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International students who wish to apply to the bachelor's degree courses at the School of Arts and Humanities of Universidade de Lisboa have their own vacancies and access criteria, set annually.

The application call for International Students takes place under the provisions of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of March 10, which approved the International Student Statute (EEI), amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of August 6, and Dispatch no. 10579/2019, of November 18, which approved Universidade de Lisboa's International Student Admission and Access Regulations.


International Student Statute (in Portuguese) » (Summary in English) »

Universidade de Lisboa's International Student Admission Regulations »

ULisboa International Student's Page »


International Students Application Results (1st round) 2024/2025:

Selected Students (1st round) » 

Excluded Students (1st round) » 

International Students Application Results (2nd round) 2024/2025:

International Students Application Results (2nd round) 2024/2025 » 

Excluded Students (2nd round) » 

Calendar of Applications

Application Calendar for the academic year 2024/2025
1st round

Applications: from January 2nd to February 9th, 2024

Validation and selection of applications: until to March 4rh, 2024

Results announced: until March 7th, 2024

Registration: from March 11th to 22nd, 2024

Registration of reserve list: from March 25th to March 29th, 2024

Remaining vacancies: until April 1st, 2024

2nd round

Applications: from April 3rd to May 24th, 2024

Validation and selection of applications: until June 14th, 2024

Results announced: until June 21st, 2024

Enrollment: from June 24th to June 5th, 2024

Registration of reserve list: from 8th to 12th July 2024

Remaining vacancies: until July 15th, 2024

3rd round - more information soon



Application 2024/2025 - Call for International Students »


Undergraduate Degrees: Courses and Vacancies 2024/2025

The School of Arts and Humanities currently has 17 undergraduate degree programs, with a duration of 6 semesters/3 academic years.

Undergraduate Degree Courses (1st Cycle)
Vacancies available for the second round 2024/2025
Archeology 7
Arts and Humanities 12
Language Sciences 7
African Studies 4
Artistic Studies - Performing Arts 9
Asian Studies 5
Classical Studies 4
Comparative Studies 4
Culture and Intercultural Communication 10
European Studies 11
General Studies 12
Portuguese Studies 4
Philosophy 8
History  10
History of Art 10
Languages, Literatures and Cultures 19
Translation  12



The application process takes place exclusively online. To start your application you must register here.
Documents to be submitted with the application

a) Copy of the Passport or foreign Identity Card;

b) Declaration under oath that the candidate does not have Portuguese or other European Union nationality, nor is covered by any of the special conditions that, according to the International Student Statute, do not confer the International Student status (download the Declaration of Honor model);

c) Secondary education diploma or equivalent, or, if the academic qualification does not correspond to the Portuguese secondary education, a document proving that it allows, in the country where it was obtained, the access to higher education, duly validated by the competent entity of that country, indicating the grading scale in which it is expressed (e.g. in the case of Brazilian students, they must present the diploma of completion of secondary education);

d) A document proving the approval in the entrance examinations defined in Portugal for the cycle of studies/ degree to which you are applying (the entrance examinations must have been taken in the calendar year or in the 3 calendar years prior to the application), or documentation that allows proving that, during your schooling, you have passed the curricular components that integrate the knowledge covered by the entrance examinations defined in Portugal for the cycle of studies/ degree to which you are applying (ex: in the case of Brazilian students, they must submit the results of ENEM of the curent calendar year or in the 3 calendar years prior to the application).

e) Elementary Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Please note: students from Portuguese-speaking countries are not required to submit this diploma.

Please Note: Documents proving qualifications, whenever they have been issued by institutions from non-EU countries, must be legally recognized by a Portuguese consular agent or by the Hague Apostille in the country of origin of the documents. Whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, the documents must be translated into one of these languages by a certified translator.

Application and Admissions requirements

Access and Admission Requirements

Students that may apply and enroll in the 1st cycle of undergraduate studies at the School of Arts and Humanities:

a) are not of Portuguese or other European Union nationality, have not legally resided in Portugal for more than 2 years, and intend to enter a 1st cycle - Bachelor's Degree - course at the School of Arts and Humanities (Attention: in case you have two or more nationalities and one of them corresponds to the nationality of a Member State, including Portugal, you cannot apply!);

b) hold a qualification/diploma that, in the country where it was obtained, entitles them to apply and enter higher education in that country;

International students must also cumulatively demonstrate that they:

a) have an academic qualification in the areas of knowledge required for the study cycle to which the student is applying, under the terms defined in article 4 of Order no. 8295-B/2015 of 29 July;

b) have a Portuguese language level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

i) International applicants who do not possess the B1 level or a DEPLE (Elementary Diploma of Foreign Language) may apply provided they commit to attend an annual Portuguese Language and Culture course, or;

ii) take a Portuguese language and culture test to be held at the School of Arts and Humanities (first phase: first week of April; second phase: last week of June).

Applications are accepted from Brazilian students who have taken ENEM in the current calendar year or in the 3 calendar years prior to the application and who have a high school diploma.

Applications are also accepted from Chinese students who have completed high school and taken the Gaokao or Liankao in the curent calendar year or in the 3 calendar years prior to the application.

Seriation Criteria

Selection of applicants will be carried out taking into account the average obtained from:

a) 50% of the average in the 12th year of schooling or equivalent in the country of provenance (secondary or high school);

b) 50% of the average marks obtained in the specific tests required for access to the course the candidate intends to attend (rounded to the tenths) or in the equivalent tests held in the country of provenance (e.g. ENEM, Gaokao or Liankao);

The minimum selection mark for each study cycle is 100, on a scale of 100 to 200.

In the case of Brazilian students, the classification obtained in ENEM is considered in one of the following areas of knowledge: humanities and its technologies or languages, codes and their technologies, as well as the writing. It is mandatory to have at least 500 points in the area of knowledge relevant to the Degree Course the student is applying for and at least 550 points in the essay.

Fees and Charges

Fees and charges for undergraduate courses:

Application fee: EUR 60.00 (payable upon application)

Tuition/annual fee: EUR 3,500.00 (30% paid upon registration)

Registration fee (includes school insurance): EUR 20.00

Students can choose to pay tuition fees in instalments. In your Fenix.Edu profile (Tab: View account), each student will find precise information about monthly installment amounts and due dates.

International Payments

If you need to make an international bank transfer, please use the following bank details:

· IBAN: PT50 0035 0824 00005100330 69


You must send the transfer receipt along with the candidate number to the following e-mail addresses: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. and Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..


For more information about the Special Competition for Access and Admission to Higher Education for International Students:

Academic Services Unit - Graduate Studies (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)


Applications for Masters, Doctoral Degrees and Specialization Courses at FLUL

International student applications for graduate programs (MA, PhD and Specialization Courses) follow the same procedures, requirements and deadlines as national student applications.


For more information, please see:

Academic Calendar»

Applications to Master´s, Doctoral e Specialisation


Contact details:

Academic Services Unit - Postgraduate Studies (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)

Other useful links: