
Ana Almeida (PhD '12, postdoctoral fellow 2012-15) is the writer Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida, Alumni Prize 2023, who authored several novels and essays, one of which has recently appeared in English.  She is assistant professor at New York University.  She was awarded the Oceanos Prize, 2018, and was  Writer in Residence at the Literaturhaus Zürich. Her personal page can be found here.

Nuno Amado (PhD '16), was a visiting assistant professor at the Catholic University and has returned in 2021 to the University of Lisbon and, in 2022, to the Program. More details here.
Maria Pacheco de Amorim (PhD '11) is a tenured high-school teacher of Portuguese at the São Tomás School.

David Antunes (PhD '03) is currently Dean in the School of Film and Drama at the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute.  He has published A Magnanimidade da Teoria (2009), based on his dissertation, and has also worked as a dramaturgist.

Alberto Arruda (PhD ‘16)  taught for a number of years at the São Tomás School and has returned in 2020 to the University of Lisbon and the Program as an assistant professor.  More details here.

Teresa Aica Bairos  (PhD '19) lives in Brussels and works as a translator for the European Commission.  Her translation of Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, which has been awarded the Imprensa Nacional/Vasco Graça Moura prize and was part of her dissertation, has recently been published.

Teresa Bartolomei (PhD '16) is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Catholic University, Lisbon, teaching and working on an international project on ecclesiality and citizenship.

Marana Borges (PhD '23) is the author of the novels Mobiliário para uma fuga em março (winner of the Minas Gerais Literary award) and Dentro de tudo, a noite, recently published.

Humberto Brito (PhD '07, postdoctoral fellow 2009-10, 2013-8) is now a tenured assistant professor at the New University, Lisbon, a Visiting Assistant Professor at New York University, as well as a photographer (his webpage is here).  He was a co-founder and the first editor of Forma de Vida, the Program journal (2013-2016).

French translation of Patrícia Cabral (PhD ´06,postdoctoral fellow 2006-10)'s dissertation has appeared in Peter Lang.

Alexandra Caetano  (PhD '11) is a tenured high-school teacher of Portuguese and Portuguese as a foreign language at the Gil Vicente School. She is considering returning to the Program on a post-doc project.

António Carlos (PhD '08) is a tenured high-school teacher of Portuguese and French at the Pedro Jacques de Magalhães School.

Henrique Carvalho (PhD '06) is a researcher at the Center for Classical Studies, at the University of Lisbon.

Sofia Carvalho (PhD '24) is the author of a number of essays and has curated a number of projects and exhibitions on literature, philosophy and the arts, namely on Teixeira de Pascoaes.

Tomás Castro (PhD '23) is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Classical Studies, University of Lisbon.   His dissertation has won the won the Francisco Vieira de Almeida Prize for philosophical essay, and will be published by the University of Lisbon Press.

Sebastião Belfort Cerqueira (PhD '18) published several books of poetry, has worked as a docker and as a seasonal pastry-seller, and is a translator.

Cristina Costa (PhD '24) is on the faculty at the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatory, Braga.

Ana Sofia Couto (PhD '11) teaches high-school Portuguese at the Estoril Salesianos School.

Jean Pierre De Roo (PhD '13, postdoctoral fellow 2013-17) is currently developing a project on race and nation in the Portuguese Empire (1825-1975) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

Sara Eckerson (PhD ’16) is a visiting assistant professor as well as a researcher at the Centre for Communication and Culture, at the Catholic University.  She has recently published an article on Handel and Milton in the Yale Journal of Music and Religion, and an article on Beethoven in the Manchester Beethoven Studies.

Rui Estrada (PhD '01, postdoctoral fellow 2005-06) is a professor at the School of Human Sciences, Fernando Pessoa University, Oporto.  His fourth, and latest, book was On Rorty and Other Ethical Issues.

Ângela Fernandes (PhD '09) is associate professor and chair of the PhD Program in Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon.  More details here.

