The PhD in Comparative Studies offers advanced 3rd cycle training in the field of Literature and Culture Studies - specialty of Comparative Studies, as well as in the fields of Translation and Art Studies - specialty of Interart Studies.
Since this is a PhD programme with 240 ECTS, students are expected to complete a dissertation by the end of their 4th year.
The first two years are devoted to advanced curricular training: year 1 consists of a set of 5 core seminars (languages of instruction are Portuguese and English), and students are also invited to undertake supervised preliminary research in collaboration with one research group of the Centre for Comparative Studies; year 2 is defined by supervised individual and methodological training. At the end of semester 4, all students are required to present and discuss their dissertation plan before a Qualification Board composed of the supervisor(s), an external evaluator and the course director.
The other two years constitute a period of research, thesis writing and integration in the scientific community, including some short international mobility. By the end of semester 8, students deliver their theses.
Official publication of the PhD study plan: Despacho n.º 10699/2017.
Specific rules of the PhD here
PhD students in Comparative Students are also "members in training" of FLUL's Centre for Comparative Studies. Therefore, they participate in the research dynamics of this Research Unit funded by FCT.
Between 2020/2021 and 2023/2024 the Centre for Comparative Studies offered 6 PhD research scholarships for students enrolled in the PhD in Comparative Studies.
Between 2015/2016 and 2019/2020, the PhD in Comparative Studies has been PhD-COMP - International FCT PhD Programme in Comparative Studies, a partnership between the University of Lisbon and the Universities of Bologna (Italy) and Leuven (Belgium). The PhD functioned as an FCT-funded programme, awarding a total of 25 scholarships.
All information on the PhD-COMP can be found here.
Applications are continuously open, but with the selection deadlines. Students who want to start the PhD in the second semester of the academic year 2024-25 must submit their applications until November 15th 2024.
If you wish to apply to the PhD in Comparative Studies, please contact beforehand the course director at: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
The application procedure is carried out exclusively online, through the Portal de Candidaturas
Course Director: Santiago Pérez Isasi (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)