The School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon offers 17 BA degree programs, combining its main subject areas: History, Linguistics, Literatures, Arts and Cultures, and Philosophy. On average, for each undergraduate admitted six applications have been received. This means the admission rate to our BA degree programs has been c. 16.4% (6 applications/1 admission).
A BA degree program lasts three years, organized into six semesters. Students take about thirty courses (corresponding to 180 ECTS); five courses per semester. Students usually have about 15 hours of classes per week. Classes are offered Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. BA students are encouraged to spend one or two semesters at other top universities, usually in Europe, taking advantage of mobility and exchange programs such as ERASMUS+.
Open electives
To learn more about the undergraduate courses on offer in the areas of History, Linguistics, Literatures, Arts and Cultures, and Philosophy, students are invited to check the schedules and description of couses.
Majors and Minors
Some BA degree programs include c. 20 closed electives/120 ECTS courses that allow for concentration areas. With the help of the Director of Undergraduate Studies or a Tutor (Professor), each student can build a Path with Majors (c.10 closed-list electives /60ECTS to choose from a fixed list of courses) and Minors (5 closed-list electives /30ECTS to choose from a fixed list of courses). There are several possible combinations for these c. 20 optional courses, such as:
- 1 Major (10 UC/60ECTS) + c.10 Open electives/60 ECTS
- 2 Majors (10 UC/60ECTS + 10 courses/60 ECTS)
- 1 Major (10 UC/60ECTS) + 1 Minor (5 courses/30 ECTS) + 5 Open electives/30 ECTS
- 1 Major (10 UC/60ECTS) + 2 Minor (5 courses/30 ECTS) + 5 Open electives/30 ECTS
- 4 Minors (5 UC/30ECTS + 5 courses/30 ECTS + 5 courses/30 ECTS + 5 courses/30 ECTS)
- Without Majors or Minors: 20 Open electives
If your BA allows the choice of Majors and Minors, see this page further down for the list of courses in each Major and Minor.
Foreign languages
Among the open elective courses or extra-curricular courses, students of the School of Arts and Humanities can learn several foreign languages, such as: German| Arabic| Catalan| Chinese| Spanish| French| Greek (Old)| Hindi| English| Italian| Japanese| Latin| Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian| Romanian| Turkish.
International Mobility
The School of Arts and Humanities has established mobility protocols with the best foreign universities, thus, offering its students the opportunity to study at other top universities. To know more about the international mobility programs and the universities that the students of the School of Arts and Humanities can attend, please check International mobility opportunities (Outgoing).
Several BA degree programs in the School of Arts and Humanities allow for an internship in the last semester. To learn more about the Internships on offer, the host institutions and the entry requirements, please check the Internship opportunities - Undergraduate.
Language of Instruction
The language of instruction at the School of Arts and Humanities is Portuguese. However, a growing number of classes are also taught in English. Additionally, whenever required by the number of international and mobility students enrolled in a class, the language of instruction may be switched to English.
Please check here the list of classes taught in English.
The 17 BA Degree Programs
BA in Liberal Arts - The ULisboa BA
The BA in Liberal Arts is a unique undergraduate degree in Portugal. It was created to enable a combination of Arts, Humanities and Sciences. In its current version, students can attend courses at eleven ULisboa schools: the School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL), Faculty of Architecture (FAUL), the Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUL), the Faculty of Sciences (FCUL), the Faculty of Law (FDUL), the Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMHUL), the Faculty of Psychology (FPUL), School of Agriculture (ISA), the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP), the School of Economics and Management (ISEG), and the School of Engineering (IST).
With the help of a tutor, students are free to build an individual path or they can gear their choice toward concentration areas: Majors (10 closed-list elective courses) and Minors (5 closed-list elective courses).
The BA in Liberal Arts offers comprehensive and diverse instruction that responds very flexibly to a rapidly changing job market, where professions constantly appear and disappear and where the ability to have ideas and think outside the box is stimulated. Our alumni are working in activities as diverse as telecommunications, the arts, information and communication, or education and research.
Many graduates in Liberal Arts choose to continue their studies. Liberal Arts provides an entry route to the MA and PhD programs offered by the eleven participating Schools (from Economics to Biology, and from Literature to Maths).
The degree includes 10 core curriculum courses (60 ECTS), usually taken in the first year, and 20 open elective courses (120 ECTS) that students are free to choose among all courses included in this BA.
The core curriculum requirements include 2 to 3 levels of one foreign language, 3 courses of Great Questions , the sequence of 3 courses of Key Texts, and 1 to 2 courses of Instruments.
Foreign Languages: 2 to 3 courses (12-18 ECTS), to choose between two or three levels of: German| Arabic| Catalan| Chinese| Spanish| French| Greek (Ancient)| Hindi| English| Italian| Japanese| Latin| Armenian Language and Culture| Bulgarian Language and Culture| Czech Language and Culture| Croatian Language and Culture| Slovenian Language and Culture| Polish Language and Culture| Russian Language and Culture| Persian| Romanian| Turkish.
Great Questions in Arts and Humanities: one course (6 ECTS), to choose from: The Study of Art | Classical Culture | Visual Culture | The Study of Cultures | The Study of Philosophy | The Study of History | The Study of Human Language | Science and Art | The Study of Literature
Great Questions in Science: one course (6 ECTS), to choose from: Astronomy and Astrophysics | Science and Art | Science and Culture | Economics I | Introduction to Management | History of the European Union | Evolution of Ideas in Physics | Evolution of Mathematical Thought | Geography and Society | Are There Limits in Science? | History of Ideas in Biology | Energy Sustainability | Earth, Environment and Climate
Great Questions in Arts and Humanities or Great Questions in Science: one additional course
Key Texts: three courses (18 ECTS): Antiquity and the Middle Ages | From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment | From Romanticism to the Present Time.
Instruments: one or two courses (6-12 ECTS) to choose from: Logic | Writing and Debating Practice | Language and Communication | Text Editing | Calculus I | Drawing I | Geometry I | Programming I | Introduction to Probabilities and Statistics.
From a list of more than 600 coures from the four subject areas of the School of Arts and Humanities, the remaining 20 courses can be combined into up to two Majors, up to four Minors, or they can be chosen freely among the list of courses offered in this BA. For the undergraduate courses on offer, check the page on courses and schedules.
