and Culture

Code: HIS2.75982


Objectives: This course aims at providing the students with a broad and up-to-date overview of Portuguese society in the present context of globalization and as a member of the EU. Contemporary Portuguese society will be viewed in a multidimensional perspective, regarding issues such as the modernization of Portuguese society, the historical and contemporary relationships emerging from the colonial period, the impact of the European integration and the current challenges concerning family life, identity and vulnerabilities, education and democracy.

Postwar German Literature

Code: LAC2.62045


Objectives: Important moments of the German-speaking literature in the period between the end of the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall at the end of the 1980’s: the “rubble literature”; the restoration of the 1950’s; the politicization of literary discourse; the inward turning in the 70’s; postmodernism. The literary singularities of these moments will be addressed with the help of literary works of different styles and genres.

Practice of Literary Translation French-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.86983


Objectives: The program aims to develop theoretical knowledge and its application in the analysis and translation of literary texts of different genres, developing a critical spirit and deepening the reflection on linguistic and cultural aspects and the translation process.

Practice of Literary Translation Spanish-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.86972


Objectives: This course unit has as main objective to reflect on the specificity of literary translation through the analysis and practice of translating loose contemporary literary texts, such as short stories, chapters or fragments of novels / plays, poems, etc.

Practice of writing and argumentation

Code: COR1.99291


Objectives: This course unit aims at stimulating both speach and writing of the students, with four inseparable goals: to promote awareness of the complexity of the practice of writing and argumentation; to encourage (e.g., through the exercise of analysis and text commentary) the recognition of factors and characteristics that determine or affect the quality and effectiveness of this practice; to expand the ability to choose and to apply enunciative strategies and rhetorical processes; to encourage the critical sense about what concerns the construction of the discourse.

Practice of writing and argumentation

Code: LAC2.920659


Objectives: This course unit aims at stimulating both speach and writing of the students, with four inseparable goals: to promote awareness of the complexity of the practice of writing and argumentation; to encourage (e.g., through the exercise of analysis and text commentary) the recognition of factors and characteristics that determine or affect the quality and effectiveness of this practice; to expand the ability to choose and to apply enunciative strategies and rhetorical processes; to encourage the critical sense about what concerns the construction of the discourse.


Code: COR1.85664


Objectives: This course constitutes an introduction to the study of context in the interpretation of verbal utterances. A panoramic view of the main issues of Pragmatics is contemplated, but the focus is put on different areas of the Portuguese language whose interpretation is conditioned by context (e.g. speech acts, deixis and anaphoric relations, propositional attitudes, modality and mood, implicatures and presupposition). Students are expected to identify and characterize the central questions of Pragmatics and to perceive the role of context in the interpretation of utterances, using an appropriate metalanguage.

Pre-Classical Art

Code: HIS2.77766


Objectives: The course addresses the material culture of the civilizations of the Ancient Near East, with a special focus on Mesopotamia and Egypt. The main purpose of the course is to understand the social, political, economic, symbolic and aesthetic aspects that intertwine in the elaboration of the «artistic object», seeking, whenever possible, to provide a holistic, integrating vision of Egyptian and Mesopotamian art.

Pre-Historic Art

Code: HIS2.77755


Objectives: The aim of this subject is to understand the birth and development of art within the context of the evolution of the prehistoric societies, highlighting it as witness a modern behavior, to then analyze their diversity  and to determinate the main vectors of its own evolution in post glacial societies of Eurasia.

Problematics of German Culture

Code: CLA4.62225


Objectives: Study of relevant aspects in the evolution of the German society and culture, and of important spaces and times in his social and cultural history. The peculiarities of German culture between nationalism and cosmopolitism, socialism and industrial capitalism, democracy and totalitarianism, division and unification, ethnocentrism and multiculturalism. These questions will be addressed with the help of adequate philosophical, historical, sociological or artistic texts.

Production of Written Portuguese

Code: LIN1.85346


Objectives: This course aims to create regular habits of controlled writing, train students to identify the variation of form and style associated with different textual types, reflect on common writing mistakes, and develop self-evaluating skills directed towards an improvement in their writing production. It is intended for native Portuguese speakers or foreign students with advanced knowledge of this language.

Prosodic Structure and Meaning

Code: LIN2.85563


Objectives: Prosody and the organization of speech into structured prosodic domains. Issues in Portuguese prosodic phonology. Prosodic domains’ formation and the morphology-phonology and syntax-phonology interfaces. Prosody and meaning. Experimental approaches to prosody.


Code: LIN2.84086


Objectives: Biological bases of human language. Grammar and processing. Research methods in psycholinguistics: response times, priming, ERPs. Mental lexicon and word recognition. Morphological processing: decomposition, regular and irregular forms. Syntactic and semantic processing: ambiguity and reference.

Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature

Code: LAC2.45645


Objectives: This course unit aims to study the memory that Portuguese literary texts (poetry and prose writers, from Cancioneiro Geral to our days) keep and transmit from Greco-Roman Antiquity (in particular by references, mentions or allusions to historical, legendary or mythical figures, to literary ideas and classical writers). By addressing and clarifying theoretical and conceptual issues, by identifying the main ancient versions, this course unit aims provide the necessary tools to understand the transformations such ancient versions have been subjected to in Portuguese literature.

Religions of Africa

Code: HIS2.77112


Objectives: By following this course, students are expected to: examine the theoretical framework, the key concepts and the analytical categories to understand religions in Sub-Saharan Africa; examine their diversity and dynamics with emphasis on a threefold approach historical, anthropological and sociological; get acquainted with the most important debates within this study area; get an introduction to research using primary sources and to critical review of secondary sources of history or recent transformations of these religions.

Renaissance Culture

Code: LAC2.12185


Objectives: The course selects distinctive aspects of Renaissance Culture (such as self-definition and the rediscovery of ancient authors, the civilised and the other (the 'Mundus Nouus'), religious intolerance, the hegemony of love poetry in the European literary canon), seeking to stimulate in the students critical reflection on the modes of transmission or rupture of this legacy in relation to current culture, with special focus on the Portuguese Renaissance as a problematic memory, in the light of Post-colonial Studies.

Renaissance and Mannerism Art

Code: HIS2.920566


Objectives: It is our intent to study the historical, cultural and artistic conjuncture of the modern age, focusing on the artistic production between the 15th and 16th centuries, not only in the European context but also in the “spaces of the colonial empires”. The generation of a new language of artistic communication, its specificities and the refounding functions of a culture based on the classical world will be studied. It is hoped that the student will be able to understand and manage basic concepts such as those of the artistic context and its evolution, formal and compositional creation of the art work, from technical and iconographic to the new status of the artist.

Renaissance and Mannerism Art in Portugal

Code: HIS2.920567


Objectives: The main purpose is to teach a set of theoretical and practical concepts that allow the student the ability to analyse, comprehend and discuss the Portuguese art on a vast time frame (15th – 18th) and to offer the scientific capability to understand it in Iberian and European artistic scope. It is also intended that the student recognize the main historical, artistic and cultural evolution lines within the studied time frame.

Republican and Communist China

Code: HIS2.78824


Objectives: Republican and Communist China looks into China in its republican and communist periods, focusing on political, social and economic issues. It aims to provide tools for an analytical and integrated knowledge of the various examined topics, the development of a critical approach with respect to the existing historical sources and historiographical interpretations, and the construction of paths of reflection on historical changes and continuities, on the uses of history and the meanings of these and on the importance of historical constructions for the configuration of current perceptions.

