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Central to internationalization and interuniversity cooperation, the mobility of teaching staff on teaching assignments has added relevance for students who choose not to go on mobility during their studies. The mobility for teaching staff takes place under the Erasmus+ program, Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility or under protocols and agreements that include staff exchange.

Teaching Missions at the School of Arts and Humanities

Every year the School of Arts and Humanities receives a selection of teachers from the best foreign higher education institutions, who visit the School of Arts and Humanities on teaching missions of variable length, between one week and two months.

School of Arts and Humanities professors can take the initiative to organise short-term visits for teaching missions, contacting for this purpose foreign professors from preferential institutions and partners, and leading world specialists in the humanities.

Foreign professors interested in undertaking a short-term mobility for teaching assignments, under the Erasmus+ program, or under protocols or agreements, can also take the initiative to organize a short-term visit, contacting a School of Arts and Humanities lecturer to program the visit. The International Cooperation Office provides the necessary administrative support.


Visiting professors and researchers who do not hold the nationality of one of the European Union countries or of a country in the European Economic Area need a visa before entering Portugal. In order to obtain a visa, they must first request a letter of acceptance from the School of Arts and Humanities.

The study visa must be requested at a Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin. It is recommended that visa requests are made at least two months before the expected date of arrival in Portugal to ensure their timely issuance.


The Universidade de Lisboa has specific residences for professors, researchers and administrative staff. Visiting professors and researchers can contact the International Cooperation Office (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.) to find out more information about the residences and availability of vacancies for the dates planned for their stay.


Teaching Missions abroad

Every year several faculty members of the School of Arts and Humanities carry out teaching missions in the best foreign institutions, on their own initiative or at the invitation of foreign institutions and colleagues. These teaching missions are an excellent opportunity for professional development, exchange of experiences and good practices. Applications for an Erasmus+ funded teaching assignment at a foreign institution open every year in October for mobilities to take place in the following calendar year.

A teaching assignment has a minimum duration of 5 days and minimum 8 hours of teaching; and a maximum duration of 2 months and a proportional number of teaching hours.

For more information, we recommend contacting the International Cooperation Office (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.).


Partners for teaching mobilities