- Archaeology
- Performing Arts
- Comparative Arts and Cultures
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Kinetic Sciences
- Heritage Sciences
- Psychological Sciences
- Communication and Culture
- African Cultures and Intercultural Dialogues
- Economics
- Editing
- Statistics and Operational Research
- German Studies
- Asian Studies
- Brazilian Studies
- Classical Studies
- Slavic Studies
- Spanish Studies
- Philosophical Studies
- French Studies
- English Studies
- Italian Studies
- Legal Studies
- Literary Studies
- North American Studies
- Political and Strategic Studies
- Romance Studies
- Artistic Expression
- Physics
- Geology
- Management
- History
- History of Africa
- History and Philosophy of Sciences
- Computing
- Spanish Language and Linguistics
- French Language and Linguistics
- English Language and Linguistics
- Portuguese Language
- Experimental Linguistics
- Portuguese Literature and Culture
- African Literatures and Cultures
- Mathematics
- Portuguese as a Foreign Language/Second Language
- Natural Language Processing
- Chemistry
- Geographic Information Technologies
- Translation
- Environment and Sustainability
- Archaeology
- Art and heritage
- Performing Arts
- Comparative Arts and Cultures
- Physical Chemistry
- Mathematical Sciences
- Communication and Culture
- Economics and Management
- African Studies
- German Studies
- Asian Studies
- Classical Studies
- Spanish Studies
- Philosophical Studies
- English Studies
- North American Studies
- Romance Studies
- Artistic Expression
- History
- Portuguese Language
- Portuguese Literature and Culture
- Portuguese as a Foreign Language/Second Language
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Translation
Semester 1: Foreign Language (one level) | Great Questions in Arts and Humanities (one elective) | Great Questions in Sciences (one elective) | Key Texts (one elective) | Instruments (one elective)
Semester 2: Foreign Language (one level) | Great Questions in Arts and Humanities or in Sciences (one elective) | Key Texts (one elective)| Instruments (one elective) or Open Elective course (6 ECTS)
Semester 3: Foreign Language (one level) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Dr. Maria de Fátima Reis
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Course code: 1506 8458
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 60
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 16 Mathematics
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Liberal Arts program, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 161, on August 22, 2022, in Portuguese) »
- FBAUL Equivalence Plan
- Information for 1st Year Students »
- Information for 2nd and 3rd Year students »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
Executive Secretary
Dulce Lisboa (FL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Coordinators Committee
Pedro Fortuna (Professor appointed by FBAUL) Faculty of Fine Arts Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sofia Leal Rodrigues (Professor appointed by FBAUL) Faculty of Fine Arts Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Professor Carlos Gravato (President) Faculty of Sciences Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Henrique Leitão (Professor appointed by FCUL) Faculty of Sciences Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria de Fátima Reis (Director of Undergraduate Studies) School of Arts and Humanities Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Figueiredo (Coordinator of the sequence of Key Texts) School of Arts and Humanities Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel Tamen (Professor appointed by FLUL) School of Arts and Humanities Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Galvão (Professor appointed by FLUL) School of Arts and Humanities Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Academic Board
Pedro Fortuna (FBAUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sofia Leal Rodrigues (FBAUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Henrique Leitão (FCUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Carlos Gravato (FCUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Paula Costa e Silva (FDUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Figueiredo (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria de Fátima Reis (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel Tamen (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Galvão (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Luís Xarez (FMHUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sandra Fernandes (FPUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Heitor Romana (ISCSP) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Verga Matos (ISEG) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Brogueira (IST) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Francisca Frutuoso de Aguiar (ISA) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria Manuela da Fonte (FA) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Domingos Rego (Drawing - FBAUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sofia Leal Rodrigues (Design - FBAUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Mónica Mendes (Multimedia- FBAUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Henrique Leitão (FCUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Simões (FCUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Carlos Gravato (FCUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Helena Morão (FDUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel de Lemos (FDUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel Prata Roque (FDUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Alexandra Assis Rosa (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Alva Teixeiro (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Maria Lóio (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Bernardo Machado Mota (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Angélica Varandas (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Figueiredo (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria Sequeira Mendes (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel Ramalhete Gomes (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Rodrigo Furtado (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Teresa Nunes (FLUL) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
António Rosado (FMH) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Moreira (FP) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sandra Fernandes (FP) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Fonseca (ISCSP) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Teresa Almeida e Silva (ISCSP) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ricardo Rodrigues (ISEG) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Francisco Nunes (ISEG) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Póvoa (IST) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Abreu e Silva (IST) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Francisca Frutuoso de Aguiar (ISA) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria Manuela da Fonte (FA) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Pedro Cortesão Monteiro (FA) Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
BA in Arts and Humanities
This is a unique BA program in Portugal that encompasses all subject areas of the School of Arts and Humanities. Students enrolled in this BA program can accordingly attend courses in Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literatures, Arts and Cultures.
With the help of a tutor, students are free to build a customized path or they can gear their choice toward concentration areas: Majors (10 closed-list elective courses) and Minors (5 closed-list elective courses).
The BA in Arts and Humanities offers comprehensive and diverse instruction that responds very flexibly to a rapidly changing job market, where professions constantly appear and disappear and where the ability to have ideas and think outside the box is stimulated. Our alumni work in activities as diverse as documentation processing, heritage management, art markets, telecommunications, advertising and media, education or research.
Many graduates in Arts and Humanities choose to continue their studies. This BA provides an entry route to all MA and PhD degree programs of the School of Arts and Humanities, to MA Degrees in Teaching and to the majority of MA and PhD programs in the areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The BA includes 10 Core Curriculum Courses (60 ECTS), normally taken in the first year, and 20 open elective courses (120 ECTS) that students are free to choose among all courses included in this BA.
The core curriculum requirements include 3 levels of one foreign language, 3 courses of Great Questions, the sequence of 3 courses of Key Texts, and 1 course of Instruments.
Foreign Languages: 3 courses (18 ECTS), i.e., 3 levels of one of the following languages: German | Arabic | Chinese | Spanish | French | Greek (Ancient) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Bulgarian Language and Culture | Czech Language and Culture | Slovenian Language and Culture | Polish Language and Culture | Russian Language and Culture | Persian | Turkish.
Great Questions in Arts and Humanities: 3 courses (18 ECTS), to choose from: The Study of Art | Classical Culture | Visual Culture | The Study of Cultures | The Study of Philosophy | The Study of History | The Study of Human Language | Science and Art | The Study of Literature
Key Texts: three courses (18 ECTS): Antiquity and the Middle Ages | From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment | From Romanticism to the Present Time.
Instruments: one course (6 ECTS) to choose from: Logic | Writing and Argumentation Practice | Language and Communication | Text Editing
From a list of more than 600 courses from the four subject areas of the School of Arts and Humanities, the remaining 20 courses can be combined into up to two Majors, up to four Minors, or they can be chosen freely among the list of courses offered in this BA. For the undergraduate courses on offer, check the page on courses and schedules.
- Archaeology
- Art and heritage
- Performing Arts
- Comparative Arts and Cultures
- Communication and Culture
- Communication in Portuguese Language
- African Studies
- German Studies
- Asian Studies
- Classical Studies
- Spanish Studies
- Philosophical Studies
- English Studies
- North American Studies
- Romance Studies
- History
- Portuguese Language
- Portuguese Literature and Culture
- Portuguese as a Foreign Language/Second Language
- Translation
- Archaeology
- Performing Arts
- Comparative Arts and Cultures
- Heritage Sciences
- Communication and Culture
- African Cultures and Intercultural Dialogues
- Editing
- German Studies
- Asian Studies
- Brazilian Studies
- Classical Studies
- Slavic Studies
- Spanish Studies
- Philosophical Studies
- French Studies
- English Studies
- Italian Studies
- Literary Studies
- North American Studies
- Romance Studies
- History
- History of Africa
- Spanish Language and Linguistics
- French Language and Linguistics
- English Language and Linguistics
- Portuguese Language
- Experimental Linguistics
- African Literatures and Cultures
- Portuguese as a Foreign Language/Second Language
- Natural Language Processing
- Translation
Some Majors allow students to take an internship in the sixth semester (Performing Arts, Communication and Culture, English Studies and North American Studies).
To check the list of Closed Elective Course of each Major and Minor of Arts and Humanities, check the Study Plan – Majors and Minors.
Semester 1: Foreign Language (one level) | Great Questions in Arts and Humanities (one elective) | Great Questions in Sciences (one elective) | Key Texts (one course) | Instruments (one elective)
Semester 2: Foreign Language (one level) | Great Questions in Arts and Humanities (one elective) | Key Texts (one elective) | Instruments (one elective) or Open Elective course (6 ECTS)
Semester 3: Foreign Language (one level) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS) | Open Elective Course (6 ECTS)
Dr. Maria de Fátima Reis
Email: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Course code: 1506 8413
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 60
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 11 History
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Arts and Humanities, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 94, on May 16, 2017, in Portuguese) »
- Information for 2nd and 3rd Year students »
- Information for 1st Year Students »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
Alva Teixeiro Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Maria Lóio Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ângela Fernandes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Bernardo Machado Mota Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Cláudia Fischer Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Figueiredo Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Maria Sequeira Mendes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Miguel Ramalhete Gomes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Teresa Casal Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Teresa Nunes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
BA in Archaeology
The BA in Archaeology aims to prepare its students to carry out basic tasks of identification and characterization of archaeological occurrences, based on a solid knowledge of sites and artifacts, and of their context in space and time. The flexible structure of the course enables students to customize an individual path. The BA's course offer is closely linked to the course offer of the BA in History.
The BA in Archaeology graduates are often engaged in archaeological work, involving all the routines of fieldwork and all the tasks of recording, inventorying and producing reports. Their activities are developed in corporate archaeology, in the public sector, in cultural industries, in the enhancement and cultural management of sites, in integrated archaeological heritage management and public archaeology.
Many graduates in Archaeology continue their studies, for example, by taking an MA degree program in Archaeology or by attending a PhD course.
The BA in Archaeology includes 26 compulsory courses, in the subject areas of Archaeology and History and 4 Open Elective Courses (24 ECTS).
Required Courses: Introduction to Archaeology | Introduction to Archaeological Design | Genesis and Evolution of Humankind | Prehistory of Peasant Societies | History of Pre-Classical Antiquity | Methods and Practices in Archaeology | Techniques of Graphic Documentation in Archaeology | Hunter-Recollector Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Early Peasant Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Fieldwork and Laboratory 1 | Bronze Age Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Native Phoenician and Greek Peoples in the Iberian Peninsula | Medieval History of Portugal | Introduction to Epigraphy | Genesis and Consolidation of Thought | History of Classical Antiquity | Archaeology of the Roman Conquest | Modern History and Portuguese Expansion | Fieldwork and Laboratory 2 | Archaeology of the Roman Provinces | Archaeology of Late Antiquity | Contemporary History of Portugal | Seminar 1 | Hsitory of Archaeology in Portugal | Islamic Archaeology | Seminar 2
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Introduction to Archaeology | Introduction to Archaeological Design | Genesis and Evolution of Humanity | Prehistory of Peasant Societies | History of Pre-Classical Antiquity
Semester 2: Methods and Practices in Archaeology | Techinques of Graphic Documentation in Archaeology | Hunter-Gatherer Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Early Peasant Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Fieldwork and Laboratory 1
Semester 3: Bronze Age Societies in the Iberian Peninsula | Native Phoenician and Greek Peoples in the Iberian Peninsula | Medieval History of Portugal | Introduction to Epigraphy | Genesis and Consolidation of Thought
Semester 4: History of Classical Antiquity | Archaeology of the Roman Conquest | Modern History and Portuguese Expansion | Fieldwork and Laboratory 2 | Open Elective
Semester 5: Archaeology of the Roman Provinces | Archaeology of Late Antiquity | Contemporary History of Portugal | Seminar 1 | Open Elective
Semester 6: History of Archaeology in Portugal | Islamic Archaeology | Seminar 2 | Open Elective | Open Elective
Dr. Carlos Fabião
E-mail: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Course code: 1506 9006
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 36
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 11 History
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Archaeology, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 53, on March 17, 2009, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Linguistics
The BA in Language Sciences focuses on the description of the Portuguese language and on the ways it is used as a means of communication and perception of cultural and social reality. It fosters the command of structuring concepts, methods and techniques for the analysis of linguistic phenomena in order to solve concrete linguistic problems.
The flexible study plan allows students to take several open elective courses, to be chosen from the offer of courses of the 18 ULisboa Schools.
Graduates in Linguistics are qualified to work both in research and teaching in the various areas of Linguistics.
They are involved in activities in areas such as text editing, language consulting, law (forensic linguistics), cognitive science, translation and health.
Many graduates in Linguistics choose to continue their studies by enrolling in MA and PhD programs in the area of Linguistics, or in other subject areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The BA program includes 21 compulsory courses, from the subject areas of Portuguese Language, Linguistics, Communication and Foreign Languages; and 9 open elective courses (54 ECTS).
Required Courses: Comprehension of Written Portuguese | Comprehension and Production of Oral Portuguese | Lexicon | The Study of Human Language | Production of Written Portuguese | Resources for Linguistic Analysis | Sociology of Communication | Textual Criticism | Phonology | Morphology | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Dialectology | Prosodic Structure and Meaning | History of the Portuguese Language | Text Linguistics | Word Order and Meaning | Psycholinguistics
Foreign languages: 2 levels of one foreing language, to be chose from: German | Arabic| Catalan| Chinese| Spanish| French | Greek (Old)| Hindi| English| Italian| Japanese| Latin| Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish.
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages. Besides the above mentioned courses, students may also take courses offered by the other Schools of the University of Lisbon. These 9 Open Electives thus enable students to customize an individual path. Open Electives of foreign languages are subject to a maximum of 24 ECTS.
Year 1: The Study of Human Language | Comprehension of Written Portuguese | Comprehension and Production of Oral Portuguese | Production of Written Portuguese | Foreign Language (one level) | Resources for Linguistic Analysis | Lexicon | Sociology of Communication | Foreign Language (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Year 2: Textual Criticism | Phonology | Pragmatics | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)| Semantics | Morphology | Syntax | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Year 3: Dialectology | Prosodic Structure and Meaning | History of the Portuguese Language | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Text Linguistics | Word Order and Meaning | Psycholinguistics | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Madalena Colaço
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Course Committee: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Course code: 1506 9040
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 33
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 13 Mathematics
- 16 History
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Linguistics, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 29, on February 9, 2018, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in African Studies
The BA in African Studies is a unique program that meets the needs of those interested in Africa and in the strengthening the relationship between Portugal, Europe's and the African continent. Students benefit from a multidisciplinary training ensured by partnerships with the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), and the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP).
Graduates in African Studies engage in activities in state and international cooperation bodies, in non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), cooperation and social suppor organisations; in institutions with links to diplomacy and international relations; in the media; as advisors to private and public companies with interests in Africa, in public and private bodies in the area of culture, and as researchers.
Many graduates in African Studies choose to continue their studies. The BA provides an entry route to MA and PhD programs, especially in the subject areas of African History, Lusophone African Literatures, and Contact Linguistics, among other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The program consists of 23 compulsory courses, in the subject areas of History, Language, Literature, Culture and Linguistics (including 2 levels of one African language); 6 elective courses (4 closed electives and 2 open electives). The program students can also apply for a Curricular Internship or Seminar in the last semester.
Required Courses: Geography of Africa I: Environmental Resources and Risks | Introduction to the History of Africa | Production of Written Portuguese | Africa in the World – International Relations | Geography of Africa II: Population, Cities and Geoeconomics | History of Africa from the Origins to the 15th Century | Intercultural Communication | International Relations Law | Economy and Power in Africa | History of Africa – 15th-20th centuries | Lusophone African Literatures | African Linguistics | African Religions | Anthropology and Culture | African Literatures and Cultures | Economics and Development Policies | History of Afro-Portuguese Relations | Multilingualism and Linguistic Policy | Cooperation and Development in Africa | Culture and Globalization | 2 levels of one African Language | Curricular Internship or Seminar
Closed Electives: 4 courses to be chosen within the subject area of African Studies: Arabic 1, 2, 3, and 4 | African Language – Changana 3 and 4 | Portuguese-based Creoles | Introduction to African Arts | African Cinema | Material Culture, Identity, Ethnicity | History of Maritime and Colonial Empires | Topics of African Literature | Angolan Literature | Mozambican Literature | Insular Literatures | Colonial Literature | Comparative Postcolonial Literatures | African Migrations | Violence, Warfare, and Conflict; or within other subject Areas: Major World Areas | Introduction to Paleography and Diplomatics | History of the Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion | The Study of Human Language | The Study of Cultures | The Study of Literature | 2 Levels of one European Foreign Language | Language in the media
Foreign European languages, to be chosen from: German | Catalan| Spanish| French | Greek (Ancient) | English| Italian| Latin| Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Romanian | Turkish.
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Geography of Africa I: Environmental Resources and Risks | Introduction to African History | Production of Written Portuguese | Intercultural Communication | African Language (one level)
Semester 2: Geography of Africa II: Population, Cities and Geoeconomics | History of Africa from the Origins to the 15th Century | Africa in the World – International Relations | International Relations Law | African Language (one level)
Semester 3: Economy and Power in Africa | History of Africa – 15th-20th centuries | Lusophone African Literatures | African Linguistics | Closed elective
Semester 4: African Religions | Anthropology and Culture | African Literatures and Cultures | Closed elective | Open elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: History of Afro-Portuguese Relations | Economics and Development Policies | Cooperation and Development in Africa | Closed elective | Open elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Culture and Globalization | Multilingualism and Language Policy | Curricular Internship or Seminar | Closed elective
Dr. José Horta
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Código do curso: 1506 9131
Vagas (2023/2024): 20
Course code: 1506 9131
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 20
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 09 Geography
- 11 History
- 18 Portuguese
- 06 Philosophy
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in African Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 208, on October 28, 2016, in Portuguese) »
- Facebook »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Performing Arts Studies
The BA in Performing Arts Studies offers instruction based on a historical approach to the arts and on the criticism of artistic creations. It adopts a contemporary theoretical perspective applied to the study of the arts to intersect areas such as cinema and audiovisual arts, performing arts (theater, dance, music) and plastic arts.
Its flexible structure enables students to customize an individual path, including the selection of several open elective courses among the more than 600 courses offered every year by the School of Arts and Humanities or by any other ULisboa School.
Graduates in Performing Arts Studies engage in activities related to cultural heritage and artistic creation and production, as cultural animators and programmers, festival organizers, agents of artistic practices in audiovisual media (radio, film, television), as cultural journalists and critics in the media, playwrights, documentalists, and researchers.
Many graduates in Performing Art Studies choose to continue their studies. The BA provides an entry route for MA and PhD programs in various subject areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The program includes 18 compulsory courses, in the subject areas of Arts, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics; at least 2 levels of one foreign language; 10 elective courses (60 ECTS). Students may also opt for taking a Curricular Internship or a Seminar in the last semester.