Ana M. Ferraria (PhD '16) is a member of the Estranging Pessoa project and is a contributor to Forma de Vida.  An essay of hers in connection with her dissertation has recently appeared in Desassossego.

Pedro Tiago Ferreira (PhD '17) is now beginning a second doctorate in Ethics and Democracy at the University of Lisbon. He is thinking about pursuing a postdoctoral project on law as described by literary works.

João Figueiredo (PhD '06) has taught in the Program since 2006.   More details here.

Cristina Firmino (PhD '03) is now a tenured assistant professor in the Linguistics and Literature Department, at the University of Évora.

Claudia Fischer (PhD '07) is an assistant professor in the German Department and a researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon. More details here.

Rita Furtado (PhD '22) is a professional translator and a Joyce scholar.

Teresa Gonçalves (PhD '13)'s dissertation has appeared as a book: Fakes in Art.

Virgínia Graça (PhD '03) after a career as high-school and then college teacher has recently retired.

Raimundo Henriques (PhD '22) taught philosophy for a brief period and is now a programmer at the SINE foundation.  A book based on his dissertation will come out soon in the UK.

Daniel Jonas  (PhD '24) teaches at Universidade Lusófona, Porto.  He is the author of ten books of poetry, and has translated, among others, Shakespeare, Eliot, Milton, Chaucer, and Wordsworth.  He was the recipient of many prizes and awards, among which the Inês de Castro Foundation Award, the Poetru Prize of the Portuguese Writers' Society and the Portuguese PEN Club Poetry Award, as well as the Portuguese Translators' Association Award.

A book based on Philipp Kampschroer's  dissertation (PhD '23) will soon appear at Imprensa Nacional/Casa da Moeda.

Pedro Madeira (PhD'21)  is a researcher at the English Studies Center, University of Lisbon, and a translator.  He was a lecturer at the University of Coruña.

Ana Matoso (PhD '12) is a visiting Assistant Professor at the Catholic University, Lisbon.

Joana Meirim (PhD '14) is now Assistant Professor at the New University, Lisbon (and also a researcher at the Catholic University). She has edited a collection of essays on Alexandre O'Neill and a collection of O'Neill interviews. A book based on her dissertation has been awarded the INCM/Vasco Graça Moura Prize for Best Essay in the Humanities (2022) was recently published by Imprensa Nacional as Uma carta à posteridade.  Jorge de Sena e Alexandre O'Neill.

José Maria Vieira Mendes (PhD '16) has returned in 2021 to the University of Lisbon and, in 2022, to the Program.  More details here.

Maria Sequeira Mendes (PhD '12) has returned to the the University of Lisbon and Program in 2017. More details here.

Viktor Mendes (PhD '98) is an associate professor in the Department of Portuguese at the University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth), where he is also Director of the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture.  He co-founded and was the first editor of Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies.

Joana Corrêa Monteiro (PhD'16) has returned to our School as a researcher in SHARE - Health and Humanities Network, and is a visiting assistant professor of Ethics at the Nova School of Business and Economics (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)..

Inês Morais (PhD '09)  has published the paper "Interpretação Literária e Intenção" [Literary Interpretation and Intention] (2006) and several reviews on aesthetics and the philosophy of literature in Disputatio and Forma de Vida. Her book Aesthetic Realism has been published in 2019 by Palgrave Macmillan. 

Ricardo Namora (PhD ’09) was a lecturer at the University of Stockholm, and is a researcher at the Center for Portuguese Literature, as well as a visiting professor in the Materialities of Literature doctoral program at the University of Coimbra.  Has published four books, the latest of which was Uma coisa chamada hermenêutica ([A Thing Called Hermeneutics], 2018).

Bernardo Palmeirim (PhD '14) has returned to the University of Lisbon where he is now assistant professor in the English Department.  He is also a musician and a member of Nome Comum.

Frederico Pedreira (PhD '16, postdoctoral fellow 2019-21), is a poet, a novelist, an essayist and a translator. A book based on his dissertation has been awarded the INCM/Vasco Graça Moura Prize for Best Essay in the Humanities.   His first novel A Lição do sonâmbulo (The Sleepwalker Lesson)  has won the European Union Prize for Literature 2021, and the Eça de Queiroz Foundation Literary Award. He is also the author of Um virar de costas sedutor [Alluring Indifference], an essay written during his postdoc residence in the Program,.  His second novel, Sonata para surdos [A Sonata for the Deaf], has recently appeared.
Conceição Pereira (PhD '07) is the director of the Portuguese Language Centre at Newcastle University.   She is a researcher in the Center for Lusophone Literatures and Cultures at the University of Lisbon, where she also is a member of the Portuguese Teaching M.A. program.
Cecília Rego Pinheiro (PhD '03) works as a free-lance translator and has published translations of  Yeats, Cummings, Dickinson, Dorothy Parker and Nancy Mitford.  She has recently edited a volume of Vitorino Nemésio's letters.


José Nunes da Rocha (PhD '08) is a widely-published poet.  His latest book is Colóquio dos simples. He works as a high-school teacher.

An essay by Alda Rodrigues (PhD '15) has appeared in Philosophy and Museums: Ethics, Aesthetics and Ontology (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, Cambridge University Press, 2016). She has translated, among others, Rudyard Kipling, George Orwell, Julian Barnes, and Jane Austen.  She blogs at Cinéfilo Preguiçoso.

Telmo Rodrigues (PhD '15) has taught at the College of North Aveiro, University of Aveiro.  He has been since 2016 the editor of our journal, Forma de Vida.  

Susana Rosa (PhD '10)'s  dissertation has appeared at the Gulbenkian Foundation Press.

Ana Cláudia Santos (PhD ’15) is a writer and translator.  She has worked for the University of Lisbon Press and taught Portuguese at the University of Pisa.   She has translated, among others, works by Giambattista Vico, Carlo Collodi, Sergio Solmi, Italo Svevo, Carlo Levi, Fleur Jaeggy and Alba de Céspedes. She is the author A Morsa – Contos de Inocência e de Violência [The Walrus -- Tales of Innocence and Violence].

Isaac Sassoon (PhD ’07) teaches at the Institute of Traditional Judaism, in New York.   Cambridge University Press have published in 2011 The Status of Women in Jewish Tradition, based on his Program dissertation and, in 2017, Conflicting Attitudes to Conversion in Judaism, Past and Present.

Pedro Tiago Serras (PhD '12, postdoctoral fellow 2013-14) has recently started a company.

Ana Isabel Soares (PhD '03, postdoctoral fellow 2007-10) is an associate professor at the University of Algarve, as well as a founding member and former president (2010-14) of AIM - Associação Portuguesa de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento.  She has translated into Portuguese, with Merja de Mattos-Parreira, the Finnish epic Kalevala.   Her translations of four books by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht have appeared in Brazil.

Elisabete Sousa (PhD '06, postdoctoral fellow 2010-11) is a researcher in the Philosophy Center at the University of Lisbon.  She is the author of Formas de Arte: a prática crítica de Berlioz, Kierkegaard, Liszt e Schumann (2008). She has translated a number of works by Kierkegaard.

Jorge Uribe (PhD '14) after a stint as a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, is now in the faculty of the Humanities Department at the EAFIT University, Colombia.  He remains a member of the Estranging Pessoa project. Two books of his have recently appeared:  Obra Completa de Ricardo Reis (with Jeronimo Pizarro) and O planeamento editorial de Fernando Pessoa (with Pedro Sepúlveda).

João Pedro Vala (PhD '21) after his well-received first novel, his second novel has just appeared.  He works as a translator and is involved in a number of other projects.