Resources for Linguistic Analysis

Code: LIN2.85350


Objectives: The aim of this course is to enhance the students’ knowledge of the conceptual and descriptive essentials of linguistic analysis with respect to different grammatical domains, while getting started at identifying, using and/or developing different types of data sources and tools for the analysis of selected grammatical topics. The practical component of the syllabus aims at developing specialized skills that allow the students to critically identify and use Portuguese linguistic resources.

Resources for literary analysis

Code: LAC2.99875


Objectives: The UC intends to develop skills in the critical and judicious use of resources for the study of literature, in conducting a research and in the selection and systematization of the information obtained. Students must acquire a clear understanding of copyright, plagiarism, paraphrase and scientific citation. Critical reflection is promoted on the functionality and operability of the various available resources (thematic and specialized dictionaries, histories of literature, bibliographic repertoires, databases), in traditional and electronic support, seeking to assess the growing trend towards the production of electronic resources .

Roman Culture

Code: LAC2.45491


Objectives: This subject provides an overview on a few main cultural aspects in the Roman world: i) Roman perspectives on the origin of the City, and the making of the primordial myths; ii) the Hellenistic culture in Rome in the time of the Republic: its presence in literature, art, architecture and philosophy, and its transformation into a national production; iii) culture, society and politics in the generation of Augustus: an exemplary ideological program; iv) cultural patterns in the «Roman Empire»: tradition and transformation.

Roman Politics and Society

Code: LAC2.45421


Objectives: This course is designed for undergraduates wishing to know more about the History of the Roman Empire. We will focus on acquiring a global overview of the entire history of the Roman Empire, from the 8th century BC to the 5th century AD; and on discussing three questions: was the Roman Republic democratic? What is an emperor? Why did the Roman Empire fall in the West?

Romanesque and Gothic Art

Code: HIS2.77734


Objectives: It is intended that the student develops scientific and analytical skills of medieval works of art, in an in-depth, critical and creative way. It is also intended to deepen the critical knowledge of the historical-methodological frameworks of recent historiography. Acquire knowledge of sources, concepts, inference criteria and discursive construction on Medieval Art. Master research methods and techniques in the History of Medieval Art.

Romanesque and Gothic Art in Portugal

Code: HIS2.77735


Objectives: The aim of this UC is to characterize and interpret the main formal, symbolic and functional aspects of the visual arts and architecture produced in Portuguese territory between c.1100 and c.1500. For this purpose, representative examples of Romanesque Art and Portuguese Gothic Art (including Manuelino) are studied, trying to highlight the specificity of this production in comparison with foreign production.

Romanian A1.1

Code: RUM1.87215


Objectives: The Romanian A1.1 course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Romanian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Romanian A1.2

Code: RUM1.87216


Objectives: The Romanian A1.2 course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Romanian A2

Code: RUM2.87217


Objectives: The Romanian A2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Romanian B1.1

Code: RUM2.87218


Objectives: The Romanian B1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

Romanian B1.2

Code: RUM2.87219


Objectives: The Romanian B1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Romanian B2

Code: RUM1.87213


Objectives: The Romanian B2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes.  

Romanian Language A1 and Culture

Code: RUM.86145


Objectives: The Romanian Language A1 and Culture course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Romanian. It aims at developing a global competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Romanian Language A1.1 and Culture

Code: RUM1.86150


Objectives: The Romanian Language A1.1 and Culture course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Romanian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Romanian Language A1.2 and Culture

Code: RUM1.86151


Objectives: The Romanian Language A1.2 and Culture course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Romanian Language A2 and Culture

Code: RUM1.86156


Objectives: The Romanian Language A2 and Culture course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Romanian Language B1.1 and Culture

Code: RUM2.86160


Objectives: The Romanian Language B1.1 and Culture course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Romanian Language B1.2 and Culture

Code: RUM2.86171


Objectives: The Romanian Language B1.2 and Culture course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

Romanian Language B2 and Culture

Code: RUM2.86182


Objectives: The Romanian Language B2 and Culture course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes.  

Romanian Language B2.1 and Culture

Code: RUM2.86193


Objectives: The Romanian Language B2.1 and Culture course unit aims at developing the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts illustrating complex sociocultural themes.

Romanian Language B2.2 and Culture

Code: RUM2.87214


Objectives: The Romanian Language B2.2 and Culture course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes.  

Romanian-Portuguese Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.86941


Objectives: The selected syllabus aims at providing knowledge and instruments to help students develop reflective and critical thinking in relation to the two languages in contact (the cultural profile of Romanian and Portuguese people; cultural identities and stereotypes; cultural “borrowings”; metaphors in translation etc.). By translating a wide variety of (literary and specialized) texts, it is expected that students acquire enough translation practice so that they are able to make informed and adequate decisions throughout the translation process.     

Russian Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: RUS1.84402


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Russian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Russian Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: RUS1.84413


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Russian Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: RUS1.84424


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Russian Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: RUS1.84435


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Russian Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: RUS2.86564


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Russian Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: RUS2.86575


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Russian Language and Culture VII (B2.1)

Code: RUS2.86576


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture VII (B2.1) course unit aims at developing the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts illustrating complex sociocultural themes.  

Russian Language and Culture VIII (B2.2)

Code: RUS2.86577


Objectives: The Russian Language and Culture VII (B2.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes. 

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Sanskrit III

Code: SAN2.920596


Objectives: Sanskrit is the ancient language from India in which the numerous texts of Yoga, Ayurveda, philosophy, literature, etc. were written. The main goals of Sanskrit encompass: study the fundamentals of grammar (e.g., tenses, pronouns and verbal roots) and the Sanskrit’s literature and history, deepen orality and introduce the student to the different aspects of simple text translation.

Sanskrit IV

Code: SAN2.920597


Objectives: Sanskrit is the ancient language from India in which the numerous texts of Yoga, Ayurveda, philosophy, literature, etc. were written. The main goals of Sanskrit encompass: deepen the study of grammar (e.g., times, suffixes and metrics) and Sanskrit literature and history, improve orality and translation of simple texts.

Science and Art

Code: LAC1.85110


Objectives: This course aims to analyse the nature of art, showing the intertwining points between artistic practices and scientific knowledge. As a practical problem, we will analyse a literary and cinematographic genre: speculative fiction. 

Science Fiction and Fantasy in English

Code: LAC2.12953


Objectives: This course unit aims at promoting the debate and the analysis of fantasy and science fiction works on page and on screen. One of its main objectives is to reflect upon how these two genres are a privileged means of questioning aesthetic as well as ethical, political, social, economic, and historical issues which affect contemporary societies.

Screenplay Writing

Code: LAC2.12751


Objectives: This course aims at familiarizing students with the principles and techniques of film script writing. Students will learn to (i) graphically present a screenplay; (ii) master the specific techniques required in writing in this form; (iii) be aware of the difficulties in transposing the narrative prose (short story or novel) to the cinematographic script; (iv) understand the usual structure in a script for a movie; and (v) being able to write an excerpt of a script, taking into account the notions of scene, sequence, action, point of view, backstory, foreshadowing and payoff.

Second Language Acquisition

Code: LIN2.85956


Objectives: This course unit aims at discussing the main current hypotheses concerning second language acquisition (L2), contrasting it with the acquisition of an L1. Effects of age of onset, quantity and type of input are considered, as well as the interaction between the L1 and the L2 in the acquisition process. Recent hypotheses concerning the acquisition of an L3 are also discussed. Students have the opportunity to discuss corpus data and experimental results, mostly considering the acquisition of Portuguese by speakers of different L1s, but the acquisition of other languages as an L2 is also taken into account when relevant.