Required Courses: Initiation to Film Practice or Initiation to Theatrical Practice |Anthropology and Performing Arts | Classical Culture | Critical Exercises on Contemporary Culture | History of Cinema | History of Theatre and Performance | Methods and Instruments of Academic Work | Mimesis and Representation | Discourse Analysis and Performing Arts | Portuguese Cinema | Visual Culture | History of the Theatre in Portugal | Performance Analysis | Film Analysis | Dramatic Text Analysis | Sociology of the Performing Arts | Theory and Aesthetics of the Performing Arts | Seminar or Curricular Internship
Closed Elective Courses: 6 courses to choose from: Screenplay | Contemporary Fine Arts | Cinema and Literature | North American Cinema | Contemporary Dance Trends | Contemporary Drama | Elements for the History of 20th and 21st century Music | Performance Studies | Interart and Intermedia Studies | Cultural Management | Comparative Art History | Introduction to Theater Practice | Introduction to Film Practice | Music and Literature | Theater and Literature
Foreign languages: at least 2 levels of one foreing language, to be chosen from: German | Arabic| Catalan| Chinese| Spanish| French | Greek (Ancient) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish.
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Initiation to Film Practice or Initiation to Theater Practice | Anthropology and Performing Arts | Classical Culture | Critical Exercises on Contemporary Culture | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 2: Methods and Instruments of Academic Work | Film History | Theater and Performance History | Mimesis and Representation | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 3: Discourse Analysis and Performing Arts | Portuguese Cinema | Closed Elective | Closed Elective | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Visual Culture | History of the Theater in Portugal | Closed Elective | Closed Elective | | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Performance Analysis | Film Analysis | Drama Analysis | Closed Elective | Closed Elective
Semester 6: Sociology of the Performing Arts | Theory and Aesthetics of the Performing Arts | Seminar or Curricular Internship | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. José Alberto Olivença Duarte
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Course code: 1506 8104
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 49
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 13 English
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Performing Arts Studies, published in the Officia Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 146, on July 31, 2018 »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Asian Studies
The program focuses on the knowledge of past and present Asian societies and cultures, and of systems of international and intercultural relations between Asia and the rest of the world. It comprehends the disciplinary traditions of Oriental studies and its geographical or regional variants, such as Sinology, Japonology, Indianology, or Islamology, among others.
Graduates in Asian Studies engagie in activities involving translation and interpretating of Asian languages, or cultural tourism, among others.
Many graduates in Asian Studies choose to continue their studies. The MA in Asian Studies allows graduates to continue the training started with the BAA, which also gives access to other MA and PhD programs in the area of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The degree consists of 3 required courses, 12 foreign language courses (72 ECTS), 13 closed-list electives in Social and Human Sciences (Societies, Economies, Policies) (48 ECTS) and in Social and Human Sciences (Cultures) (30 ECTS), 2 Open electives (12 ECTS) as well as an internship to be taken in the last semester.
Required Courses: Introduction to the Geography of Asia | Sources and Methods for Asian Studies | Introduction to Asian Studies
Foreign languages: 12 courses to choose from Arabic (I to VI), Chinese (I to VI), Korean (I to VI), Hindi (I to VI), Japanese (I to VI), Malay – Indonesian (I to VI), Persian (I to VI), Sanskrit (I to VI), Turkish (I to VI), Armenian (I to VI), Thai (I to VI), Hebrew (I to VI), Tetum (I to VI)
Social and Human Sciences (Societies, Economies, Politics): 8 closed-list electives (48ECTS) to choose from Asia: Global Spaces and Times | Asia in Contemporary Lusophone External Policies | Ancient and Imperial China | Imperial China (Ming and Qing) | Republican and Communist China | Korea: Past and Present | Ancient and Medieval India | Modern and Contemporary India | Ecology and Anthropology of Asia | Economies and Societies of Contemporary Asia | Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Asia: Past and Present | Asian Islam: Past and Present | Japan: Past and Present | Southeast Asia: Past and Present | Comparative Political Systems in Contemporary Asia | Foundations of East Asian History | Introduction to Asian Historiographies | Introduction to History of Science and Techniques, Iran: Past and Present
Social and Human Sciences (Cultures): 5 closed-list electives (30 ECTS) to choose between: Asian Islamic Cultures | Cultures of India | Cultures of China | Japanese Culture | Korean Culture | Cultures of Southeast Asia | Introduction to Asian Literatures | Introduction to Asian Arts | Introduction to Asian Religions | Introduction to Asian Philosophies | Portugal and Asia: Intercultural Relations | Introduction to Asian Architectures | Introduction to Asian Cultural Industries | Introduction to Asian Philosophies | Introduction to Asian Ethnomusicologies | Cultures of Iran
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Introduction to the Geography of Asia | Sources and Methods for Asian Studies | Introduction to Asian Studies | Language A (one level) | Language B (one level)
Semester 2: 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cultures) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | Language A (one level) | Language B (one level)
Semester 3: 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cultures) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | Language A (one level) | Language B/C (one level)
Semester 4: 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cultures) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | Language A (one level) | Language B/C (one level)
Semester 5: 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cultures) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | Language A (one level) | Language B/C/D (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cultures) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | 1 Closed-list Elective of Social Sciences and Humanities (Societies, Economies, Policies) | Language A (one level) | Language B/C/D (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. António Barrento
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Course code: 1506 9914
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 27
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 09 Geography
- 11 History
- 18 Portuguese
- 06 Philosophy
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA Asian Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 109, on June 5, 2015, in Portuguese) »
- Asian Studies League »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Classical Studies
Focused on the study of Greek and Latin languages and literatures, the BA offers students an interdisciplinary training in Classical Studies. It is structured into three tracks: Classical and Portuguese Studies; Classical Heritage of European Culture; and Translation of Classical Languages.
Graduates in Classical Studies engage in activities in areas such as cultural management, the book market, libraries, museums, print media and the publishing industry, as well as activities to support research in the Humanities.
Many Classical Studies graduates continue to study and can apply for an MA or PhD program in any area of the Social Sciences and Humanities.
The degree in Classical Studies is structured into three tracks: Classical and Portuguese Studies; Classical Heritage of European Culture; and Translation of Classical Languages.
Classical and Portuguese Studies track: 12 required courses: 3 levels of Greek | 5 levels of Latin | Classical Culture | Greek Literature | Latin Literature | Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature; and 18 closed-list electives (12 from the group for teaching or from the scientific group; 2 of the area of Portuguese Literature; 3 in the area of Portuguese Linguistics; 1 in the area of Literary Studies or Literary Theory).
Closed-list electives: Teaching group: Portuguese Literature | Portuguese Linguistics | Portuguese Culture | Portuguese Expression Literature; Scientific Group: Greek | Latin | Classical Culture | Greek Literature | Latin Literature
Classical Heritage of European Culture Track: 26 required courses: 3 levels of Greek | 3 levels of Latin | Greek Politics and Society | Greek Culture | Classical Art | Roman Politics and Society | Roman Culture | Classical Mythology | Greek Literature I | Latin Literature I | Classical Tradition and European Identity | Everyday Life in Greece and Rome | From Latin to Romance Languages | Greek Literature II | Latin Literature II | Literary Theory in Antiquity | Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature | Greek Literature III | Latin Literature III | Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature | Greek Literature IV | Latin Literature IV; and 4 closed-list electives (24 ECTS).
Closed-list electives (to be defined annually): Classical Art | Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature | Literary Theory in Antiquity | Classical Tradition and European Identity | From Latin to Romance Languages | Classical Mythology | Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature | Everyday Life in Greece and Rome
Translation of Classical Languages Track: 24 required courses: 6 levels of Greek | 6 levels of Latin | Greek Politics and Society | Greek Culture | Roman Politics and Society | Roman Culture | Greek Literature I, II, III and IV | Latin Literature I, II, III and IV | 6 closed-list electives (36 ECTS).
Closed-list electives (defined annually): Classical Art | Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature | Literary Theory in Antiquity | Classical Tradition and European Identity | From Latin to Romance Languages | Classical Mythology | Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature | Everyday Life in Greece and Rome
Classical and Portuguese Studies Track
Semester 1: Greek I | Latin I | Classical Culture | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group)
Semester 2: Greek II | Latin II | Classical Culture | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group)
Semester 3: Greek III | Latin III | Greek Literature I | Latin Literature I | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group)
Semester 4: Latin IV | Closed-list elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list elective (Portuguese Literature area) | Closed-list elective (Portuguese Linguistics area)
Semester 5: Latin V | Closed-list elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list elective (Portuguese Literature area) | Closed-list elective (Portuguese Linguistics area)
Semester 6: Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list-elective (Teaching or Scientific Group) | Closed-list-elective (Literary Studies/Literary Theory area) | Closed-list-elective (Portuguese Linguistics area)
Classical Heritage of European Culture Track
Semester 1: Greek I | Latin I | Greek Politics and Society | Greek Culture | Classical Art
Semester 2: Greek II | Latin II | Roman Politics and Society | Roman Culture | Classical Mythology
Semester 3: Greek III | Latin III | Greek Literature I | Latin Literature I | Classical Tradition and European Identity
Semester 4: Everyday Life in Greece and Rome | From Latin to Romance Languages | Greek Literature II | Latin Literature II | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Literary Theorization in Antiquity | Medieval and Renaissance Literature | Greek Literature III | Latin Literature III | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Reception of Classical Authors in Portuguese Literature | Greek Literature IV | Latin Literature IV | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Classical Language Translation Track
Semester 1: Greek I | Latin I | Greek Politics and Society | Greek Culture | Closed-list-elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 2: Greek I | Latin I | Roman Politics and Society | Roman Culture | Closed-list-elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 3: Greek III | Latin III | Greek Literature I | Latin Literature I | Closed-list-elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Greek IV | Latin IV | Greek Literature II | Latin Literature II | Closed-list-elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Greek V | Latin V | Greek Literature III | Latin Literature III | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Greek VI | Latin VI | Greek Literature IV | Latin Literature IV | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Rodrigo Furtado
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Course code: 1506 9133
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 20
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 14 Latin
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Classical Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 146, on August 1, 2019, in Portuguese) »
- Guidelines for enrolling in the BA in Classical Studies »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Comparative Studies
Inspired by the European and North American tradition of graduate instruction in Comparative Literature/Comparative Studies, this BA has a strong component of study of the arts, cultures, literatures and foreign languages. It also intersects with areas such as Art History, Gender Studies, Inter-Art and Inter-Media Studies, Intercultural Communication or Visual Culture.
Graduates in Comparative Studies engage in activities in areas such as artistic and cultural education, text production and editing, cultural and critical journalism, content production, they work as cultural agents, artistic and literary advisors or as researchers in various areas.
Many Comparative Studies graduates continue to study, applying for MA and PhD programs in the areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The course consists of 19 required courses and 10 elective courses (6 closed-list electives and 4 open electives). Students may also take an internship in the last semester.
Required courses: 2 levels of English | 3 levels of a second foreign language | Comparative Literature | The Study of Culture | The Practice of Writing and Argumentation | The Study of Literature | Classical Culture | Visual Culture | Portuguese Literature and Other Literatures | Gender Studies | Intercultural Communication | Modern Art (General) | Inter-Art and Inter-Media Studies | Guided Readings | Cultural Management | Curricular Internship or Seminar
Closed Elective Courses: 6 courses (36 ECTS) to choose from: Performance Analysis | Contemporary Plastic Arts | Fine Arts and Literature | Science and Art | Cinema and Literature | Portuguese Cinema | Creative Writing | Aesthetics | City Aesthetics | Translation History and Theory | Comparative Postcolonial Literature | Music and Literature | Travel Narratives | Theatre and Literature
Foreign languages: at least 2 levels of one foreign language, to be chosen from: German | Arabic | Catalan | Chinese | Spanish | French | Greek (Ancient) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish
Open electives: 4 courses (24 ECTS) to choose from over 600 undergraduate courses in the areas of Language Sciences, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, offered annually at the Faculty of Letters. Please refer to the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Comparative Literature | The Study of Cultures | The Practice of Writing and Argumentation | English (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level)
Semester 2: The Study of Literature | Classical Culture | English (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level) | Closed-list elective
Semester 3: Visual Culture | Portuguese Literature and Other Literatures | Gender Studies | Foreign Language B (one level) | Closed-list elective
Semester 4: Intercultural Communication | Modern Art (General) | Interart and Intermedia Studies | Closed-list elective | Closed-list elective
Semester 5: Guided Readings | Cultural Management | Closed-list elective | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Internship or Seminar | Closed-list elective | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Marta Pacheco Pinto
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Course code: 1506 L097
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 20
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 15 Portuguese literature
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Please refer to the program information leaflet »
- By-laws of the BA in Comparative Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 152, on August 9, 2016, in Portuguese) »
- Consulte o folheto informativo sobre o curso »
BA in Culture and Communication Studies
The BA in Culture and Communication Studies offers training focusing on the Sciences of Culture and Communication, on Linguistics, History and on foreign languages. It aims to develop a critical and interpretive approach to the historical processes of the evolution of societies and cultures. the BA trains intervention and application skills in the areas of culture and communication, such as in the media and in its criticism, in research and cultural management.
Our alumni engage in diverse activities such as cultural production, cultural programming consultancy, research in cultural studies, communication studies and media studies, cultural and cultural heritage management, journalism and cultural criticism of (and in) the media, visual culture analysis, cultural and communication consultancy in companies, cultural animation in central and local authorities, or the production and editing of texts.
Many graduates in Culture and Communication Studies continue to study. The BA offers an entry route to MA and PhD programs from FLUL and to postgraduate courses in the area of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The BA consists of 16 required courses in the subject areas of Culture, Communication and Media, Linguistics and History; 6 levels of English; 2 levels of a second foreign language; and 4 Open Electives (24 ECTS). Students may also choose to take a Curricular Internship (120 hours) or a Seminar in the last semester.
Required Courses: Culture and Society | Communication Theory | History of Contemporary Ideas | Language and Communication | Classical Culture | Written Portuguese Production | Visual Culture | Medieval Culture | Sociology of Communication | Cultural Studies | Renaissance Culture | Discourse Analysis | Language in the Media | Intercultural Communication | Modern Culture | Cultural Management | 6 levels of English | 2 levels of a second foreign language | Seminar or Curricular Internship
Foreign languages: at least 2 levels of a second foreign language, to be chosen from: German | Arabic | Catalan | Chinese | Spanish | French | Greek (Ancient) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish.
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Culture and Society | Communication Theory | History of Contemporary Ideas | English (one level) | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 2: Language and Communication | Classical Culture | Written Portuguese Production | English (one level) | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 3: Visual Culture | Medieval Culture | Sociology of Communication | English (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Cultural Studies | Renaissance Culture | Discourse Analysis | English (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Language in the Media | Intercultural Communication | Modern Culture | English (one level) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Cultural Management | English (one level) | Seminar or Internship | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Sílvia Valencich Frota
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Course code: 1506 L145
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 56
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 11 History
- 13 English
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Culture and Communication Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 222, on November 18, 2016, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in European studies
The BA in European Studies is geared towards the analysis of Europe, to the knowledge of major European issues, to the understanding of the process of building the European Union and to the political, economic and cultural projection of the European continent. It is offered in association with other ULisboa Schools, namely the Geographical Institute of Spatial Planning (IGOT-ULisboa) and the Faculty of Law (FD-ULisboa).
Graduates in European Studies engage in activities in professional areas related to international cooperation, journalism and consultancy related to European affairs, in diplomatic careers, in teaching and research.
Many graduates in European Studies continue to study by enrolling in MA and PhD programs. Culture and Society in Europe (FL-ULisboa) and European Policies (IGOT-ULisboa) are examples of MA programs that allow students to pursue further studies in the area.
The BA consists of 25 required courses, including 3 levels of a foreign language; and 5 closed-list electives (30 ECTS), which can be organized into one Minor or build an individual path. Students may opt for an internship in the last semester.
Required Courses: Roots of European Culture | Europe: Nations and Empires| Written Portuguese Production | Introduction to Law | Europe – Wars and Reconstruction in the 20th Century | History of Political Ideas in Contemporary Europe | Economic and Social Geography of Europe | Introduction to Economics | European Integration: Theories and Institutions | International Relations | Europe in World Systems | International Economy | Languages of Europe | Public International Law | Economic and Monetary Union | Political Science | International Migration and European Integration | Social and Political Philosophy in Europe | European Union Law | Classical Tradition and European Identity | Seminar or Curricular Internship
Foreign languages: at least 3 levels of one foreign language, to be chosen from: German | Arabic| Catalan| Chinese| Spanish| French | Greek (Ancient) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish.
Electives: 5 courses, which can be combined into a Minor; or 5 Open electives.