Code: LIN2.85605


Objectives: This course provides an introduction to the study of meaning in natural languages, with an emphasis on Portuguese. Besides the introductory and general aspects of natural language semantics, the course syllabus focuses on some of the major semantic systems of Portuguese, as those centrally involved in nominal constructions (nominal reference, determination, quantification, modification), negation, tense and aspect (including Aktionsart, and temporal adjuncts). Students are expected to identify the key components of meaning at the sentence level, to understand how compositionality works, when constituents are combined, and to develop the ability to analyse linguistic data and to describe relevant contrasts with adequate metalinguistic tools.


Code: LIN3.920295

ECTS: 12

Objectives: Benefitting from the knowledge that students have acquired in other course units they have attended (Languages, Linguistics and/or Translation), this course unit aims at: (i) strengthening their ability to translate written texts into Portuguese; (ii) reflecting on specificities of different source languages (to be defined in accordance with students’ interests) and of Portuguese as the target language; (iii) comparing properties of these languages; (iv) reflecting on the quality of the texts they translate; (v) writing short translation reports.​


Code: HIS3.920294


Objectives: This course unit aims to introduce students in scientific research, within History. Students are supposed to chose a topic and develop its research along the semester. Depending on the availabilty of classes each year, students may chose seminars on Theory of History, Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern History, Contemporary History, History of Discoveries or History of Africa.

Seminar (Major in Performing Arts)

Code: LAC3.97645

ECTS: 12

Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to provide finalist students with an integrated work experience at an institution related to one of the areas in which they received training. As an alternative, students can also develop an individual project or carry out in-depth research on a specific theme according to their preference. Regardless of their choice, they will be guided by a teacher who will supervise their final written report based on their experience throughout the semester (internship, project or essay).

Seminar / Curricular Internship in Comparative Studies

Code: LAC3.98127

ECTS: 12

Objectives: In this seminar, students finishing their BA in Comparative Studies may choose either a research or an internship profile. The research seminar aims at the systematic training of academic research skills in the field of Comparative Studies, so that each student may autonomously write an original final essay. The curricular internship seminar aims at guiding the students who are developing an internship in the frame of FLUL’s internship program; these students should train specific skills to write the final internship report.

Seminar / Internship

Code: LAC3.920330


Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to: 1) develop research and improve knowledge in the field of American Studies; 2) plan, structure, and write a research project or (when appropriate) an internship report; 3) to increase critical autonomy and argumentative discourse, together with the ability to write and revise a text (according to principles of  cohesiveness and coherence).

Seminar [History of Africa]

Code: HIS3.78611

ECTS: 12

Objectives: This course has the following learning outcomes:
1. Consolidate the History of Africa research perpective introduced in previous BA courses.
2. Provide the theoretical and methodological framework, as well as the scientific supervision needed to an introductory approach to research in History of Africa, Interacting with the students, individually and in a seminar environment.
3. Supervise an individual research paper based on primary sources to the History of Africa.

Seminar [Major in History]

Code: HIS3.920102


Objectives: This course unit aims to introduce students in scientific research, within History. Students are supposed to chose a topic and develop its research along the semester. Depending on the availabilty of classes each year, students may chose seminars on Theory of History, Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern History, Contemporary History, History of Discoveries or History of Africa.

Seminar in CAC

Code: LAC.98126

ECTS: 12

Objectives: This course is intended for BA students who are finishing their major in CAC – Comparative Arts and Cultures, and is designed as a research seminar. The seminar aims at the systematic training of academic research skills in the field of Comparative Studies, so that each student may autonomously write an original final essay. Students are expected to improve their skills in order to: delineate a research topic and a work plan, develop bibliographical research, build and discuss an argument, and write an academic essay.

Seminar or

Code: HIS3.75980

ECTS: 12

Objectives: The aim of the seminar is to provide students with the contact and experience of research and elaboration of monographic and other works in the scope of themes subordinated to European Studies.
This seminar does not have a specific program, given its eminently characteristic practices and propaedeutics. It is intended to provide students with direct contact with the research in European Studies, through lectures on historical sources and bibliography, practical analysis work on them, both in and out of classes. Emphasis will be placed on topics such as diplomacy, European institutions, security and defence in Europe, agricultural policy energy policy, populism, war and peace in Europe.

Seminar/Internship (Performing Arts)

Code: LAC3.99888

ECTS: 12

Objectives: The aim of this course unit is to provide finalist students with an integrated work experience at an institution related to one of the areas in which they received training. As an alternative, students can also develop an individual project or carry out in-depth research on a specific theme according to their preference. Regardless of their choice, they will be guided by a teacher who will supervise their final written report based on their experience throughout the semester (internship, project or essay).

Seminar/Internship/International Program in Communication and Culture

Code: LAC3.12990

ECTS: 12

Objectives: This CU comprises two strands of work: scientific research initiation and professional training through an internship at cultural institutions. It seeks to develop skills of critical reflection and promote the learning of theoretical and methodological tools to support the production of either a monograph resulting from an individual research project or an internship report. Possible Syllabus Contents: Introduction to research in Culture and Communication Studies; Academic writing; Citation and referencing norms; Notions of scientific integrity (ethical conduct, plagiarism, informed consent); Strategies for oral presentations

Slovenian Language and Culture I (A1.1)

Code: SLV1.85203


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Slovenian. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Slovenian Language and Culture II (A1.2)

Code: SLV1.85214


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

Slovenian Language and Culture III (A2.1)

Code: SLV1.85901


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Slovenian Language and Culture IV (A2.2)

Code: SLV1.85912


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Slovenian Language and Culture V (B1.1)

Code: SLV2.86520


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

Slovenian Language and Culture VI (B1.2)

Code: SLV2.86531


Objectives: The Slovenian Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Social and Political Philosophy in Europe

Code: FIL2.34475


Objectives: Under examination will be the various philosophical approaches to the origin, nature and purpose of political power.


Code: LIN2.82975


Objectives: With respect to the variation that characterises the production of any speech community, Sociolinguistics aims to identify patterns that correlate with social variables, based on an observation of real language use. This course explores some advances within the domain of Sociolinguistics and the methodologies used to determine the social basis of linguistic variation.

Sociology of Communication

Code: COR1.85653


Objectives: The topics covered in this course are organized into two main lines: the diversity of the objects of study in Sociology of Communication and the complexity of the relationship between media and individuals. When dealing with these topics in class, students are led to question the existence of empirical foundation for some crucial aspects of present-day society, such as: the impact of technological innovations and the state of digital literacy in contemporary society; the effect of media on public opinion; the role of television and the Internet in the learning process.

Sociology of the Performing Arts

Code: LAC2.61564


Objectives: The aim of Sociology of the Performing Arts is to provide students with a general perspective on the main themes of the sociology of arts and culture. This will be achieved through a special focus on the relationship between performance and audience(s) in its multiple facets (co-presence, emotion theory, ritual, among others). The relationship between performativity and access to culture (low brow culture vs. highbrow culture) and political and identity dynamics will also be addressed during the semester.