- European Philosophy (3 courses)
- European History and Art (5 courses)
- European Literatures and Cultures (5 courses)
- Policy and Development (5 courses)
- Translation (3 courses)
To learn more about the closed-list electives in each Minor, please refer to the curriculum of the BA in Estudos Europeus - Majors e Minors.
To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Roots of European Culture | Europe: Nations and Empires| Written Portuguese Production | Introduction to Law | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 2: Europe: Wars and Reconstruction in the 20th Century | History of Political Ideas in Contemporary Europe | Economic and Social Geography of Europe | Introduction to Economics | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 3: European Integration: Theories and Institutions | International Relations | Europe in World Systems | International Economics | Foreign Language (one level)
Semester 4: Languages of Europe | Public International Law | Economic and Monetary Union | Political Science | International Migration and European Integration
Semester 5: Social and Political Philosophy in Europe | European Union Law | Classical Tradition and European Identity | Closed-list Elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)| Closed-list Elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Closed-list Elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Closed-list Elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)| | Closed-list Elective or Open Elective (6 ECTS)| Seminar or Curricular Internship
Dr. Teresa Nunes
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Course code: 1506 9135
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 56
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 04 Economics
- 06 Philosophy
- 09 Geography
- 11 History
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in European Studies,, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 158, on August 17, 2017, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Portuguese Studies
The BA offers instruction in the areas of Portuguese cultural expression. Focused on the study of Portuguese Culture and Literature, Language, Linguistics, History and Art History, it seeks to foster skills in critical analysis, comprehension and discussion of literature, culture and history.
The BA has a flexible structure, thus allowiing for concentration areas: Majors (10 closed-list electives) and Minors (5 closed-list electives), depending on the academic or professional interests of each student.
Graduates will be able to engage in activities related to Portuguese culture, both in Portugal and abroad, working in text editing, production of cultural content, preservation and dissemination of Portuguese language, literature, culture and art, in the teaching of literature and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries to speakers of Portuguese as as a Native Language, as Second Language or as Foreign Language.
Many graduates continue to study, enrolling in MA programs in the subject areas of Literatures, Arts and Cultures or in other fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The BA consists of 10 required courses (the Core Curriculum: 60 ECTS), and 20 electives (120 ECTS). These 20 courses may be combined into one or two majors (10 closed-list electives), one major and one or two minor (5 closed-list electives); or they may be used as 20 Open Electives.
CORE CURRICULUM Resources for Linguistic Analysis or Resources for Literary Analysis | History of Portuguese Culture | Multilingualism and Language Policies | Contemporary History (Politics and Culture) | Contemporary Art (General) | Camillian Studies or Queirosian Studies | Camonian Studies | Pessoan Studies | Syntax | History of the Portuguese Language
- Portuguese Literature and Culture
- Portuguese Language
- History
- Art and heritage
- Archaeology
- Art and heritage
- Performing Arts
- Comparative Arts and Cultures
- Communication and Culture
- African Cultures and Intercultural Dialogues
- Editing
- German Studies
- Asian Studies
- Brazilian Studies
- Classical Studies
- Slavic Studies
- Spanish Studies
- Philosophical Studies
- French Studies
- English Studies
- Italian Studies
- Literary Studies
- North American Studies
- History
- History of Africa
- Spanish Language and Linguistics
- French Language and Linguistics
- English Language and Linguistics
- Portuguese Language
- Portuguese Literature and Culture
- African Literatures and Cultures
- Translation
To check the list of Closed Elective Courses in each Major and Minor please refere to the BA program Curriculum – Majors and Minors.
To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Resources for Linguistic Analysis or Resources for Literary Analysis | History of Portuguese Culture | Multilingualism and Language Policies | History of Comparative Art (special class for LEP) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 2: Camillian Studies or Queirosian Studies | Camonian Studies | Pessoan Studies | Contemporary History (Politics and Culture) (special class for LEP) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 3: Syntax | History of Language | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) |Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) |Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) |Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Rita Patrício
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Course code: 1506 9917
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 20
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 11 History
- 14 Latin
- 15 Portuguese Literature
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Portuguese Studies, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 128, on July 5, 2013, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Philosophy
The BA in Philosophy fosters the command of the basic concepts, techniques, problems, arguments and methods that characterize one of the oldest areas of human knowledge: Philosophy. It addresses issues related to reality, knowledge, language, reasoning, society and action (artistic, ethical, religious values, among others).
The BA in Philosophy prepares students for a more reflective life, to conduct advanced research in the field and to pursue professions that enhance thought and argumentation, as well as the analysis of ideas, concepts and problems. Graduates in Philosophy engage in activities in areas such as diplomacy, public administration, teaching, culture, research, journalism and content production, public relations or publishing.
Many Philosophy graduates continue their studies by enrolling in MA and Phd programs in the area of Philosophy, among others.
The BA consists of 11 required Basic Courses, to be attended in the initial semesters, 12 Specific Courses, which are closed-list electives (72 ECTS) and also 2 Open Electives (12 ECTS). Students also take a research seminar in the last semester and they complete an undergraduate thesis.
Basic Courses: Ancient Philosophy | Themes and Techniques of Philosophy | Theory of Knowledge | Logic | Medieval Philosophy | Aesthetics | Philosophy in Portugal | Ethics | Modern Philosophy | Contemporary Philosophy | Metaphysics | Research Seminar
Specific Courses: 12 courses to choose from (depending on the offer): Philosophical Anthropology | Philosophy of Religion | German Idealism | Ethics and Theories of Justice | Philosophy of Sensitivity | Introduction to the Problem of Human Sciences | Phenomenology | Philosophy of Love | Critical Thinking | Philosophy of Art | Philosophy and Literature | Oriental Thinking | Philosophy of History | Philosophy and Meditation | Political Philosophy
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Themes and Techniques of Philosophy | Ancient Philosophy | Logic | Theory of Knowledge
Semester 2: Medieval Philosophy | Philosophy in Portugal | Ethics | Aesthetics
Semester 3: Modern Philosophy | Contemporary Philosophy | Metaphysics | Specific Course
Semester 4: Specific Course | Specific Course | Specific Course | Specific Course | Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Specific Course | Specific Course | Specific Course | Specific Course | Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Specific Curse | Specific Course | Specific Course | Research Seminar
Dr. Pedro Galvão
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Course code: 1506 9139
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 43
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 11 History
- 16 Mathematics
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Philosophy, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 53, on March 17, 2009, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in History
The BA in History is geared towards the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills for the practice and teaching of History, as well as for the understanding of and the action on the contemporary world. It focuses on the autonomy and individual path of each student, stimulating their skills for criticism, reflection, discussion and synthesis on the theories, methodologies and problems of historical knowledge, in broad spatial and temporal contexts.
Graduates in History engage in activities as diverse as historical research, the processing of information and the development of historical and cultural projects (in institutions such as libraries, archives, museums, municipalities, foundations or companies), the inventory and safeguarding of Heritage, in cultural tourism or the production and consultancy of historical content for the media.
Many History graduates continue to study, enrolling in MA and PhD programs in History or in other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The BA consists of 24 required courses: 7 general courses in History and Archaeology (42 ECTS) and 16 specific courses in History (102 ECTS); as well as of 7 Open Electives (42 ECTS), which allow for an individual path. Students attend a seminar in the last semester (6 ECTS ).
Required Courses
History and Archaeology: Genesis and Evolution of Humankind | Prehistory of Peasant Societies | History of Preclassic Antiquity | Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatics | Medieval History of Portugal | Modern History of Portugal | Contemporary History of Portugal
History: History of Classical Antiquity | Methods in History | History of the Cultures of Pre-Classical Antiquity | History of the Cultures of Classical Antiquity | Introduction to Historiography | Medieval History (Economics and Society) | Medieval History (Politics and Culture) | Medieval History of Portugal | History of Medieval Islam | Modern History (Economics and Society) | Modern History (Politics and Culture) | History of the Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion | Contemporary History of Portugal | Contemporary History (Economics and Society) | Contemporary History (Politics and Culture) | History of Maritime and Colonial Empires (17th-20th Centuries) | Theory of History
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Genesis and Evolution of Humankind | Prehistory of Peasant Societies | History of Pre-Classical Antiquity | History of Classical Antiquity | Methods in History
Semester 2: Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatics | History of the Cultures of Pre-Classical Antiquity | History of the Cultures of Classical Antiquity | Introduction to Historiography | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 3: Medieval History (Economy and Society)| Medieval History (Politics and Culture) | Medieval History of Portugal | History of Medieval Islam | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 4: Modern History (Economy and Society) | Modern History (Politics and Culture) | Modern History of Portugal | History of the Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: Contemporary History (Economy and Society) | Contemporary History (Politics and Culture) | Contemporary History of Portugal | History of Maritime and Colonial Empires (17th-20th Centuries) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Theory of History | Seminar | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Dr. Nuno Simões Rodrigues
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Course code: 1506 9181
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 61
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 11 History
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in History, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 110, on June 8, 2010, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Art History
The BA in Art History is geared towards the understanding of historical and artistic objects, their study and preservation. It seeks to familiarize students with new paths of historical-artistic research, covering areas such as iconographic and iconological analysis, integrated heritage management, inventory of real estate and furniture, conservation and restoration, museum practice and the curatorship of art exhibitions, and the area of cultural tourism.