Sources and Methods in Asian Studies

Code: HIS2.920646


Objectives: Learning outcomes: this course aims to enable students to acquire tools that may allow them to carry out many-sided, critical and integrated analyses of sources relevant to the study of Asia. It also purports to provide them with knowledge on the methods used in the area of Asian Studies. While it follows an inclusive perspective that seeks to include the multiple disciplines that study Asia, it particularly looks into the fields of history, art, literature, religion and anthropology. Syllabus: this course constitutes an introduction to a range of fundamental issues of relevance to an understanding of the sources and methods of the Asian Studies. Its starting point is a study of the history of Asia, with a focus on the one hand on the types of available sources and on the other on the traditions and new methodologies of historiographical analysis both inside and outsider Asia. For this purpose, and taking into consideration regional specificities, it looks separately into sets of cases in the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia. It proceeds with specific analyses of sources and methods in certain areas of the human sciences, such as art, literature and religion. Finally, it looks into the evolution of anthropological studies with reference to Asia, with emphases on the sources and methods used and on the importance of such studies in the processes of identity construction in Asia. 

Sources and Methods in Asian Studies

Code: HIS1.56524


Objectives: Learning outcomes: this course aims to enable students to acquire tools that may allow them to carry out many-sided, critical and integrated analyses of sources relevant to the study of Asia. It also purports to provide them with knowledge on the methods used in the area of Asian Studies. While it follows an inclusive perspective that seeks to include the multiple disciplines that study Asia, it particularly looks into the fields of history, art, literature, religion and anthropology. Syllabus: this course constitutes an introduction to a range of fundamental issues of relevance to an understanding of the sources and methods of the Asian Studies. Its starting point is a study of the history of Asia, with a focus on the one hand on the types of available sources and on the other on the traditions and new methodologies of historiographical analysis both inside and outsider Asia. For this purpose, and taking into consideration regional specificities, it looks separately into sets of cases in the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia. It proceeds with specific analyses of sources and methods in certain areas of the human sciences, such as art, literature and religion. Finally, it looks into the evolution of anthropological studies with reference to Asia, with emphases on the sources and methods used and on the importance of such studies in the processes of identity construction in Asia. 

Southeast Asia: Past and Present

Code: HIS2.86374


Objectives: It aims to offer a comprehensive and comprehensive view of Southeast Asia, in its geographical, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity. It highlights the external interferences and the interaction with the surrounding civilizational spaces from a predominantly historical and religious perspective. Students should recognize the importance of historical factors in the construction of the main ethnicities and national identities of the various countries that make up the region.

Spanish A1

Code: SPA1.85805


Objectives: The Spanish A1 course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Spanish . It aims at developing a global competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Spanish A1.2

Code: SPA1.85810


Objectives: The Spanish A1.2 course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

Spanish A2

Code: SPA1.920569


Objectives: The Spanish A2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

Spanish A2.1

Code: SPA1.85811


Objectives: The Spanish A2.1 course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Spanish A2.2

Code: SPA1.85822


Objectives: The Spanish A2.2 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

Spanish American Magical Realism

Code: LAC2.99625


Objectives: This UC aims at the critical study of “magical realism” as an aesthetic category of particular importance in the Spanish American cultural space. Students in this course are expected to be able to: know the historical development of Spanish American magical realism, considering its aesthetic and ideological dimension, and its relationship with other relevant concepts such as indigenism, surrealism, marvelous real or neo-fantastic; identify and analyze significant artworks from this cultural universe, recognizing articulations with the artistic creation from other traditions and geographic contexts.

Spanish American Narrative

Code: LAC2.99243


Objectives: In this course, students are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish American literary narrative, recognizing relevant works, authors, poetics and movements; critically analyze texts from different narrative genres cultivated in the Spanish American literary context, considering the main defining elements of the different genres and the most pertinent discussions on literary genres; compare the universe of Spanish American literary narrative with the Western narrative tradition.

Spanish American Poetry

Code: LAC2.98942


Objectives: Students from this course are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish American poetry, from the colonial times to the present, recognizing relevant works, authors, poetics and movements; analyze different poems, considering the themes and verse forms dominant in various lyrical traditions cultivated in the Spanish American literary context; critically compare the plural universes of Spanish American poetry with the Western poetic tradition.

Spanish B1

Code: SPA2.85833


Objectives: The Spanish B1 course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Spanish B1.1

Code: SPA2.920570


Objectives: The Spanish B1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Spanish B1.2

Code: SPA2.920562


Objectives: The Spanish B1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

Spanish B2.1

Code: SPA2.85844


Objectives: The Spanish B2.1 course unit aims at developing the communicative competence corresponding to the first tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts illustrating complex sociocultural themes. 

Spanish B2.2

Code: SPA2.85855


Objectives: The Spanish B2.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts, illustrating complex social and cultural themes. 

Spanish C1

Code: SPA3.85866


Objectives: The Spanish C1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in the expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

Spanish C1.1

Code: SPA3.920572


Objectives: The Spanish C1.1 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production and mediation in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

Spanish C1.2

Code: SPA3.920571


Objectives: The Spanish C1.2 course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, within the scope of comprehension, interaction, written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring clarity and precision in the expression, as well as a wide range of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge.

Spanish C2

Code: SPA3.85876


Objectives: The Spanish  C2 course unit aims at consolidating the communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in social and academic contexts requiring fluency, clarity and precision in the expression as well as a wide range of knowledge, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the language and its cultures.

Spanish Cultural Myths

Code: LAC2.98380


Objectives: This UC aims to study works that show the consolidation of mythical narratives in the Spanish cultural universe, combining case-studies with historical and transnational perspectives. Students are expected to be able to: know and analyze literary and artistic testimonies of the historical evolution of relevant myths in Spanish culture (e.g, D. Juan, D. Quijote, Celestina or El Cid); compare the Hispanic testimonies with the re-elaboration of these myths in Western culture; reflect critically on the role of mythical narratives in the definition of cultural identities. 

Spanish Golden Age

Code: LAC2.99300


Objectives: This UC aims to study Spanish cultural production from the 16th and 17th centuries. Students are expected to be able to: know and analyze a significant set of literary and artistic testimonies of this period, recognizing the worldview and the aesthetic principles that characterize them; consider the expression “Golden Age”/ “Siglos de Oro”, coined by the historiography of Spanish culture, in conjunction with other historical and cultural categories, such as Renaissance and Baroque; critically reflect on the place of ‘Siglo de Oro’ artworks in the constitution of a Spanish cultural identity.

Spanish Linguistics I

Code: LIN2.84255


Objectives: The Spanish Linguistics I course unit aims to deepen the explicit knowledge of Spanish grammar and provide the necessary instruments and competence to analyse and understand
standard Spanish and its dialectal variation at the phonetic-phonological, morphological and syntactic levels.

Spanish Linguistics II

Code: LIN2.84266


Objectives: The Spanish Linguistics II course unit aims to develop an explicit knowledge of various aspects of Spanish linguistics, namely semantics, pragmatics, dialectology and the history of the language, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the language and its cultures.

Spanish Narrative

Code: LAC2.99546


Objectives: In this course, students are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish literary narrative, recognizing relevant works, authors, poetics and movements; critically analyze texts from different narrative genres cultivated in the Spanish literary context, taking into account the main defining elements of the different genres and the most pertinent genological discussions; compare the universe of Spanish literary narrative with the Western narrative tradition.

Spanish Poetry

Code: LAC2.99276


Objectives: In this course, students are expected to be able to: identify the main aspects of the historical evolution of Spanish poetry, from the Middle Ages to the present, recognizing relevant works, authors, poetics and movements; analyze different poems, considering the themes and verse forms dominant in various lyrical traditions cultivated in the Spanish literary context; critically compare the universe of Spanish poetry with the Western poetic tradition.

Spanish-Portuguese Technical Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.87012


Objectives: This course unit has as main objective to reflect on the specificity of technical translation through the analysis and practice of translating technical texts from different areas (arts, computers, medicine, legal texts, etc.).

Spanish-Portuguese Translation Practice

Code: LIN2.86643


Objectives: This course is intended as an introduction to the general issues of interlinguistic mediation and the different approaches to text types and genres in the process of translation from Spanish into Portuguese: equivalence (structural, pragmatical and lexical), editing, grammatical interferences and cross-cultural differences.

Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data

Code: LIN2.84897


Objectives: Data processing and statistical analysis in experimental linguistics and psycholinguistics. Foundations of descriptive and inferential statistics. Linear models: t-tests, simple regression, multiple regression. Hypothesis tests. Estimation and uncertainty. Assumptions of statistical models and their violations.

Supervised Readings

Code: LAC2.98115


Objectives: This course unit is designed to undertake supervised readings of an advanced and intensive kind in selected topics in comparative studies. Students are expected to outline and carry out a research project plan to be presented orally at the end of the semester and discuss their findings. The research process will be duly monitored and assessed throughout all the stages and will culminate in a written essay, to be showcased and further refined in the ensuing seminar (6th Semester). The course thus aims at providing students with a set of methodological tools that will allow them to develop and consolidate their research skills.


Code: LIN2.85302


Objectives: This course offers an introduction to the study of the principles of sentence formation in natural languages, with a particular focus on Portuguese. The way words combine inside sentences and the constituents of the sentence will be analysed. Data will be described by the appropriate metalanguage and hypotheses to explain the data will be discussed.

Technical Translation French-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.87082


Objectives: This course has as its main objective the development of a working method in technical translation /translation of non-literary documents. It aims to familiarize and make known the importance of knowledge acquired by the three necessary stages of technical translation: reading and analysis of technical documents in French; reading/analysis and familiarization of technical documents existing in Portuguese; and translation and revision of French-Portuguese.​

Technical Translation Spanish-Portuguese

Code: LIN2.87203


Objectives: This course unit has as main objective to reflect on the specificity of technical translation through the analysis and practice of translating technical texts from different areas (arts, computers, medicine, legal texts, etc.).

Text Linguistics

Code: LIN2.84573


Objectives: This course provides an introduction to the study of texts as linguistic objects (i.e. grammatical units) and as communicational objects. It discusses basic notions about text (cohesion and coherence), and analyses reference chains and sentential connections as major building blocks of text cohesion, considering Portuguese texts that exhibit different types of anomalies (e.g. ungrammatical reference chains, or problems in the use of sentence connectives). Students are expected to identify the key components of text cohesion and to recognise construction problems, regarding both content and form.

Textual Analysis

Code: LIN2.85006


Objectives: The course focuses on the description of different text types, both oral and written. The concept of text will be analysed as a communicative interaction. Those textual features that are relevant for the translation process will be identified in order to determine translation strategies.

Textual Criticism

Code: LAC2.98501


Objectives: This course seeks to foster a hands on approach to the making of texts that reached us only through scribal copies and of other texts that are also kept in autograph documents. Once acquainted with the theoretical and methodological foundations of textual criticism, the students will obtain skills to acknowledge and describe the phenomena that are inherent to textual production and transmission. They will accordingly perform tasks related to the identification of document witnesses, transcription, collation, chronological representation of textual data, textual constitution, and representation of variant readings. Additionally, they can be trained in book editing their editorial work.

The Court of the Kings of Portugal (15th-18th centuries): Dailylife and Ritual Practices

Code: HIS2.78836


Objectives: The Syllabus will be divided in two course units interconnected.
1.    The public rituals and ceremonies: the great festivities of the court such as baptizes, acclamations, aniversaries of the Royal Family, entrances of the kings and the royal consorts, the funeral ceremonies; the bullfights, the auto-de-fé. The Royal Palace, the royal insignias, the patronage of arts. The political power of the Patriarcal.
2.    The day time of the Portuguese Royal House: the rituals of the wake-up, of the dress, the King and Queen’s tables, the festivities and the night leisure time, the king´s mistresses, the hunting, the  Opera, the health and the intimal moments after the death of the members of the Royal Family. 

The Formation of Brazilian Culture

Code: LAC2.97783


Objectives: This course unit seeks to familiarize students with the conceptual, methodological and analytical tools which are most relevant to the study of culture.Similarly, it is our intention to provide an overview of the cultural formation of the Brazilian people. This will take as its starting point a reflection on the debates and conflicts generated by the crossroads involving different cultural traditions which make up the history of Brazil, as well as the still existing preconceptions. In this way, working from new perspectives for the study of the cultural question, our goal is to critically rethink the examination and understanding of Brazilian culture and at the same time to develop the skills of interpretation, analysis and synthesis.

The Study of Art

Code: LAC1.77745


Objectives: The evolution of the visual arts throughout history in a global and comparative perspective. Similarities and differences between the visual arts created in different civilizations, both in synchronic and diachronic terms, involving the formal, iconographic and functional aspects of the works of art. To understand the formation processes of the artistic canons and their importance to the diversity of artistic creation in different civilizational areas. Acquisition of skills in the field of art history literature, in order to deepen, autonomously, knowledge treated in an introductory way in this CU.

The Study of Cultures

Code: LAC1.57233


Objectives: What is culture? What does the study of cultures involve? The cultural identity and its dynamics. Methodological issues: descriptions, instruments, validation, comparability and commensurability between cultures, and controversies. Study of particular cases. From the study of cultures to the cultural studies: distinction of subject areas.

The Study of History

Code: HIS1.78622


Objectives: Analysis the great currents of study and investigation of History, taking into account the methodological problems inherent to the production of historical discourse and to encourage interest in historical research, exploring the ways of looking at History over time. Raise awareness about the construction of historiographic discourse through texts by different authors. "

The Study of Human Language

Code: LIN1.86250


Objectives: This course initiates students to the scientific study of human language (characterized as a biological property of humans) and the methods and tools of analysis used in Linguistics. It provides an introduction to the main areas of linguistics: the sounds used by human languages and how they are organized in specific languages (phonetics and phonology), how words are constructed in language (morphology), the structure of sentences (syntax), and various aspects of meaning (semantics) in interaction with the other components of grammar. The course also approaches issues of language acquisition, language change and language variation.​

The Study of Literature

Code: LAC1.57222


Objectives: Problematization of the concept of Literature. The institution of Literature as a discipline. Literature, Literary History and National History.
Literature and society: an introduction to the concepts of “literary field”, “canon”, “consecrating instances” and “trajectory” (Bourdieu). An introduction to the problematics of literary genres. Genre and Gender. Literature, reading and “non-reading” (Bayard).

The Study of Philosophy

Code: FIL1.35082


Objectives: An introduction to philosophy through its great questions, as illustrated by Kant and Russell. The diachrony of philosophical questions: from the ancient question of principles to the present question of the end of man. The synchrony of philosophical issues: the philosopher and the issues of his time.
A reflection on philosophy through some metaphilosophical questions: the relationship between philosophy and its history; the unity or plurality of philosophy; the value of writing in philosophy; the school and the value of philosophy.