The BA in Art History offers a varied background that responds very flexibly to a rapidly changing job market. Art History graduates can work in activities as diverse as the management of artistic heritage, the inventory and safeguarding of heritage, the management of collections, art markets, cultural tourism, the production of cultural content, research or teaching.
Many Art History graduates continue to study, enrolling in MA and PhD programs in Arts and Humanities, such as the MA in Art History and Heritage, offered by the School of Arts and Humanities.
The BA consists of 25 required courses, including general courses in History (24 ECTS) and specific courses in Art History (126 ECTS); as well as of 5 Open Electives (30 ECTS), which allow for an individual path. Students may opt to take an internship in the last semester (as an alternative to two open elective courses).
Required Courses
History: Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatics | Medieval History of Portugal | Modern History of Portugal | Contemporary History of Portugal
Art History: Methodologies of Art History | Prehistoric Art | Preclassic Art | Classical Art | Introduction to Asian Arts | Iconography and Iconology | Introduction to Museology | Introduction to Heritage Sciences | Art of Late and Islamic Antiquity | Romanesque and Gothic Art | Romanesque and Gothic Art in Portugal | Renaissance and Mannerist Art | Renaissance and Mannerist Art in Portugal | Baroque and Rococo Art | Baroque and Rococo Art in Portugal | History and Theory of Restoration | Art from Neoclassicism to Post-Impressionism | Art from Neoclassicism to Naturalism in Portugal | Modernist to Contemporary Art| Modernist to Contemporary Art in Portugal | Theories of Art History
Open electives: To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Art History Methodologies | Prehistoric Art | Preclassic Art | Classical Art | Introduction to Asian Arts
Semester 2: Introduction to Palaeography and Diplomatics | Iconography and Iconology | Introduction to Museology | Introduction to Heritage Sciences | Late Antiquity and Islamic Art
Semester 3: Romanesque and Gothic Art | Romanesque and Gothic Art in Portugal | Medieval History of Portugal | Renaissance and Mannerist Art | Renaissance and Mannerist Art in Portugal
Semester 4: Modern History of Portugal Baroque and Rococo Art | Baroque and Rococo Art in Portugal | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 5: History and Theory of Restoration | Art from Neoclassicism to Post-Impressionism | Art from Neoclassicism to Naturalism in Portugal | Contemporary History of Portugal | Open Elective (6 ECTS)
Semester 6: Modernist to Contemporary Art | Modernist to Contemporary Art in Portugal | Theories of Art History | 2 Open Electives or Curricular Internship (12 ECTS)
Dr. Clara Maria Martins de Moura Soares
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Course code: 1506 9182
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 40
Required entrance exam (one of the following):
- 06 Philosophy
- 11 History
- 12 History of Culture and the Arts
- 18 Portuguese
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Art History, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 173, on September 7, 2018, in Portuguese) »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures focuses on the main European languages, literatures and cultures, and may also consider other languages, literatures and cultures from around the world, from antiquity to the present day.
The flexible structure of the BA allows students to build an individual path, which may include areas of concentration: Majors (10 closed-list electives) and Minors (5 closed-list electives); to build an entirely individual path by choosing 20 Open Electives (without Majors or Minors), combining courses from all subject areas of the School of Arts and Humanities.
The BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures promotes skills that respond very flexibly to the labor market, especially in multilingual and multicultural environments. Graduates work in areas such as translation, interpretating, international relations, culture industries, tourism industries or foreign language teaching.
Many graduates in Languages, Literatures and Cultures continue to study, enrolling in MA and PhD programs in ancient and modern foreign literatures, cultures and languages.
The BA consists of 10 required courses of a Core Curriculum (NUCO) and 20 electives (120 ECTS), which can be organized into Majors, Minors or into a fully individual path, without any Major or Minor.
The Core Curriculum consists of a core of required courses (NUCO) in the subject areas of Literatures, Cultures, Philosophy, History and Linguistics; it includes 3 levels of one foreign language, 3 introductory courses to the study of languages, literatures and cultures, and 4 courses to choose from a list of 15 closed-list electives.
Foreign language: three levels (18 ECTS) of: German, Spanish, French, English or Italian
Required Introductory courses: 3 courses (18 ECTS) The Study of Cultures | The Study of Human Language | The Study of Literature
Closed-list courses: 4 courses (24 ECTS), to choose from: Science and Art | Intercultural Communication | Classical Culture | Visual Culture | Text Editing | Key Univeral Texts | Language and Communication | The Study of Art | The Study of Philosophy | The Study of History | Writing and Argumentation Practice or Written Portuguese Production | Key Texts: Antiquity and the Middle Ages | Key Texts: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment | Key Texts: From Romanticism to the Present Time
NOTE: The courses in this list can also be attended as an elective, provided that they do not exceed 36 ECTS in total (6 courses).
Besides the courses in the Core Curriculum (NUCO), students are also required to obtain 60 ECTS credits from courses within the subject areas of Literature and/or Culture and/or Linguistics, as Major and/or Minor and/or Electives.
Students may also take (at least two levels of) up to four foreign languages as part of their curriculum, to choose from: German | Arabic | Catalan | Chinese | Korean | Spanish | French | Greek (Old) | Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | African Language | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian | Romanian | Turkish.
For more information on the courses and requirements of each Major and Minor of the BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, please refer to the PBA program Curriculum – Majors and Minors.
Dr. Filomena Viana Guarda
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Course code: 1506 9204
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 211
Required entrance exam:
- 18 Português
and one of the following:
- 01 German
- 05 Spanish
- 08 French
- 13 English
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 148, August 2, 2018, in Portuguese) »
- Guidelines for 1st YearStudents »
- List of Eligible Courses »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
Alberto Arruda Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Mafalda Leite Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ana Cristina Mendes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
André Simões Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ângela Correia Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Carlos Gouveia Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Catarina Gaspar Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Cecília Beecher Martins Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Celeste Rodrigues Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Cristina Sobral Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Gerd Hammer Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Hélio Alves Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Inocência Mata Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Isabel Almeida Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Joana Matos Frias Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
João Dionísio Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
José Duarte Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
José Maria Vieira Mendes Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Marta Pacheco Pinto Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Nuno Amado Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Patrícia Soares Martins Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Paula Horta Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ricardo Gil Soeiro Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Rita Patrício Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Sofia Frade Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
BA in Translation
The BA in Translation offers vocational training in translation into the mother tonge and into a foreign language, and develops skills applicable to diverse text types, including literary, scientific, technical and audiovisual texts as well as the command of computer assisted translation tools and technologies. It aims to meet a growing demand in the Portuguese and international markets, by developing linguistic and technical knowledge, as well as skills for intercultural mediation and critical reflection on translation.
Translation graduatesengage in several areas of interlinguistic and intercultural mediation. The strong practical component of the BA and the training in Portuguese and two foreign languages qualifies graduates to work in areas as diverse as translation (generalist, literary, technical and scientific, audiovisual and localization), revision, language teaching, consultancy, linguistic and cultural mediation and research.
Many Translation graduates choose to continue their studies, by enrolling in MA and PhD programs, either to continue their training in Translation or to study other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences, among others.
The BA consists of 23 required courses in the scientific areas of Translation, Culture, Linguistics and Literature of Foreign Languages and Portuguese Linguistics, 6 levels of a foreign language (A) and 4 levels of a second foreign language (B). It allows students to build an individual path by including 6 electives (5 closed-list electives and 1 open elective). Students may opt for an internship or a seminar (12 ECTS) in the last semester.