Theatre and Literature

Code: LAC2.97386


Objectives: The principal objectives of this course are essentially to explore the various relationships between the practices of creating fiction, poetry and drama, so as to establish a general understanding of the points of contrast and connection between theatre and literature. Basic skills primarily in written theatre practice will be developed alongside the discovery of literature in various genres from various parts of the Anglophone world, ranging from established classics to work being written today. Opportunity will also be given for students to adapt literary works for theatrical performance as well as produce their own original texts.

Theatre and Performance in Spain

Code: LAC2.99561


Objectives: In this course, students should be able to: identify the main lines of the historical evolution of Spanish theatre, recognizing relevant playwrights, directors, companies, theories, motives and performance practices; understand theater as a complex cultural phenomenon, constituted by the articulation between the dramatic text, the scenic elements and the context of performance; master analysis tools that foster the critical interpretation of both the relationship between theatre theories and practices, and the interplay between dramatic text and performance.

Theatre and Spectacle in Italy

Code: LAC2.99572


Objectives: To develop the ability to understand theatre as a historical and social process that is bound to specific conditions of scenic achievement, as well as the spectacular phenomenon in its complexity and the disciplines it is made of. To acquire knowledge on Italian innovation in certain areas of spectacle and its impact across borders. To stimulate interest in reading theatre texts while developing understanding and interpretation abilities. To strengthen research and organisational skills, as well as the ability to question knowledge. 

Themes and Techniques of Philosophy

Code: FIL1.34246


Objectives: An introduction to philosophy through its great questions, as illustrated by Kant and Russell. The diachrony of philosophical questions: from the ancient question of principles to the present question of the end of man. The synchrony of philosophical issues: the philosopher and the issues of his time.
A reflection on philosophy through some metaphilosophical questions: the relationship between philosophy and its history; the unity or plurality of philosophy; the value of writing in philosophy; the school and the value of philosophy.

Theories of Art History

Code: HIS2.920605


Objectives: Stimulate and develop research practice of research in an enlarged perspective of greater knowledge in the field of Theory of Art and Aesthetics, defining the Art History of the object of study, the concepts of 'art', 'client', “patron”, 'market' and 'the world art, questioning the broad outlines of theoretical debate in this area and knowledge in fields such as Iconology, Semiotics, the Sociology of Art and the new genres of Art History. Promote critical autonomy based on the strength of acquired knowledge.

Theory and Aesthetics of the Performing Arts

Code: LAC3.99887


Objectives: This course unit has the goal to help the students to be able to identify, in chronological sequence, the key theories of theatre and performance, in relation with the main moments in the history of theatre and performance in the Western World, throughout 20th century. It also aims to: 1) relate the selected essays for reading and discussing with the theoretical framework; 2) to contextualize and to relate the several selected critical and theoretical perspectives, in order to deepen the discussion on the theory and aesthetics in contemporary performing arts.

Theory of Art History

Code: HIS3.78023


Objectives: Stimulate and develop research practice of research in an enlarged perspective of greater knowledge in the field of Theory of Art and Aesthetics, defining the Art History of the object of study, the concepts of 'art', 'client', “patron”, 'market' and 'the world art, questioning the broad outlines of theoretical debate in this area and knowledge in fields such as Iconology, Semiotics, the Sociology of Art and the new genres of Art History. Promote critical autonomy based on the strength of acquired knowledge.

Theory of History

Code: HIS3.78135


Objectives: 1. What is the Theory of History ? ; 2. Logics of History (Time/Space and Past, Present, Future) ; 3. The Location of History (History, Literature, Philosophy and Science) ; 4. Paths of Historical Research. The aim is to develop the students' ability to consider the ways of thinking and making history as a human science and, at the same time, to understand the historicity of the theories of history and of historiography in relationship with the social world and the historical dynamics and the existing tension between history and memory.

Theory of Knowledge

Code: FIL2.920344


Objectives: This course aims to develop an understanding of some of the central philosophical questions about knowledge. The nature of knowledge, the sources of knowledge and the limits of knowledge are some of these questions. 

Thinking on Mundialization

Code: FIL2.920091


Objectives: The planetary completion of globalization, started with the European expansion under the banner of an enlightened cosmopolitanism, has not brought, in its technical and economic content, a more pacific or supportive world. It opened new possibilities, but also disorder and emptiness of meaning. A global world, without consensus or a common idea, is a more dangerous world, which moves by diverging. It matters, therefore, not only to regulate but also to unite, correcting trajectories, promoting equality without homogeneity. That is a task which also concerns philosophy.

Topics and Questions on Spanish Culture

Code: LAC2.97952


Objectives: This course aims to promote critical knowledge of the Spanish cultural universe, considering a set of relevant topics and questions in both historical and contemporary perspectives. Students are expected to be able to: globally understand the historical evolution of Spanish culture since the Middle Ages, taking into account significant aspects of the artistic, linguistic, social and geo-political domains; critically analyze and compare several artistic testimonies which may be relevant to the definition of Spanish cultural identity.

Topics in Brazilian Literature: XIX Century

Code: LAC2.99344


Objectives: The aim of this module is to acquire an overview of the Brazilian literature of the XIX century through a reflection on issues, problems and concepts inherent in the writing of certain works and key authors. Moreover, these issues are also addressed from the perspective of the agreement or disagreement with the nineteenth century literary movements –namely Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Parnassianism and Symbolism– and the artistic and social periods in which they were created. In this sense, it seeks to understand the development of literary processes of the nineteenth century in Brazil while developing skills for interpretation, analysis and synthesis. 

Topics in Brazilian Literature: XX-XXI Centuries

Code: LAC2.99344


Objectives: The aim of this module is to acquire an overview of the Brazilian literature of the XX and XXI centuries through a reflection on issues, problems and concepts inherent in the writing of certain works and key authors. Moreover, these issues are also addressed from the perspective of the agreement or disagreement with the literary movements and the artistic and social periods in which they were created. In this sense, it seeks to understand the development of contemporary and postmodern literary processes in Brazil while developing skills for interpretation, analysis and synthesis.

Topics in German Linguistics

Code: LAC2.62233


Objectives: This course will focus each semester on a different linguistic topic such as phonetics, phonology, prosody, intonation, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language change, philosophy of language, dialogue semantics, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics or other topics. The aim of this course is to provide the students with a comprehensive introduction of special topic chosen both in theoretic respect but also practical application.

{slider Topics of German Culture}

Code: LAC2.62146


Objectives: Topics of German culture from the founding of Germany as a state in the 19th century to the present, as well as the relationship between cultures and German society in specific historical contexts. To define and question the notion of culture. The foundation of Germany and the Wilhelmine period (1871-1918). World War I and the intellectuals (1914-1918). The cultures of the Weimar Republic (1919 - 1933). German fascism and World War II (1933 - 1945). The two Germanys, two cultures (1949 - 1989). Unified Germany and globalized culture.

{slider Topics on African Literature}

Code: LAC2.99333


Objectives: This course deals with several topics:
a)Theories: Postcolonialism and UCry revisiting in African studies.
b) Representations of colonial and post-colonial history in the Portuguese-speaking African novel. Topics studied: the violence of war: colonial war and civil wars.
c) Importance of the orality/writing interface, and of genres such as short stories and chronicles in contemporary writing.
d) Aesthetic reflection on languages and formal meditation in contemporary poetry.

{slider Topics on Slavic Literatures}

Code: LAC2.57255


Objectives: This course unit aims to showcase selected works from Slavic literature. After framing the literary works (gender, literary current, period, historical and intellectual context, etc.), we will proceed to the identification, reflection, and articulation of literary topics. We will also describe their importance in the context of the national and world literature.

{slider Translation Practice English-Portuguese}

Code: LIN2.86950


Objectives: The purpose of this BA course unit is to offer students practice in identifying the main issues/problems involved in translating texts from English into Portuguese and then help them find solutions to those problems. It will focus on translation strategies and offer a set of skills required to analyze texts from a variety of fields in the source language, as well as develop competences required to succeed as a professional translator. While helping students to become attentive, self-critical translators, it will tone their responses to the functional differences between linguistic systems, register, and the characteristics of language.

{slider Translation Theory}

Code: LAC2.61586


Objectives: This BA course unit aims to develop the knowledge of selected contemporary theoretical proposals of high applicability to translator training and translation practice. It addresses concepts such as: translation strategies, norms, problems, shifts and competences; as well as selected proposals of text analysis in translation.

{slider Translation-oriented Textual Analysis}

Code: LIN2.86834


Objectives: The course focuses on the description of different text types, both oral and written. The concept of text will be analysed as a communicative interaction. Those textual features that are relevant for the translation process will be identified in order to determine translation strategies.

{slider Travel Writing}

Code: LAC.98062


Objectives: In this course we will study the genre of travel narrative as a tool of knowledge and also of domination of the ‘Other’, from the 15th century until present times. We will explore the relations of these travel narratives with other literary, artistic, humanistic and scientific genres (for instance, the relation between travel and cartography or between travel and utopia). We will pay special attention to the early European travels in the Far East and in the Americas, as well as to the Romantic travellers in the Iberian Peninsula, which will allow us to discover common ‘exoticizing’ techniques in all of them. The course will end with a closer look at contemporary travel narratives produced in the Iberian Peninsula.

{slider Turkish I (A1.1)}

Code: TUR1.86711


Objectives: The Turkish I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Turkish. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish II (A1.2)}

Code: TUR1.86722


Objectives: The Turkish II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

{slider Turkish III (A2.1)}

Code: TUR2.86733


Objectives: The Turkish III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish IV (A2.2)}

Code: TUR2.86744


Objectives: The Turkish IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.1)}

Code: TUR1.84641


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Turkish. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.2)}

Code: TUR1.84652


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A2.1)}

Code: TUR1.84880


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A2.2)}

Code: TUR1.84891


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (B1.1)}

Code: TUR2.87135


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (B1.2)}

Code: TUR2.87146


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

{slider Turkish V (B1.1)}

Code: TUR3.87172


Objectives: The Turkish V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

{slider Turkish VI (B1.2)}

Code: TUR3.87183


Objectives: The Turkish VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

{tab U-V-W}

{slider title="US History and Culture (20th-21st centuries)" open="false"}

Code: LAC2.12725


Objectives: Students will be able to frame phenomena from distinct historical periods within the cultural evolution of modern American history: specifically in relation to key themes such as American Divisionism, Experiment and Dream. Students will grasp the ways in which American sociocultural manifestations -in their cultural epochs, presidential administrations, and social history- have advocated (or wrangled with) ideologies, aesthetics and customs within shared (and divided) forms of American life. Students will complete individual research projects as a way of attaining personal and critical insight into the ongoing complexities of American institutional and communal life.

{slider US Literature (18th-19th centuries)}

Code: LAC2.12306


Objectives: This course will promote close reading and discourse analysis of US literary texts in a period that spans from the colonial to the end of the nineteenth century. The aim is to articulate, in relation with periods of identity affirmation in US culture, the aesthetic and periodological constructs of: Colonial Literature and Puritanism; the Enlightenment and revolutionary writing; Romanticism and Transcendentalism; Realism and Naturalism; Symbolism, subjectivity and representativeness of the (public) self. Students are expected to produce critical essays and creative responses to stylistic and ideological issues raised by the analysis of any given text and its intertextuality with other pieces read in class.

{slider US Literature (1900-1945)}

Code: LAC2.12795


Objectives: This course unit develops skills in close reading and discourse analysis of US literary texts in the context of Modernism. Students are stimulated to read and analyze canonical texts from the time span in question, encompassing different literary genres. Students will be encouraged to understand American Modernism in a transnational context, in dialogue with other forms of artistic expression, and in the way it interacts with major figures of the American Renaissance. 

{slider US Literature (1945-Today)}

Code: LAC2.12433


Objectives: This course unit develops analytical skills of US literary texts in a period spanning the post-WWII period to the present day. Students are encouraged to read and analyze representative texts from three literary genres - poetry, drama and narrative - in order to be in possession of analytical and conceptual tools that enable them to understand the profound aesthetic diversity that characterizes American literature of the time span in question. 

{slider Visual Arts in the UK}

Code: LAC2.12762


Objectives: 1. To become familiar with the major movements in the visual arts in the UK since the 18th century, in a panoramic and globally interdependent perspective.
2. To critically relate artistic visual representations with the cultural, political, and socioeconomic transformations in the UK since the 18th century.
3. To exercise critical and methodological practices of analysing visual texts (from painting, sculpture, and photography to new media) and identifying artistic movements.

{slider Visual Culture}

Code: LAC1.12163


Objectives: The title of the discipline coincides with its object of study, visual culture, and supposes a multiUCry approach, with key-concepts of different fields, from Anthropology to Sociology and Psychoanalysis, as well as History of Art and Religion, Aesthetics, Semiology, film studies or the most recent media studies. Through the commentary of different objects, it enhances the understanding of historical, political, cultural and artistic issues related to vision and visuality, and with the modes of creation and reception of images, aiming at a comprehensive and critical understanding of the factors involved in what contemporary thinkers have diagnosed as “visual turns” in the history of thought and culture. 

{slider Women’s Daly Life (16th-19th centuries)}

Code: HIS2.78405


Objectives: Women's Daily Life (16th-19th centuries) starts from a set of gender history themes and focuses on the study of portuguese women's magazines, preferably in comparison with those from other European spaces or from other continents. 

{slider Word Order and Meaning}

Code: LIN2.85585


Objectives: This course develops previous contents and skills on Syntax and studies the correlation between syntactic operations and interpretive effects in connection with word order in natural languages, with a special focus on European Portuguese. The syllabus examines different word order patterns in Portuguese sentences and their correlation with syntactic, semantic, and discursive features.


Topics in German Linguistics

Code: LAC2.62233


Objectives: This course will focus each semester on a different linguistic topic such as phonetics, phonology, prosody, intonation, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language change, philosophy of language, dialogue semantics, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics or other topics. The aim of this course is to provide the students with a comprehensive introduction of special topic chosen both in theoretic respect but also practical application.

{slider Topics of German Culture}

Code: LAC2.62146


Objectives: Topics of German culture from the founding of Germany as a state in the 19th century to the present, as well as the relationship between cultures and German society in specific historical contexts. To define and question the notion of culture. The foundation of Germany and the Wilhelmine period (1871-1918). World War I and the intellectuals (1914-1918). The cultures of the Weimar Republic (1919 - 1933). German fascism and World War II (1933 - 1945). The two Germanys, two cultures (1949 - 1989). Unified Germany and globalized culture.

{slider Topics on African Literature}

Code: LAC2.99333


Objectives: This course deals with several topics:
a)Theories: Postcolonialism and UCry revisiting in African studies.
b) Representations of colonial and post-colonial history in the Portuguese-speaking African novel. Topics studied: the violence of war: colonial war and civil wars.
c) Importance of the orality/writing interface, and of genres such as short stories and chronicles in contemporary writing.
d) Aesthetic reflection on languages and formal meditation in contemporary poetry.