Required Courses: Translation Practice into Language A | Translation Practice from Language A | Translation Practice from Language B | Translation History and Theory | Computer Assisted Translation | Culture of Language A | Literature of Language A | Linguistics of Language A | Written Portuguese Production | Textual Analysis | Portuguese Difficulties | Introduction to Terminology | Curricular Internship or Seminar
Foreign Languages A (variable offer): 6 levels of a language to choose from German | Spanish | French | English
Foreign Languages B (variable offer): 6 levels of a language to choose from German | Catalan | Spanish | French | English | Italian | Romanian
Closed-list electives:
Group A
§ 3 courses to choose from Discourse Analysis | Intercultural Communication | Scientific Notions for Translators | Legal-Economic Notions for Translators | The Study of Cultures | The Study of Literature; and
Group B
§ 2 courses to choose from Translation Practice into Language B | Literary Translation Practice | Technical Translation Practice | Media Translation
Open Electives: 1 course (6 ECTS).
Foreign languages Students of the School of Arts and Humanities can also take (as part of the study plan or as extracurricular subjects): German| Arabic | Catalan| Chinese | Spanish | French | Greek (Ancient)| Hindi | English | Italian | Japanese | Latin | Armenian Language & Culture | Bulgarian Language & Culture | Czech Language & Culture | Croatian Language & Culture | Slovenian Language & Culture | Polish Language & Culture | Russian Language & Culture | Persian| Romanian | Turkish.
English C2 Specialized English Courses: English Academic Writing | English Creative Writing | English Mastery | English in the World of the Arts | English for Business | English for the Media
The subjects of Culture of Language A, Linguistics of Language A and Literature of Language A are generic designations. Student chooses courses from a list provided at the beginning of each year, which varies depending on the course offer of the School.
To check the list of more than 600 BA courses on offer within the subject areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Arts and Cultures, which students can attend as a Open Electives at the School of Arts and Humanities, check the schedules and course description pages.
Semester 1: Culture of Language A | Foreign Language A (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level) | Closed-list elective (Group A) | Written Portuguese Production
Semester 2: Textual Analysis | Foreign Language A (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level) | Literature of Language A | Closed-list elective (Group A)
Semester 3: Portuguese Difficulties | Foreign Language A (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level) | Computer Assisted Translation | Translation Practice from Language A
Semester 4: Foreign Language A (one level) | Foreign Language B (one level) | Linguistics of Language A | Translation Practice into Language A | Translation Practice from Language B
Semester 5: History and Theory of Translation | Introduction to Terminology | Foreign Language A (one level) | Closed-list elective (Group B) | Closed-list elective (Group A)
Semester 6: Foreign Language A (one level) | Closed-list elective (Group B) | Open Elective (6 ECTS) | Seminar or Internship
Dr. Guilhermina Jorge and Dr. Claudia J. Fischer
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Course code: 1506 9252
Admission Numbers (2022/2023): 58
Required entrance exams (two):
- 18 Portuguese
and one of the following:
- 01 German
- 05 Spanish
- 08 French
- 13 English
Minimum score: 95/200 points
Score of the last student admitted »
- By-laws of the BA in Translation, published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 222, on November 18, 2016 », in Portuguese) »
- List of eligible curricular units of Culture of Language A, Linguistics of Language A and Literature of Language A »
- Please refer to the program information leaflet »
There are various forms of admission to the BA degree programs of the School of Arts and Humanities. For further information, see the Applications page.
Academic Year
The academic year at the School of Arts and Humanities is organized in semesters with 14 weeks.
- Semester 1: September to December
- Semester 2: January to May
- Summer Semester: June and July (non-teaching activities)
The first weeks of September are dedicated to welcoming new students (1st year, 1st time) and students in international mobility. The welcome weeks include various activities such as guided tours of the School buildings and the University of Lisbon Alameda campus. They also provide support in the construction of an academic path (choice of courses for enrollment semesters 1 and 2) and a weekly schedule, and useful information to facilitate the students' academic and social life (accommodation, canteens, extra-curricular activities, sports, volunteering, etc.).
Workload – full-time and part-time
The workload of the study plans is calculated for a full-time university student. It is expressed in European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits, which correspond to the estimated working time. One ECTS credit corresponds to 25-28 hours of work. These working hours include contact hours (in-house or online classes), individual or collective tutorials or office hours as well as hours of autonomous study and work. Thus, it is possible to estimate the working time corresponding to each course (6 to 12 ECTS), semester (30 ECTS), and academic year (60 ECTS).
Students can opt for a full-time (60 ECTS/year) or part-time (up to 30 ECTS/year) enrollment. Students opting for parti-time enrollment benefit from a reduced annual tuition fee and a specific course duration rule. For further information on assessment, see the Student Assessment Regulations of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (RAE).
The Academic Year includes three holiday periods: Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. During the holidays, students may have to leave their university accommodation. A university student is expected to use part of this time for further reading, to consolidate knowledge, or to prepare for the following semester, or develop research autonomously.
Exam week - alternative final assessment
The School of Arts and Humanities follows the continuous assessment method. It is therefore expected that the student regularly contributes for the assessment. This involves active participation during classes or office hours, and the completion of all the planned elements of assessment (tests, exercises, oral and written assignments, oral presentations, among others).
Some students who fail the continuous assessment have a second chance to successfully complete a course by enrolling in the exams. The alternative final assessment period, or exam week, is scheduled in January for Semester 1 and in May for Semester 2.
- Petition to the Dean »
- Change of Enrollment in Course and Class »
- Cancelation of Enrollment in the Academic Year »
- Application for Special Status Assessment (Working Student, Mother/Father Students, Military Service, Temporary Occupation, High Performance Athlete, FLUL Volunteer, Student Union Leader, or other status provided by law) »
- Application for Accreditation of Courses »
- Enrollment for Final Grade Improvement »
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Full-Time or Part-Time Students
Students can opt for a full-time enrollment, attending c. 10 courses per year (60 ECTS/year); or they may opt for a part-time enrollment, attending 3-5 courses per year (up to 30 ECTS/year). The student enrolled part-time completes courses per year, thus has more time to complete the degree and pays reduced annual tuition fees.
For further information, please refer to the By-Laws of Part-Time Students of the University of Lisbon.
The workload of the curriculum is calculated for a full-time university student. It is expressed in European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits, which correspond to the estimated working time. Thus, it is possible to estimate the working time corresponding to each course (6 to 12 ECTS), semester (30 ECTS), and academic year (60 ECTS).
One ECTS credit corresponds to 25-28 hours of work. These working hours include contact hours (in-house or online classes), individual or collective tutorials or office hours as well as hours of autonomous study and work.
Annual Tuition Fees, Scholarships and funding
BA Annual Tuition Fees
Annual tuition fee (Full-Time Student): 697 Euros
Annual tuition fee (Part-Time Student): 453.05 Euros
Annual tuition fee (international student): 3 500 Euros
Students may choose to pay annual tuition fees in instalments. In their Fenix.Edu profile (Tab: View account), each student finds precise information about the amounts of monthly installments and due dates.
General Guidelines
All students are required to pay the annual tuition fees established in the Higher Education Financing Law ("Lei de Financiamento do Ensino Superior", Law No. 37/2003, of 22 August, as amended by Law No. 49/2005, of 30 August, in Portuguese).
All students are required to register by 31 December of each year (by paying overdue installments or the annual tuition fees in full).
The amount of the annual tuition fees is established every year by the General Council (Article 19 (2) paragraph (h) of the Statutes of the University of Lisbon).
For the academic year 2020-2021 the value established is 697 Euros for national students, and for nationals of a Member State of the European Union, and 3500 Euros for International Students.
The obligation to pay tuition fees only ceases upon approval of the petition for cancellation of enrollment in all the courses of the academic year in progress. Nevertheless, payment of any outstanding installments of the annual tuition fees remain due.
Scholarships and Funding
Students of the School of Arts and Humanities may apply for several scholarships offered by the School of Arts and Humanities, the University of Lisbon, the Portuguese Government and the City Councils of their Municipality of residence, among others. They can also use bank financing programs to support the payment of tuition fees.
- School of Arts and Humanities Scholarships - Solidarity Flul Program | Social Merit Scholarships
- University of Lisbon Scholarships - Merit Scholarships
- University of Lisbon Scholarships - University of Lisbon Program - Social Awareness
- University of Lisbon Scholarships - Social Merit
- Portuguese Government Scholarships
- City Council Scholarships
- Bank Financing
University of Lisbon Administration
The University of Lisbon offers its students a set of services and support structures for a full academic experience.
- University of Lisbon Stadium
- Medical Center
- Social Services
- Study Facilities
- Museums and Gardens
- University Halls of Residence
- Canteens