{slider Topics on Slavic Literatures}

Code: LAC2.57255


Objectives: This course unit aims to showcase selected works from Slavic literature. After framing the literary works (gender, literary current, period, historical and intellectual context, etc.), we will proceed to the identification, reflection, and articulation of literary topics. We will also describe their importance in the context of the national and world literature.

{slider Translation Practice English-Portuguese}

Code: LIN2.86950


Objectives: The purpose of this BA course unit is to offer students practice in identifying the main issues/problems involved in translating texts from English into Portuguese and then help them find solutions to those problems. It will focus on translation strategies and offer a set of skills required to analyze texts from a variety of fields in the source language, as well as develop competences required to succeed as a professional translator. While helping students to become attentive, self-critical translators, it will tone their responses to the functional differences between linguistic systems, register, and the characteristics of language.

{slider Translation Theory}

Code: LAC2.61586


Objectives: This BA course unit aims to develop the knowledge of selected contemporary theoretical proposals of high applicability to translator training and translation practice. It addresses concepts such as: translation strategies, norms, problems, shifts and competences; as well as selected proposals of text analysis in translation.

{slider Translation-oriented Textual Analysis}

Code: LIN2.86834


Objectives: The course focuses on the description of different text types, both oral and written. The concept of text will be analysed as a communicative interaction. Those textual features that are relevant for the translation process will be identified in order to determine translation strategies.

{slider Travel Writing}

Code: LAC.98062


Objectives: In this course we will study the genre of travel narrative as a tool of knowledge and also of domination of the ‘Other’, from the 15th century until present times. We will explore the relations of these travel narratives with other literary, artistic, humanistic and scientific genres (for instance, the relation between travel and cartography or between travel and utopia). We will pay special attention to the early European travels in the Far East and in the Americas, as well as to the Romantic travellers in the Iberian Peninsula, which will allow us to discover common ‘exoticizing’ techniques in all of them. The course will end with a closer look at contemporary travel narratives produced in the Iberian Peninsula.

{slider Turkish I (A1.1)}

Code: TUR1.86711


Objectives: The Turkish I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Turkish. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish II (A1.2)}

Code: TUR1.86722


Objectives: The Turkish II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication. 

{slider Turkish III (A2.1)}

Code: TUR2.86733


Objectives: The Turkish III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish IV (A2.2)}

Code: TUR2.86744


Objectives: The Turkish IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.1)}

Code: TUR1.84641


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.1) course unit is aimed at students with little or no knowledge of Turkish. It aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A1.2)}

Code: TUR1.84652


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture II (A1.2) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the second tier of level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension and written and oral interaction in simple and routine contexts of everyday communication.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A2.1)}

Code: TUR1.84880


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture III (A2.1) course unit aims at developing communication competences corresponding to the descriptors of the first tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral production in situations linked to personal and professional activities.

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (A2.2)}

Code: TUR1.84891


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture IV (A2.2) course unit aims at developing a communicative competence corresponding to the descriptors of the first second tier of level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of written comprehension, written and oral interaction and oral and written production in situations linked to personal and professional activities. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (B1.1)}

Code: TUR2.87135


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain. 

{slider Turkish Language and Culture I (B1.2)}

Code: TUR2.87146


Objectives: The Turkish Language and Culture VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.

{slider Turkish V (B1.1)}

Code: TUR3.87172


Objectives: The Turkish V (B1.1) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the first tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, written and oral interaction and production in different contexts, in the public and professional domain.

{slider Turkish VI (B1.2)}

Code: TUR3.87183


Objectives: The Turkish VI (B1.2) course unit aims at developing the communication competences corresponding to the second tier of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages within the scope of comprehension, interaction and written and oral production in different social contexts, in the public and professional domain.  

{tab U-V-W}

{slider title="US History and Culture (20th-21st centuries)" open="false"}

Code: LAC2.12725


Objectives: Students will be able to frame phenomena from distinct historical periods within the cultural evolution of modern American history: specifically in relation to key themes such as American Divisionism, Experiment and Dream. Students will grasp the ways in which American sociocultural manifestations -in their cultural epochs, presidential administrations, and social history- have advocated (or wrangled with) ideologies, aesthetics and customs within shared (and divided) forms of American life. Students will complete individual research projects as a way of attaining personal and critical insight into the ongoing complexities of American institutional and communal life.

{slider US Literature (18th-19th centuries)}

Code: LAC2.12306


Objectives: This course will promote close reading and discourse analysis of US literary texts in a period that spans from the colonial to the end of the nineteenth century. The aim is to articulate, in relation with periods of identity affirmation in US culture, the aesthetic and periodological constructs of: Colonial Literature and Puritanism; the Enlightenment and revolutionary writing; Romanticism and Transcendentalism; Realism and Naturalism; Symbolism, subjectivity and representativeness of the (public) self. Students are expected to produce critical essays and creative responses to stylistic and ideological issues raised by the analysis of any given text and its intertextuality with other pieces read in class.

{slider US Literature (1900-1945)}

Code: LAC2.12795


Objectives: This course unit develops skills in close reading and discourse analysis of US literary texts in the context of Modernism. Students are stimulated to read and analyze canonical texts from the time span in question, encompassing different literary genres. Students will be encouraged to understand American Modernism in a transnational context, in dialogue with other forms of artistic expression, and in the way it interacts with major figures of the American Renaissance. 

{slider US Literature (1945-Today)}

Code: LAC2.12433


Objectives: This course unit develops analytical skills of US literary texts in a period spanning the post-WWII period to the present day. Students are encouraged to read and analyze representative texts from three literary genres - poetry, drama and narrative - in order to be in possession of analytical and conceptual tools that enable them to understand the profound aesthetic diversity that characterizes American literature of the time span in question. 

{slider Visual Arts in the UK}

Code: LAC2.12762


Objectives: 1. To become familiar with the major movements in the visual arts in the UK since the 18th century, in a panoramic and globally interdependent perspective.
2. To critically relate artistic visual representations with the cultural, political, and socioeconomic transformations in the UK since the 18th century.
3. To exercise critical and methodological practices of analysing visual texts (from painting, sculpture, and photography to new media) and identifying artistic movements.

{slider Visual Culture}

Code: LAC1.12163


Objectives: The title of the discipline coincides with its object of study, visual culture, and supposes a multiUCry approach, with key-concepts of different fields, from Anthropology to Sociology and Psychoanalysis, as well as History of Art and Religion, Aesthetics, Semiology, film studies or the most recent media studies. Through the commentary of different objects, it enhances the understanding of historical, political, cultural and artistic issues related to vision and visuality, and with the modes of creation and reception of images, aiming at a comprehensive and critical understanding of the factors involved in what contemporary thinkers have diagnosed as “visual turns” in the history of thought and culture. 

{slider Women’s Daly Life (16th-19th centuries)}

Code: HIS2.78405


Objectives: Women's Daily Life (16th-19th centuries) starts from a set of gender history themes and focuses on the study of portuguese women's magazines, preferably in comparison with those from other European spaces or from other continents. 

{slider Word Order and Meaning}

Code: LIN2.85585


Objectives: This course develops previous contents and skills on Syntax and studies the correlation between syntactic operations and interpretive effects in connection with word order in natural languages, with a special focus on European Portuguese. The syllabus examines different word order patterns in Portuguese sentences and their correlation with syntactic, semantic, and discursive features.
